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Soulbeast PvP build [THE BEAST] Video


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How do you feel your damage is? I like what you're going for with this build, but do you feel you have enough pressure? I would find it hard to do without something like longbow in sPvP, especially against classes like Spellbreaker and Scourge. It's hard for me to do without the ranged pressure. How do you fare against most classes? And against condi pressure? Do you feel like beyond Survival skills/Second Skin, the high dodge uptime helps with that? I tried a Strider's Defense build, but I usually am on the defensive when I have sword equipped, so I never really felt the full potential of the quickness. I'd love to see a video as well.


Also, I don't think Griffon Stance stacks with Vigor. Could be wrong with that.

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> @Pterikdactyl.7630 said:

> I tried a Strider's Defense build, but I usually am on the defensive when I have sword equipped, so I never really felt the full potential of the quickness. I'd love to see a video as well.


Cant speak for OP, but I've been trying to combo strider's defence (and the other quickness sources) with Essence of speed to increase my defensive boons (resistance/vigor/protection/etc) from group buffs, durability runes, sword evades, and companions defence dodge rolls. So its actually helping your defence as well as on your attack.


Jury is still out though on whether essence of speed is helping that much compared to say second skin.



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> @Pterikdactyl.7630 said:

> How do you feel your damage is? I like what you're going for with this build, but do you feel you have enough pressure? I would find it hard to do without something like longbow in sPvP, especially against classes like Spellbreaker and Scourge. It's hard for me to do without the ranged pressure. How do you fare against most classes? And against condi pressure? Do you feel like beyond Survival skills/Second Skin, the high dodge uptime helps with that? I tried a Strider's Defense build, but I usually am on the defensive when I have sword equipped, so I never really felt the full potential of the quickness. I'd love to see a video as well.


> Also, I don't think Griffon Stance stacks with Vigor. Could be wrong with that.


Damage is great and the pressure is very real. Smoke scale is such an amazing pet because of smoke assault. It is not going to be the big hits like using great sword, it is a lot of hits very quickly that do it, along with so much dodging if you know the classes you are fighting you dodge the major attacks and really only become worried in 3 vs 1 situations on which I tend to turn on the unflinching and quickening zephyr but I still get chased across the map from time to time though halfway through I will just turn around and start duking it out. Condition pressure is a non issue because of of wilderness knowledge and second skin traits the only conditions that worry me are cripple as my swiftness is not permanent and smoke assault is the only gap closer unless I feel the need to waste utility which is very risky. As for griffon stance, you dodge so many attacks you build up might quickly and it gives an initial chunk of endurance back to you which can turn situations in your favor. Still recording games trying to get myself into intense situations to really showcase the build, but it should be coming this weekend.

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> @extremexhero.9178 said:

> > @Pterikdactyl.7630 said:

> > How do you feel your damage is? I like what you're going for with this build, but do you feel you have enough pressure? I would find it hard to do without something like longbow in sPvP, especially against classes like Spellbreaker and Scourge. It's hard for me to do without the ranged pressure. How do you fare against most classes? And against condi pressure? Do you feel like beyond Survival skills/Second Skin, the high dodge uptime helps with that? I tried a Strider's Defense build, but I usually am on the defensive when I have sword equipped, so I never really felt the full potential of the quickness. I'd love to see a video as well.

> >

> > Also, I don't think Griffon Stance stacks with Vigor. Could be wrong with that.


> Damage is great and the pressure is very real. Smoke scale is such an amazing pet because of smoke assault. It is not going to be the big hits like using great sword, it is a lot of hits very quickly that do it, along with so much dodging if you know the classes you are fighting you dodge the major attacks and really only become worried in 3 vs 1 situations on which I tend to turn on the unflinching and quickening zephyr but I still get chased across the map from time to time though halfway through I will just turn around and start duking it out. Condition pressure is a non issue because of of wilderness knowledge and second skin traits the only conditions that worry me are cripple as my swiftness is not permanent and smoke assault is the only gap closer unless I feel the need to waste utility which is very risky. As for griffon stance, you dodge so many attacks you build up might quickly and it gives an initial chunk of endurance back to you which can turn situations in your favor. Still recording games trying to get myself into intense situations to really showcase the build, but it should be coming this weekend.


Thanks for the response. I am giving Skirmishing another go in place of Beastmastery and have been loving it. Strider's Defense is fantastic (so much Quickness with Quickening Zephyr and Runes of Leadership), but I have been taking Quickdraw over Vicious Quarry. The additional damage I'm sure is nice from VQ but I love the CD reduction that Quickdraw brings. A double LB 2 or 4 is brutal, and even using Quickdraw on Sword 2 refreshes it almost instantly after using Monarch's Leap, so it is an even greater disengage skill. Here's what I have been running currently, I seem to have a lot of success with it. Also, I agree about the Smokescale. Smoke Assault, despite its kinda wimpy damage when melded, is such a fun and useful skill.




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> @terrorshard.3854 said:

> Can't be straight melee right now, you can't fight a scourge at all. There is always way too many reflects to bring LB. I've shelved ranger for now.


There are a lot of reflects and blocks but Soulbeast does allow an unblockable attack. More Beastmode management but it does work when rotated through.

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  • 2 weeks later...

> @shadowpass.4236 said:

> I appreciate you making videos mate, but the build you're running is kinda strange...


> What's your rating?


Don't have a rating yet as I had started ranked the day after season ended, until then I was still getting back into pvp since I haven't played in about 2 years. What is strange about the build? I thought I found good synergy :)

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> @extremexhero.9178 said:

> > @shadowpass.4236 said:

> > I appreciate you making videos mate, but the build you're running is kinda strange...

> >

> > What's your rating?


> Don't have a rating yet as I had started ranked the day after season ended, until then I was still getting back into pvp since I haven't played in about 2 years. What is strange about the build? I thought I found good synergy :)


**I'm trying not to sound condescending or anything so I apologize if it comes off that way. Here's why I would consider it strange:**


1. We have a weapon swap for a reason, running two of the same weapon will generally put you in what people call "cooldown hell," where you simply don't have enough weapon skills to be doing something other than auto attacking. You will find yourself unable to apply significant pressure or defend yourself adequately as a result.


2. This build is strictly melee. It will struggle against classes that punish you heavily by staying too close, such as Scourge, Spellbreaker, and Mirage. However, I'd be willing to say that any of the meta builds in the hands of a competent player will most likely end in a blowout. The meta builds have consistent high damage pressure, cc, defense, and mobility. All of which your build seems to struggle against from the looks of it.


3. You don't have enough health to survive in the condi meta. A mirage bursting 18 stacks of confusion along with burning and a ton of cover condis will melt your 16k health pool unless you blow all of your minimal amounts of condi clear to get rid of them. But then you don't have anything else to clear them once they do it again in 12 seconds.


4. There are several things you can do right off the bat to "optimize" the choices you've made, yet I still don't believe the setup you have currently is viable at all against players who know what they're doing. I _could_ give you a good alternative if you'd like. The playstyle is quite different as it adds another weapon into the mix but you'll be a lot better off because of it.



If you're on NA, I'd gladly help you learn and improve your gameplay. I'd consider myself to be one of the most experienced rangers in the game, so I could probably teach you a thing or two (or more :)) if you're willing. I also wholeheartedly support you making videos, so this could help you in that aspect as well.


In the meantime, try this build out:


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