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Would you support ArenaNet if they implemented an optional subscription?


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> @Helbjorne.9368 said:

> > @Shaaba.5672 said:

> > > @Helbjorne.9368 said:

> > > That all being said, I understand that a lot of people wouldn't like this, especially seeing as this hasn't been ArenaNet's traditional business model, but as I mentioned in the OP, this poll was made in response to another discussion, seen [here,](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/1152/the-games-engine-needs-updates-to-modern-standards/p1 "here,") and is meant to just gauge the community's opinion on the idea.

> > >

> > > The better question I would have, and the one I should have asked, is how can we, as the playerbase, get these changes listed in the OP (engine/graphics overhaul, additional QoL features (*cough* build templates *cough*), profession optimization (ie. outdated traits, unused skills, etc.)) implemented?

> >

> > I think the answer is, we can't. We can make suggestions, but this isn't our game. We get the privileged of playing someone else's hard work. Yeah, we pay for that privileged, but that's only fair. It doesn't give us the right to make demands. If you're unhappy, simple, don't give them anymore money. If enough people do that, they'll get the message.

> >

> > I'm guessing Anet has looked at some of those changes you want, weighed the pros and cons and made some decisions based on things we can't see and have no way of knowing about. I think it's a mistake to equate money with getting your demands heard. As a playerbase we've made some progress just using our voice and having a discussion. It's also kind of clear that no amount of shouting is going to change other things.


> No one here is shouting, nor is anyone making any demands. I looked at the issues constantly being brought up on both the forums and Reddit, and given that funding was a consistent suspected factor as to why things aren't being addressed, proposed a solution. Everyone in this thread has made strong cases on both sides, and I believe that implementing an optional subscription this late into the game's development would be detrimental based on both the poll and the arguments presented by those that oppose the idea of an optional subscription.


Not here, no. Other issues have become quite heated and if we all felt entitled to have our personal top priorities addressed because we were subscribers, I can't imagine it becoming less heated or less fractured. You may be paying for a build template, but I've decided to pay because I want to play Tengu. I'm going to be disappointed if templates come out, you're going to be disappointed if Tengu comes out, and more likely, we're both going to be disappointed when neither come out.

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> @Ashantara.8731 said:

> I would consider the idea if I was guaranteed content improvement. And by content I don't mean silly new travel mechanics or new strange futuristic skins, but better writing, more personalized content (based on race, profession, and personality choice at character creation), more love in the design department (Go back to the roots, guys! As an example, take a look at the pirate captain's cave in Lion's Arch <3), more focus on what really makes a game engaging, exciting and entertaining (atmospheric places, excellent writing, mini games, more RPG quality content, etc.).


> I just watched this video, and many of the things the game is dearly missing are listed in it:



I think the fact that the most popular and demamnded items/events are ls s1 era tells you something. new game is garbage go back to old game.

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The could do a GW2 in game version of loot crate, that comes with a combination of guaranteed stuff, and stuff that they change up each month, maybe even some unique items sometimes.


Important detail though.


- You would have to purchase it before the crate is released each month, just like the ones irl. If they don't do it this way, people would just not buy it, until they see something they want.


It wouldn't be a subscription, but it should have a similar effect, and you wont have to deal with people converting their accounts to a sub model, and then wanting to go back to the non sub model.

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> @Ashantara.8731 said:



Thank you for sharing this. It really does hit on just about every issue I mentioned in the OP and in this thread even if only briefly, and seeing as WP is a well known content creator and an ArenaNet partner, hopefully they listen to his criticism and address the majority of these issues. They have made balance changes directly following his videos/advice in the past, so I'd say things are fairly hopeful.

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If it's a subscription i would hope it's like eso. Get all content for updates and get gems. If that was the case I would happily do that. However I don't want to pay a sub and wait another year for expansion and then have to pay for the expansion when I already put over a hundred into the game that year and still pay for the expansion. As much as this sounds nice. Would arenanet even be ready for that many subscribers to update the game for us subscribers? Say if we started now, in a Couple months would we get something valuable that's updated? And them still work on the next expansion while working on POF bugs that everyone will go through? That's something arenanet has to decide. Not saying no. Just is it realistic. There barely over 150 employees who work there. And you have to constantly keep up for millions of people, it's going to be a big heartache. And be prepared for their methods to change.

