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I am not having fun


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prob multiple threads like this since pof hit, but I feel like venting. Started this game a couple months ago, had alot of fun and enjoyed pvp. Then PoF hit and I now barely log on. Scourge is not fun to play against and there are always multiple of them with their insane dmg insane aoe. Spellbreakers tanking 1vx while dishing out great dmg and then winning? just dodge dude, it will only take him 8 sec for a new one.... thats totally fine apparently. Burn guardians killing u fast and easy.... fun... DH traps doing 80% of ur health in seconds and u cant exactly dodge it unless hes super obvious about it.... fun. Bunker firebrands occupying the cap area against multiple people... fun. Thiefs taking u down in seconds? well thats fine apparently, its not like they have great mobility as well...


PoF came and I feel forced to play specific specs/classes to even have a chance. NOT FUN.


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> @rurreres.3214 said:

> prob multiple threads like this since pof hit, but I feel like venting. Started this game a couple months ago, had alot of fun and enjoyed pvp. Then PoF hit and I now barely log on. Scourge is not fun to play against and there are always multiple of them with their insane dmg insane aoe. Spellbreakers tanking 1vx while dishing out great dmg and then winning? just dodge dude, it will only take him 8 sec for a new one.... thats totally fine apparently. Burn guardians killing u fast and easy.... fun... DH traps doing 80% of ur health in seconds and u cant exactly dodge it unless hes super obvious about it.... fun. Bunker firebrands occupying the cap area against multiple people... fun. Thiefs taking u down in seconds? well thats fine apparently, its not like they have great mobility as well...


> PoF came and I feel forced to play specific specs/classes to even have a chance. NOT FUN.



-another new player-


yeah everything you said is right on the spot. The only solution i and many former guild wars 2 players proposed is for Anet to hire new design teams with new developers in closing... to redo all the classes from the ground up.


Step further would be to redo the entire game like what other companies did including Square Enxix: Final Fantasy 14.


until than, guild wars 2 will continue to remain in the grave with toxicity engrave in it.


For it is toxicity is the game environment Anet want for pvp+wvw


And they're increasing the toxicity with each patch after patches


-Hard Truth-- Pvp+wWvW are buried deep in the grave and will remain there until than

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> @rurreres.3214 said:

> prob multiple threads like this since pof hit, but I feel like venting. Started this game a couple months ago, had alot of fun and enjoyed pvp. Then PoF hit and I now barely log on. Scourge is not fun to play against and there are always multiple of them with their insane dmg insane aoe. Spellbreakers tanking 1vx while dishing out great dmg and then winning? just dodge dude, it will only take him 8 sec for a new one.... thats totally fine apparently. Burn guardians killing u fast and easy.... fun... DH traps doing 80% of ur health in seconds and u cant exactly dodge it unless hes super obvious about it.... fun. Bunker firebrands occupying the cap area against multiple people... fun. Thiefs taking u down in seconds? well thats fine apparently, its not like they have great mobility as well...


> PoF came and I feel forced to play specific specs/classes to even have a chance. NOT FUN.



This is for the most part true. It's also one of the main reasons, I rarely log on to the game these days. Let alone put in more than 20 mins of gameplay. I currently playing another MMO alongside a dedicated PvP title.


Honestly with each passing day. It gets harder and harder to log into GW2. As a PvP oriented player, GW2 no longer is, nor care to fulfill my needs. At least I won't loss progress in GW2 if I come back to it in 6 or more months. Currently instead of spending the usual $50 to $200 on gems per a month in GW2. I'm currently spending it on another game company, with subs and crown store items.

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Well you should be glad you didn’t play the game before HoT and specialization patch.... it was my favorite pvp game, the gameplay was clean and fun, and dodge, blind or block a skill did really matter.... now there is too much spam of everything... too much cc, too much stability, too much condi spam, too much cleasing spam, too much power burst spam, too much heals, too much block, too much evades TOO MUCH....


Take any skill in game and read the description... It does just too much things, with too much interaction with traits.


Could be my opinion but a pvp game to be fun should be “simple” and clean like Gw2 was before in the past without expansions.. when dodge a crucial skill or land a burst in the right moment did really matter, not like now that you have 10k evades and a burst skill ready every second... same for condies, cc, cleans etc etc

Actually for me this game is not fun anymore honestly.... and there is not any balance patch that could fix it for me.


I already left play pvp, I just log sometime to do some raids... but honestly I log maybe one day then I don’t log back for a week...

And can’t see me come back... probably only if they make pvp matches with only core spec, but can’t happens since not enough players to split pvp even more

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What's interesting is there are people who play pvp at the moment who do not have these problems. Scourge/spellbreaker issues aside (both took nerfs via bugfix as expected), this season wasn't terrible at all. The meta shifted with the release of PoF. Is that what scared people?


Burn guards got you because you weren't used to them. Thieves always could hit that hard, now they can do it from a little range while being useless to their original roles. Traps... really we're still complaining about DH traps? I can't believe that.

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> @Bezerker.2379 said:

> What's interesting is there are people who play pvp at the moment who do not have these problems. Scourge/spellbreaker issues aside (both took nerfs via bugfix as expected), this season wasn't terrible at all. The meta shifted with the release of PoF. Is that what scared people?


> Burn guards got you because you weren't used to them. Thieves always could hit that hard, now they can do it from a little range while being useless to their original roles. Traps... really we're still complaining about DH traps? I can't believe that.


Yeah I agree and scourge isnt that great if you have someone with good ranged damage (hint hint DE).

I think the only real problem is SB right now and it has more to do with core warrior and that full counter triggers from every random damage / pet.


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The balance has never been this bad. I think this reflects most peoples feelings towards fun in pvp. It just isn't. Necro is by far the most broken thing in pvp ever in GW2 history and I haven't played pvp in weeks because of just how bad matches are. This is coming from someone who consistently played over 12k games throughout the last 5 yrs.

