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What a joke


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It is unbelievable, how they picked an area within nerco that wasn't a major problem and turn it into trash. Not worth the trashy trait we got out of this as that only works in WvW blob lol.


Completely trashed nerco for me and we have 3 months of it.


I had hopes and even defended but this just killed what is left.


I've really lost interest putting anymore time into this, I've been playing this since early start lol.

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> @"wolfyrik.2017" said:

> I mean, was VampRit really OP cheese in WvW?


No openly available WvW build is using more than one Well (corruption), and none of them used the Vampiric Rituals over the other two traits... It was used very niche-ly. The protection was meh in blobs because Scourge used to exist. The sustain gained from the trait was peanuts compared to the nonsense that a guard/FB can do... It wasn't a very strong trait...

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> @"Mini Crinny.6190" said:

> > @"wolfyrik.2017" said:

> > I mean, was VampRit really OP cheese in WvW?


> Nope, It was probably changed to Buff Necros with Well CD reduction as baseline and add in their eyes a more supportive trait in PvE, perhaps in next balance patch they will update it or make it better

It was changed for the same reason the signet trait was shifted from gm to master tier.


Traits that do only buff one utility skill category should not be gm traits, because gm traits are meant to have a huge impact on your build and limiting their effect to only a handful of utility skills, limits gm trait choices for everyone who does not want to improve or even use that skill category.


In contrast to the playerbase anet might be pretty happy now. Reasons:

- buffed the impact of wells in PvE and increased the reaper dps

- reworked well of darkness to a very pick worthy well for all game modes

- added a new gm trait that is not in the state, where it should be, but can potentially be buffed


And indeed there is only one patch specific issue I have at this point: blood bank is currently trash.


Everything else is just my usual incomprehension about how insufficient the individual balance patches are executed. This is not the worst patch necro has ever seen, but it leaves necro behind in a work in progress state, which is bad for everyone who wants to play the game now and not in a few months, when they fixed blood bank and the now clearly underpowered scourge shades.

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> @"KrHome.1920" said:

> > @"Mini Crinny.6190" said:

> > > @"wolfyrik.2017" said:

> > > I mean, was VampRit really OP cheese in WvW?

> >

> > Nope, It was probably changed to Buff Necros with Well CD reduction as baseline and add in their eyes a more supportive trait in PvE, perhaps in next balance patch they will update it or make it better

> It was changed for the same reason the signet trait was shifted from gm to master tier.


> Traits that do only buff one utility skill category should not be gm traits, because gm traits are meant to have a huge impact on your build and limiting their effect to only a handful of utility skills, limits gm trait choices for everyone who does not want to improve or even use that skill category.


> In contrast to the playerbase anet might be pretty happy now. Reasons:

> - buffed the impact of wells in PvE and increased the reaper dps

> - reworked well of darkness to a very pick worthy well for all game modes

> - added a new gm trait that is not in the state, where it should be, but can potentially be buffed


> And indeed there is only one patch specific issue I have at this point: blood bank is currently trash.


> Everything else is just my usual incomprehension about how insufficient the individual balance patches are executed. This is not the worst patch necro has ever seen, but it leaves necro behind in a work in progress state, which is bad for everyone who wants to play the game now and not in a few months, when they fixed blood bank and the now clearly underpowered scourge shades.


SOS was pretty good before though. They changed it because they wanted to nerf signets. The trait would surely not be worth the pick afterward. The nerfed signets and nerfed the SOS trait a ton and then moved it down. It was a very solid pick as it was. SOS would have been better off in the BM line since a long time ago really. Necro received so many nerfs out of this last patch that it's ridiculous.


They should have moved SoS trait to the Blood Magic line where VampRits

was and moved VR to the Spite line, removed the life steal and change the name a bit. If they wanted to make it grandmaster tier they could add fury or quickness or whatever effect to it. Otherwise, I'd prefer they move it to master tier to replace Awaken the Pain. Awaken the Pain would be moved to the Grandmaster slot with the added effect 'Vulnerability is also 50% more effective' like Targeted Destruction(ie. 1.5% per stack;a 12.5% increase at max stacks).

This would have been much simpler and slightly nerfed what they wanted to nerf as well as a solid buff to what they wanted buffed ALL WITHOUT RUINING ANYTHING. Core Necro would take a good shave to sustain (especially to shroud;the shroud decay rate nerf wouldn't be needed) while leaving the more selfish damage/sustain aspect for signets. Reaper would receive a good damage buff for PvE/PvP while losing a tiny bit of sustain while also wrangling wells in a bit in WvW (Spite line;less aoe spam). This would have been a solid way to handle the situation w/o killing any builds and even improving some build synergy options.


*Revert all changes to Signets. They're terrible changes and now the trait is a GM again.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Puplic - Core nerco is too tankish and rewards people for low effect.


Anet - Randomly trashes the full set of signet and removes the decent mechanics options from wells (that forces nercos to take blood line for the benefits which reduce their damage output) with shorter cooldown knowing full well it will caurse issues in WvW with scourge returning its original mechanic. Oh we got a trashy trait which only works in WvW (To replace a trait that had it uses in both modes Pve and PVP).


Anet - Moments after they completely trashes wells and deletes scourge ( scourge sucks in PvE already ).


Anet - Living story, why not trash nerco even more along with it instead of looking into our mistake on trashing part of nerco that didnt need touching at the first place. No one in PvP or WvW is complaining about it but completely ignores the other issues that people are complaining about.

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> @"Pregnantman.8259" said:

> They nerfed signet of locust lul


Yeah. Cause that 1500 heal per foe struck + 645 per boon removed - IF IT WASN"T BLOCKED - was so OP What a stupid "nerf". By the way, did ANYONE run Signet of the Locust in WvW? I certainly never did except as a larf.

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> @"misterman.1530" said:

> > @"Pregnantman.8259" said:

> > They nerfed signet of locust lul


> Yeah. Cause that 1500 heal per foe struck + 645 per boon removed - IF IT WASN"T BLOCKED - was so OP What a stupid "nerf". By the way, did ANYONE run Signet of the Locust in WvW? I certainly never did except as a larf.


Its mainly used for roamers/havoc groups who aren't running blood magic, or the 25% speed runes...

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> @"misterman.1530" said:

> > @"Pregnantman.8259" said:

> > They nerfed signet of locust lul


> Yeah. Cause that 1500 heal per foe struck + 645 per boon removed - IF IT WASN"T BLOCKED - was so OP What a stupid "nerf". By the way, did ANYONE run Signet of the Locust in WvW? I certainly never did except as a larf.


Yeah the heal was potentially bonkers, but what gets me is first buffing the skill and then nerfing it on a LS patch. Its kinda similar to what they did with wells.

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