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You can't treat gem store sales as if it's inconsequential when it comes to a game like this- that's a massive amount of money for a f2p game. Nor can you ignore box sales for xpacs. GW2 simply doesn't come out with new content except when it's behind a pay wall- living story, xpacs all cost money. Other than that I think they've come out with three zones since launch- Maguuma Wastes and Southsun iirc. And even then, these aren't complex zones with stories and new mechanics or goals- they're more of the same in a blur of zones that almost all play the same.


My point is- since launch, other than the things they require you to pay for, they don't really add anything to the game to justify a sub, they barely justify it being a f2p game frankly. While engine upgrades and the such would be great, I feel like most of what OP is asking for a sub are what other mmos would just call 'typical patching', even if some mmos admittedly do a poor job of it (GW2 included).


I cringe at the idea of paying for what is normal behaviour, I even cringe at the thought of doing it for minimal content additions. If the game's going to add a sub, I'd definitely want steady content patches including meaningful additions and evolution of the game outside of xpacs. As it is now, well, they add some stuff with xpacs- zones, mounts, flight, hero classes- as well as a bit of story, so that's worth money imo. If they want to charge subs- let's say industry standard 15/month- are they going to add content every 3 months or so?


I'm honestly kinda doubtful they will- and without that, subs don't belong.


GW2 is a very successful mmo, probably one of the most, and it's raking in a lot of money for very little in return- let's not give them more ideas to milk money and potentially ruin the game. Because let's face it- they could still be making bank and adding story, content, and fixing up engine issues at a profit. Giving them excuses to milk players for more money is just enabling more greed- and it'll come with limitations, it always does with f2p subs.


Think about it this way- what can Anet offer? Gems? You can already buy those. Bags, bank space- why not have that as part of the gem store? Access to constant new content releases- oh, those don't exist. They don't really have anything that can't just be earned through gems- and when you want to push a sub (and trust me, if they change their direction from being against subs to having them, that's a major change in strategic direction and it won't be for 'oh, we hope a few people might sub' it'll be an all in 'we need 500k subs' or so) you want to push it hard. They'll take things, and say 'if you want it back, sub'.


Guaranteed. I'll eat my words if I'm wrong on this- smash my face right through my monitor and start chomping down.

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> @castlemanic.3198 said:

> > @Helbjorne.9368 said:

> > I wasn't dismissing Living World, but because I have little knowledge on it, I excluded it. I'm not claiming that those aren't updates, but content was never a point of my argument, I was replying to the comment that content was already coming consistently, when the content being provided is PvE content, which only benefits a portion of the community. Of course, PvP and WvW content updates only benefit a portion of the community as well, but if one portion of the playerbase (PvE) gets constant updates and the other does not, you can understand why the portion that doesn't get relevant content feels left out.

> >

> > As for the WvW and PvP updates you posted, they added a new reward track, a backpack, the 2v2 deathmatch map is purely for fun (there are no rewards, matchmaking, rankings, etc.), and the Automated Tournaments only pertain to 5 man groups and are extremely bugged. That imo isn't content, it's features (minus the 2v2 map), but then again the argument could be made that features = content.

> >

> > Either way, that still doesn't address the other issues that I listed (and the entire purpose of the proposal), which have been issues for quite some time:

> > "QoL improvements are seen maybe once every 6 months, and they're often quite minimal. We're getting additional Elite Specializations when the core professions are still poorly optimized with many professions having multiple useless traits, skills, and weapons. Abilities are balanced based on PvE and PvP, often leaving one or the other underpowered. There are still abilities with known bugs that haven't been addressed. Some professions still aren't capable of pushing 30k+ DPS regardless of build, when others are pushing close to 40k. The only customizable portion of the UI is the minimap, the graphics are still rendered in DirectX9, the list goes on and on."

> >

> > That all being said, I think it is safe to say that an optional subscription would not directly help these issues be addressed, and that the community rejects the idea of an optional subscription regardless of whether or not it means securing more consistent development and updates for the game.


