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Some thoughts about Jormag rising trailer


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> @"hugo.4705" said:

> @"Kossage.9072" "Given how Crucible of Eternity's explorable mode showed one of Alpha's essences slithering away unharmed, I'd love to find out that Alpha managed to escape the facility before it was shut down and has continued consuming beings into itself to become more powerful and more intelligent over the following years."


> In fact I wouldn't be surprised that Alpha essence is still alive and possessed a dead asura researcher body left somewhere in the facility. And trying to escape.

> I'm sure at 300% the inquest returned into the "sealed" facility to recover Kudu's Corpse and the data stored on the terminal before Kudu's crucible. To make subject Beta. They either: Recovered the Alpha essence / Found an entity possessed by it but killed it / Only used the data they found here.

> ![](https://imgur.com/6PIzAZ3m.jpg)


I'd love the twist of Alpha possessing Kudu's corpse if it ever returns to the story as an evolved version of itself. It wouldn't even require that many new assets; they could just slap some Awakened skin texture on Kudu and add some infusions to make his body have a shadowy aura with glowy eyes etc. Just hearing Mark Allan Stewart reprising his sexy Kudu voice but with the audio team's creepy filter effects placed on top of it to signify that Alpha is in control would be an unnerving experience for sure. :)


As for the Frost Citadel meta, the dialogue from the Frost shamans during it seems to suggest no Inquest repurposing of assets. So far I haven't spotted any meta dialogue or peaceful ambient dialogue about the machine and its origin and how Bangar figured out the blood conversion progress. But the release is still young, so maybe there's as of yet undiscovered dialogue out there that clarifies it...

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@"Kossage.9072" Yup, I only discovered so far, that the liquid I spotted is in fact Jormag Blood. Well no corrupted ice, but not far. I haven't found yet any dialogue related to the machine. But I do have noticed that many charrs assets got "upgrades", charr tanks and cars can now produce electric shield. But if there is nothing more I'm heavily disapointed after episode 3 R&D hideout.

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