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Return Darkhaven's Host Server status


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This already been said many times and you are problably already tired of reading this, but before you completely dismiss this thread hear me out.

When the links were first implemented, Darkhaven was one of the 12 host servers. However, at one week, Arena Net decided to try a 4-Link Server With CD as host and a 3-link server with SF as Host, while DH was stuck in the same match for 5 weeks as a 2-link despite the obvious population disparity, thanks to glicko never allowing CD to move out (Which required Manual Glicko adjustments). On the following week Darkhaven was stripped from it's Host Server status in favor of Crystal Desert because that server had leeched enough glicko rating to become #12 in the servers ladder.

But look at the situation now. Crystal Desert never thrive unless it have 2 links with it, and is problably the lowest population Host as it been the only one open for the entirety of the current link. While Darkhaven, currently a Guest Server, is marked as Very High (Same as CD and a few other hosts that were previously Full) and the only guest server in that condition.

I feel it is time to strip CD from a status they never deserved (Which only occured because of the 4-link and T4 glicko Fiasco) and return Darkhaven what is rightfully theirs.

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Top Posters In This Topic

7. Yak's Bend - Tier 3 NA 79643

8. Seafarer's Rest - Tier 3 EU 79022

9. Baruch Bay [sP] - Tier 1 EU 78766

10. Desolation - Tier 3 EU 76873

11. Stormbluff Isle - Tier 4 NA 75018

12. Vabbi - Tier 2 EU 72587

13. Henge of Denravi - Tier 3 NA 72342

14. Maguuma - Tier 1 NA 71674

15. Dragonbrand - Tier 1 NA 70841

16. Drakkar Lake [DE] - Tier 4 EU 70152

17. Northern Shiverpeaks - Tier 2 NA 69749

18. Augury Rock [FR] - Tier 5 EU 67105

19. Tarnished Coast - Tier 4 NA 66326

20. Sea of Sorrows - Tier 2 NA 65340

21. Kodash [DE] - Tier 5 EU 64312

22. Blackgate - Tier 1 NA 64158

23. Fort Aspenwood - Tier 3 NA 61954

24. Jade Quarry - Tier 2 NA 61871

25. Elona Reach [DE] - Tier 5 EU 61500

26. Crystal Desert - Tier 4 NA 58948

Top 6 are EU, but they do get an 8-9 hour headstart

That's activity, kills+deaths


Give back DH's host status.

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Unless you have actual numbers, I don't think it's possible to even speculate as to which world "deserves" host status. My guess is that the cutoff point is made to allow maximum flexibility in mixing/matching non-hosts with hosts so that all combined forces bring roughly the same size crowds to each tier. That probably means that the lowest-pop host isn't all that much more 'crowded' than the highest-pop linked world. And that will feel "arbitrary", even thought it's not.


You want DH to become a host again? Well stop petitioning ANet about it and use your powers of persuasion to get folks to move to DH. ANet decides based on the numbers, not based on our preferences.

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> @aandiarie.7195 said:

> I see people who afk at spawn for hrs. I really hope they aren't counted toward the play hours.


I would assume they are since I don't think Arena Net have a reliably way to gauge who is actively playing and who is AFK farming pips... That would explain all the Full (Now listed as Very High) Host servers who can barely get out of T4.

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> @"McKenna Berdrow.2759" said:

> It is based on play hours and populations. Crystal Desert has a higher population and play hours than Darkhaven and that is why they are a host world and Darkhaven isn't.


That's interesting that glicko doesn't really matter at all anymore, so I guess that means if one of the T1 servers were to quit suddenly for a month they'd lose host status.

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> @"McKenna Berdrow.2759" said:

> It is based on play hours and populations. Crystal Desert has a higher population and play hours than Darkhaven and that is why they are a host world and Darkhaven isn't.


Would it be possible to have it show the linked server instead of the host server above the player model only if they are on that server of course. :open_mouth:


It would give the linked servers a sense that they matter and are actually shown in game and not just as the host server.

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> @Vermillion.4061 said:

> Would it be possible to have it show the linked server instead of the host server above the player model only if they are on that server of course. :open_mouth:

I'm sure it's possible, but it would make combat extremely confusing when everyone is boasting a different server in their name. I think the current implementation is fine in this regard.

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  • ArenaNet Staff

> @Vermillion.4061 said:

> > @"McKenna Berdrow.2759" said:

> > It is based on play hours and populations. Crystal Desert has a higher population and play hours than Darkhaven and that is why they are a host world and Darkhaven isn't.


> Would it be possible to have it show the linked server instead of the host server above the player model only if they are on that server of course. :open_mouth:


> It would give the linked servers a sense that they matter and are actually shown in game and not just as the host server.


We have no plans for this at this time. We don't want there to be confusion on what team you are on or who you are fighting against.

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> @Fatemaster.3590 said:

> > @"McKenna Berdrow.2759" said:

> > It is based on play hours and populations. Crystal Desert has a higher population and play hours than Darkhaven and that is why they are a host world and Darkhaven isn't.


> That's interesting that glicko doesn't really matter at all anymore, so I guess that means if one of the T1 servers were to quit suddenly for a month they'd lose host status.


Hibergating to become Guest?


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It is I, your boi _Irry_


Considering the fact that Henge of Denravi, Northern Shiverpeaks, Dragonbrand & Crystal Desert are as of this last Monday all same population, I personally doubt any server will actually change from a host to a link. RIP the dream! The only thing you can count on them manually adjusting it. FA JA MAG and BG will ever open so bested get used to the idea Darkhaven will forever be a link. Really now linked with Dragonbrand for 6 months. Ded Memes.

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> @iwasoncecool.9734 said:

> It is I, your boi _Irry_


> Considering the fact that Henge of Denravi, Northern Shiverpeaks, Dragonbrand & Crystal Desert are as of this last Monday all same population, I personally doubt any server will actually change from a host to a link. RIP the dream! The only thing you can count on them manually adjusting it. FA JA MAG and BG will ever open so bested get used to the idea Darkhaven will forever be a link. Really now linked with Dragonbrand for 6 months. Ded Memes.


The fact that these servers are all listed in the same population as Darkhaven is just as ironic as all the "Full" servers that have no chance to compete with Blackgate even when they have links.

I wish it were easier to tell how active is a certain server, but the only metric we have are the population list for the transfer cost, and we all know this list don't really tell us the whole truth (Special LUL at Tarnished Coast being full as second to last in T4)

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Some people still use the old nameplates, which all enemies are red named anyways. But the problem will develop when you make callouts.


JQ callout: 10 ET swt 2 catas... wait is that ET with NSP or SoS? is that red or green? When it comes down to it what server is it really doesn't matter, it's 10 enemies at swt, but it will be confusing since players have been using server names to identify enemies and gauge the level of threat, and how fast you need to respond. Matchups have anywhere from 3-7 servers involved. System doesn't need to be more complicated than 3 teams.


It sucks for lower tier servers, but frankly your communities were dying before links, and they weren't going to grow unless you managed to attract a bandwagon. I'm sorry, it's harsh, but's it's reality.


If you want to be in the top 12 then boost your server activity, as it's measured by individual servers, it's what they use to determine world sizes at relinks.... not glicko as some people seemed to think.


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Only anet knows how they do things and they keep a pretty tight lip on population and it's controls (or lack thereof). I was surprised they let out what they did in the AMA about population, (personally I don't believe they even pay attention to it as much as we would like to think. To the extent where it's only as far as running an algorithm, spitting out a percentage on notepad, then they go in and change some values).

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