> "We get content every 2 years (excluding Living World)" is definitely a comment about content (and does dismiss Living World updates as content). You're not wrong in that pvp and wvw updates are lacking, but the recent update is objectively content and hopefully points to more frequent updates in the future (it's possible that pvp and wvw have a much more involved QA procedure than pve content since it does focus on players fighting against players and not npcs and that may be what causes issues). Quality of life improvements happen depending on what you deem as 'quality of life improvements', automated tournaments are a huge quality of life improvment for pvpers who like tournaments and stuff like that, improvements to lfg are also quality of life improvements, there are several that have occurred and several that havent occurred. Elite specialisations are expansion territory, and thus shouldn't be a complaint about guild wars 2 in general, though non-elite spec builds need to match elite spec builds in power, and everything else you mention is in the huge but vague category of 'balance', besides the bugs which need to be fixed.


> At least the topic is ended.


> > @Lucas.2974 said:

> > Well, is didn't particularly mean ALL skins and outfits. I meant current ones that are available for purchase to everyone.

> >

> > Second, perhaps it's me, but I fail to see how it's a major disadvantage to a non-subscriber? The outfits and skins are available for purchase to them, and it'll be permanent, as opposed to the subscription idea, which is not.

> >

> > Lastly, what I'm proposing won't allow subscribers to access skins and dyes NOT currently attainable. Only those that are.

> >


> I meant huge disadvantages to a subscriber if they stop paying subscription fees. Having access to the majority of skins (as you specifically proposed) for the subscription fee does play heavily into the fashion wars.


> And your last comment makes it even MORE of a disadvantage or has way more hassle involved programming wise (what happens if an item becomes unattainable while someone has a subscription, do they lose access to it when it could have been a permanent unlock for them if they had paid for that specific item?). LOTS of things that could go wrong with that, and again no tangible benefit for the developers to do this and the downsides are too huge for subscribers losing out on subscriptions (as well as the absolutely assured massive backlash from established fans/veterans who would riot at the inclusion of such a huge quality of life feature made exclusive to subscribers), making it either a permanent thing that someone tries to keep up with, or something that's too huge of a risk to take and thus they won't even pay the subscription where they otherwise might have (which may in fact mean if someone becomes unable to pay the subscription fee, they may simply leave gw2 and never return). Having access to a HUGE wardrobe and having that access suddenly cut off at the whim of a credit card is NOT a viable thing for any subscription model, huge losses like that aren't something that most people would be willing to put up with.


> We're far better off without a subscription fee, no matter what benefits can be put forth.


You're making a lot of bold claims, without any proper evidence to account for what you're stating. Don't get me wrong, I completely understand where you're coming from, but disagree with the content of your argument.


As it stands, having the option to have access to all skins currently in the shop is no different than purchasing it permanently. However, with the subscription, people have access to any sort of customization that they desire, rather than paying for one item.


However, if the subscriber did indeed like an item, they can happily purchase the permanent version. Moreover, it's disingenuous to say that it'll be something difficult to code for. That is, unless we both know this to be fact, it's an empty statement with no truth in it.

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I doubt very much if lack of resources is a primary reason these things aren't at the top of ANet's priorities. There's quite a lot of evidence to suggest that ANet has thought heavily about all of these issues (and is influenced by our posts) and has different ideas of what the game needs in the short and long term. Unless the money earned is earmarked to player pet projects, it seems unlikely that ANet would chose to upgrade the engine or run comprehensive overhauls of loot, skills etc more often than they already plan. There are just so many things on the "to do" list already.




> @Helbjorne.9368 said:


> The better question I would have, and the one I should have asked, is how can we, as the playerbase, get these changes listed in the OP (engine/graphics overhaul, additional QoL features (*cough* build templates *cough*), profession optimization (ie. outdated traits, unused skills, etc.)) implemented?


We already influence those things by posting suggestions/requests in these very forums.


What we don't get to influence are priorities. It's ANet's business and their success or failure depends on them being able to decide, without their hand tied behind their collective back, what things are most important to the current game & its longevity. It's not at all clear to me that the things on your list are the most important. I mean, it's clear that they are very important to you and to others (and I certainly wouldn't say "no" to any), but that doesn't mean they _should_ take precedence over anything or everything that ANet is working on.