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Yup, balance is a nightmare in my opinion. The gap between bad builds and meta builds is massive, and only a few classes can truly compete. I really hope for some good news in the form of a balance patch before the next season.


As strange as this is, build templates come to mind during all this. When at least you could easily swap builds to counter the enemy team without worrying about making some silly mistake. (like equipping the wrong weapons/utilities or running out of time to finish speccing)

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I'm just a newbie playing the everyday unranked games and praying I don't get AFK'ers or 'I wouldn't know an objective if it one-shot me' types, so I can't contribute much as I'm sure any valuable feedback on this topic would be coming from some kind of 'ranked' perspective


Still, I've met many of these Necros and they're certainly a pain. Don't mind the spellbreakers that much (met quite a few thus far and my non-elite custom build has been winning 70-30, though that could be down to all of us being scrubs for all I know). They're certainly annoying, much like any high-damage tank would be. The best you can do is post wholesome feedback and pray it gets heard. Rants or flames never do, however, so as tempting as it may be to chew the developers a new holio or give a 'fix or quit' speech, it's best to avoid it.

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PoF has the worst balance yet because GW2 is a game so shallow that it had 4 too many professions and dozens too many skills even at launch. Instead of addressing the lack of class roles, they just added more numerical powercreep, which just created more bloat by virtue of the core elements that were left behind.


2tanic either gets the Realm Reborn treatment, or it sinks in its own waste.

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> @Bezerker.2379 said:

> What's interesting is there are people who play pvp at the moment who do not have these problems. Scourge/spellbreaker issues aside (both took nerfs via bugfix as expected), this season wasn't terrible at all. The meta shifted with the release of PoF. Is that what scared people?


> Burn guards got you because you weren't used to them. Thieves always could hit that hard, now they can do it from a little range while being useless to their original roles. Traps... really we're still complaining about DH traps? I can't believe that.


The voice of reason.

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> @Loboling.5293 said:

> Yup, balance is a nightmare in my opinion. The gap between bad builds and meta builds is massive, and only a few classes can truly compete. I really hope for some good news in the form of a balance patch before the next season.


> As strange as this is, build templates come to mind during all this. When at least you could easily swap builds to counter the enemy team without worrying about making some silly mistake. (like equipping the wrong weapons/utilities or running out of time to finish speccing)


I run a non meta non sb warrior build. I dont even use heal sig. I kill.


Last season I ran a, sit down for this, warrior support build. Condi cleanse and group heal every second. People called me a hacker and reported me.


Balance us a pipedream. No matter what balance comes, SOMEBODY will get rekt by the unexpected and qq.


People legit got mad at me because they WRONGLY assumed my gend- I mean build. And then I kill them.




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> @"Omar Aschi Popp.7496" said:

> > @Loboling.5293 said:

> > Yup, balance is a nightmare in my opinion. The gap between bad builds and meta builds is massive, and only a few classes can truly compete. I really hope for some good news in the form of a balance patch before the next season.

> >

> > As strange as this is, build templates come to mind during all this. When at least you could easily swap builds to counter the enemy team without worrying about making some silly mistake. (like equipping the wrong weapons/utilities or running out of time to finish speccing)


> I run a non meta non sb warrior build. I dont even use heal sig. I kill.


> Last season I ran a, sit down for this, warrior support build. Condi cleanse and group heal every second. People called me a hacker and reported me.


> Balance us a pipedream. No matter what balance comes, SOMEBODY will get rekt by the unexpected and qq.


> People legit got mad at me because they WRONGLY assumed my gend- I mean build. And then I kill them.






Fun is ppl start say 'you are a haker i report you' they dont think you are using a differenti build

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> @"Omar Aschi Popp.7496" said:

> > @Loboling.5293 said:

> > Yup, balance is a nightmare in my opinion. The gap between bad builds and meta builds is massive, and only a few classes can truly compete. I really hope for some good news in the form of a balance patch before the next season.

> >

> > As strange as this is, build templates come to mind during all this. When at least you could easily swap builds to counter the enemy team without worrying about making some silly mistake. (like equipping the wrong weapons/utilities or running out of time to finish speccing)


> I run a non meta non sb warrior build. I dont even use heal sig. I kill.


> Last season I ran a, sit down for this, warrior support build. Condi cleanse and group heal every second. People called me a hacker and reported me.


> Balance us a pipedream. No matter what balance comes, SOMEBODY will get rekt by the unexpected and qq.


> People legit got mad at me because they WRONGLY assumed my gend- I mean build. And then I kill them.





No offense, but do you play in NA bronze or silver?

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> @NotASmurf.1725 said:

> > @"Omar Aschi Popp.7496" said:

> > > @Loboling.5293 said:

> > > Yup, balance is a nightmare in my opinion. The gap between bad builds and meta builds is massive, and only a few classes can truly compete. I really hope for some good news in the form of a balance patch before the next season.

> > >

> > > As strange as this is, build templates come to mind during all this. When at least you could easily swap builds to counter the enemy team without worrying about making some silly mistake. (like equipping the wrong weapons/utilities or running out of time to finish speccing)

> >

> > I run a non meta non sb warrior build. I dont even use heal sig. I kill.

> >

> > Last season I ran a, sit down for this, warrior support build. Condi cleanse and group heal every second. People called me a hacker and reported me.

> >

> > Balance us a pipedream. No matter what balance comes, SOMEBODY will get rekt by the unexpected and qq.

> >

> > People legit got mad at me because they WRONGLY assumed my gend- I mean build. And then I kill them.

> >


> >


> No offense, but do you play in NA bronze or silver?


Climbed to gold 3 from bronze 1using non meta EU

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