In addition, there are two assumptions implicit in the original post as well as all your well-written follow-ups: that the reason the things on the list aren't being done is because ANet lacks the resources. That's almost certainly not the case. If ANet doubled its income, doubled its design & coding staff, etc, they might still not prioritize the things on the list above because they might continue to believe that there are still many many more important issues.


That's why the action camera and material storage improvements were labors of love by individual employees (who also happened to have enough authority to shoehorn them into the game) -- they agreed that these were important QoL changes **and** that they were unlikely to be prioritized by management because there are just too many things that we all want. Or put another way, do you really think Linsey Murdock lacks enough influence to have moved the material storage overhaul to the priority list? Or do you accept her own assessment that it was more appropriate to do it as a side project?




tl;dr it's not at all clear that the issue preventing popular changes from being prioritized is lack of resources/money. Even as a thought experiment, a subscription (perfectly implemented or not) isn't likely to address the core issue which is: ANet doesn't have to agree with any of our own personal ideas of what should be done next.

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> @Helbjorne.9368 said:

> > @Donari.5237 said:

> > And if this "optional sub" gives no benefits that non-subbers cannot get, then how on earth do you expect anyone to be willing to toss extra money at the game they weren't already willing to spend on individual transactions?


> Personally, I'd suggest the following:

> * 1 or 2 Additional Bank Tabs while subscription is active

> * 1 or Additional Bag Slots (account wide) while subscription is active

> * 1000 Gem monthly stipend while subscription is active

> * Personal Assistant that gives you remote access to Bank, Merchant (basic), and Trading Post while subscription is active

> * Beauty Parlor, which allows you to change appearance of any character as many times as you wish while subscription is active


> I understand the prevalent counterargument in the thread is "just buy Gems," but again, the better question I should have posed is if the reason for the lack of the changes and improvements to the game listed in the OP, the other thread I linked, and elsewhere in this thread isn't tied to funding, what is it tied to, and how can we as the playerbase help get these changes implemented? The obvious answer would be to simply post on the forums about it, however people have been posting about build templates (excuse the meme), numerous other QoL improvements, profession optimization, graphics/engine updates, etc. for quite some time on the forums, and to no avail. That's not to say that every suggestion is worth implementing, nor is it to say that suggestions don't go unheard, but if the reason for the delay on the implementation of these suggestions is due to a lack of reliable and consistent funding (which Gem store purchases are not), would an optional subscription be a viable solution?


This would be impossible.

1. 800 gems > 10€ -> 1000 gems = 12.5€

2. Banker Golem > 500 gems/2weeks > 1000 gems monthly fee > 12.5€

3. Hair Style > 250gems each > XXXXXXXXX gems monthly fee > XXXXX €

4. Additional bank tab > 1200 gems > 15€

5. Additional bag Slots account wide > 400 gems each > 5 €


Total Cost per month, between 40€ and infinite. Depends how much would they value an infinite personal hairstile.

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The talk about the mising funding is a little misinformed. Assumptions done by people who do not know the financial workings at *ArenaNet*. We are not talking about a Kickstarter project or anything similar here. We are talking about a big developer with a huge publisher behind them. The funding would already have been given by *NCSoft* if a new engine was deemed worthy of the investment. I am not even opposed to an optional sub or a premium system as other games might call it but throwing money at them will not change anything or make them focus on the project you want to see most.

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> @Shirlias.8104 said:

> > @Helbjorne.9368 said:

> > > @Donari.5237 said:

> > > And if this "optional sub" gives no benefits that non-subbers cannot get, then how on earth do you expect anyone to be willing to toss extra money at the game they weren't already willing to spend on individual transactions?

> >

> > Personally, I'd suggest the following:

> > * 1 or 2 Additional Bank Tabs while subscription is active

> > * 1 or Additional Bag Slots (account wide) while subscription is active

> > * 1000 Gem monthly stipend while subscription is active

> > * Personal Assistant that gives you remote access to Bank, Merchant (basic), and Trading Post while subscription is active

> > * Beauty Parlor, which allows you to change appearance of any character as many times as you wish while subscription is active

> >

> > I understand the prevalent counterargument in the thread is "just buy Gems," but again, the better question I should have posed is if the reason for the lack of the changes and improvements to the game listed in the OP, the other thread I linked, and elsewhere in this thread isn't tied to funding, what is it tied to, and how can we as the playerbase help get these changes implemented? The obvious answer would be to simply post on the forums about it, however people have been posting about build templates (excuse the meme), numerous other QoL improvements, profession optimization, graphics/engine updates, etc. for quite some time on the forums, and to no avail. That's not to say that every suggestion is worth implementing, nor is it to say that suggestions don't go unheard, but if the reason for the delay on the implementation of these suggestions is due to a lack of reliable and consistent funding (which Gem store purchases are not), would an optional subscription be a viable solution?


> This would be impossible.

> 1. 800 gems > 10€ -> 1000 gems = 12.5€

> 2. Banker Golem > 500 gems/2weeks > 1000 gems monthly fee > 12.5€

> 3. Hair Style > 250gems each > XXXXXXXXX gems monthly fee > XXXXX €

> 4. Additional bank tab > 1200 gems > 15€

> 5. Additional bag Slots account wide > 400 gems each > 5 €


> Total Cost per month, between 40€ and infinite. Depends how much would they value an infinite personal hairstile.


The Personal Assistant/Beauty Parlor is equivalent to a Permanent Bank Access Contract, Permanent Trading Post Contract, Permanent Black Lion Trading Post Contract and Permanent Hairstylist Contract (with additional functionality) - that's about 11000 gold or 800 dollars at seller price on the TP right now. So you'd need to subscribe for over six-and-a-half years at $10 per month to make up the value just of that...

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> @Helbjorne.9368 said:

> > @jokke.6239 said:

> > But you do have an "optional sub fee". Just purchase 10-20$ worth of gems every month.


> Which a lot of people already do, myself included, but as I mentioned in the OP and in a few replies, it's about providing reliable and consistent funding that ArenaNet is able to budget with. That isn't to say that they don't incorporate projected Gem sales into their budget, as I'm sure they do, but with more consistent funding we could see the issues listed in the OP addressed.


> > @Menadena.7482 said:

> > It all depends on the exact proposal however one of my major reasons for coming here was because there was NOT a subscription. I can go idle any time I want and do not have to worry about wasting money.


> And I wouldn't want that to be changed at all. People shouldn't feel forced or obligated to purchase anything that's optional, and an optional subscription should give a few little bonuses to thank those that purchased it for their support, and nothing more.


You say "it's about providing reliable and consistent funding" but nothing about optional says reliable or consistent. Honestly, they make way more money off whales and streamers opening chests than they would with an occasional 10 bucks thrown at them. Give people a reason or inclination to not purchase gems, IE subscriptions, and they would actually lose money. I have three people in my household alone that plays this game, and I purchase gems for each of us regularly. So lets do some math. 10 bucks per person per month is $30...or...$35 per person for gems per month, occasionally more, totaling $110 . Not to mention the deluxe versions of the xpacs added onto that bill. And I'm willing to pay this amount BECAUSE I want to support the game. Also, why pay $10 a month for 500 gems, when you can pay $10 for 800 now? Just buy gems and support them through their own planned business model, it makes more money for them anyway.

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> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> That's why the action camera and material storage improvements were labors of love by individual employees (who also happened to have enough authority to shoehorn them into the game) -- they agreed that these were important QoL changes **and** that they were unlikely to be prioritized by management because there are just too many things that we all want. Or put another way, do you really think Linsey Murdock lacks enough influence to have moved the material storage overhaul to the priority list? Or do you accept her own assessment that it was more appropriate to do it as a side project?


> ****


> tl;dr it's not at all clear that the issue preventing popular changes from being prioritized is lack of resources/money. Even as a thought experiment, a subscription (perfectly implemented or not) isn't likely to address the core issue which is: ANet doesn't have to agree with any of our own personal ideas of what should be done next.


You brought up a lot of good points, and I after reading all the arguments/counter-arguments in this thread I think that it's safe to assume that it isn't a lack of funding, although it may still be a lack of resources given that there aren't enough developers to address these issues (ie. having a dedicated balance team, a dedicated PvP team, etc.), but no amount of funding would fix that if those issues aren't a priority for ArenaNet. I find it hard to swallow that after 2 years there are still acknowledged bugs with some abilities (Necro GS5 for instance) that have yet to be addressed, and that after 2 years of HoT elite specs we still haven't had a core profession trait overall to compliment these changes, and that after 5 years we still have traits, skills, and weapons that are considered completely useless with some professions, but as you stated, that falls on the company's priorities, and not the playerbase's.


With the action camera and material storage I think it's much more likely that those employees got sick of the bureaucratic process that is trying to get anything done within an established company, and decided to take it on their own not because they didn't deem those issues worthy of being a priority, but rather the company didn't. Having worked with bureaucrats within the IT field for 5+ years it unfortunately often fell on individual employees to address issues in our own/down time that the higher ups didn't deem worthy of addressing officially (ie. replacing cracked/worn down cables/connectors to avoid having to return every other week to replace a few cables at a time, reconfiguring subnets to avoid future conflicts, etc.). For whatever reason when I was writing the initial post I managed to turn my brain off and ignore experience in favor of speculations presented by other members of the community, but given that a lot of posts within this thread were constructive and informative, I think it worked out alright.


I think everything that could possibly be said has been said, but unfortunately I have to wait until tomorrow to be able to edit the OP.

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I don't see how this is a discussion. If you want to support the company with a monthly payment, just go ahead and buy gems for 15 €/$ per month, and encourage others to do so.


ArenaNet is a company, not a welfare institution. Only purchase their products and services if you get value in return, not to "support" the company. If you purchase gems without really wanting them to have more fun in the game, or maybe even hoard them, it's like a donation. Companies neither need nor want donations. It's their job to figure out how to make the customer happy and sell more products/services. They are running a business, they are supposed to convince people to buy. Also, they want to decide where to spend time and effort on. If you have 100 people who pay the optional monthly fee, these people would demand things they want to see implemented, and might have a lever to actually get what they want. Not sure a company likes that ^^


(looks like it is indeed a discussion, since I'm discussing it too)

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Nope nope nope. If you want a monthly sub buy gems each month. I think it would be more likely for Anet to create an automatic monthly gem purchase option (if one doesn't already exist) that would purchase a number of gems each month until cancelled. And that would accomplish anything a subscription would without dividing the players and without giving incentive to lock new content behind the subscription.


The one suggestion I saw that I think would be neat for a subscription is temporary access to all outfits and gliders. I could see myself purchasing this for one month just to try them out and see which outfits or gliders I'd like to permanently purchase. Sometimes the preview window just doesn't cut it and you need to run around in different lighting to see if you truly like an outfit. It's not something I'd want to see, but it is something that may encourage the purchase of gems and outfits. (Of course, it could also discourage purchase - I can count numerous times I've bought an item and regretted it soon after.)

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Depends on what the sub gets you... it cant give advantages of course. Maybe part of of the sub could include reduced gem costs along with free gems every sub update?

Maybe even reduced gem store costs also?

I would hate to see monthly skins, unless maybe those skins were early access to gemstone skins for a lower total cost?

Maybe a permanent EXP boost for the duration of the sub?

Nothing game changing, and hard to complain about for those that do not have the sub. And there would be consumers for it.

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This poll has no answer I can accept. If an optional subscription existed, I'm relatively sure I'd pay for it. But I don't think it's right for the game and it might actively hurt the game, depending on what it includes. However just the stigma of having an optional sub can turn some people away. If you want to support the game, buy $15 a gems a month. There's your optional subscription. I spend more than that anyway.

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I'm a bit indifferent to whether it would be added or not. Although, there are aspects to such optional subscriptions that I could support or are strongly against. I wouldn't ever agree to an optional subscription that simply put isn't optional. I've played a couple games/multiple servers of one that offered these "optional" subscriptions, and they really weren't optional even if you were a casual unless you just didn't care at all.


You also have to remember resources would have to be dedicated to setting up any systems related to the optional subscription, it wouldn't be just free income, this would be an investment that may or may not even pay for itself. Given the game is a bit on the older side and wasn't designed in a way to accommodate for an optional subscription I wouldn't think it's a good investment at present.

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