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Classes balance, i hate your meta


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> @"Shiyo.3578" said:

> The meta has the same issues the game has had since the dhumfire patch:

> AOE condi spam

> AOE CC spam

> Eng is overpowered and does EVERYTHING(absolutely literally everything) at S tier level.

> Necro is too tanky and easy to play. Zero difference between a good and just installed GW2 2m ago Necro

> Thief has too many evades

> Ranger has too much sustain and it's DPS rotation is mashing every button on it's keyboard with 0 thought. Zero difference between a good and just installed GW2 2m ago ranger(esp condi).

> Pure bunkers are too strong and require 10x the effort to kill than to play.

> Warriors randomly kill you 100% to 0% keeping you stunned the entire time

> Ele gets nerfed over and over due to dumb bunker/support builds and is forever stuck in a bunker/support role

> Mesmers randomly 1 shot you


> The thread title is about the meta and I am talking about the current meta. My post is on topic.


So you're saying all cooldowns should be increased and encounters last over 5 minutes. Might as well make the game turned based. I don't think this game is for you if you think;

* AOE condi spam

* AOE CC spam


Are a problem, they aren't.

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> @"ILiPlaGa.5204" said:

> ![](https://i.imgur.com/j3vdAsp.png "")

> Now i am think shoud i keep play it, i want to learn. But i feel problem with balance, also matchmaking balance.

> So mesmer and war build its what B tier or C tier?


When you look closer there is no dedicated healer any more in the PvP meta . I tried heal FB and heal warrior before result I can't out heal the dps any more because arena.NET nerfed all the major healing skills while all the build which are meta doing roughly the same DPS as the meta build which were before (outliers excluded).


This is similar to the boons nerfed they did over time punishing good team work and encourage doing only their solo/ego play thing from the player. I sat out the 2v2 and 3vs3 season but I had never in 3 years a season which were that bad. The team work is so bad it can't be put into words. I honestly can't tell if I'm playing with bots or humans any more.

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> @"The Fear.3865" said:

> > @"Aihao.5824" said:

> > hugely dissapointed with a meta that feb patch brought to us. Pvp became so dumb that ppl startet to be carried by thair class. Quality of plat 1 is on the level of old g1-2, just because meta. Pvp situation is hugely forgiving for bunkers - u just cant punish them for mistakes, so u cant see difference between good/bad condi revs, renegades, necros, rangers, enjis. Dont understand what kind of drugs devs taken to release this kind of patch. U cant catch node afker on a mistake and kill him quickly, facetanking is a skill now, according to supporters of feb patch. The game is just about meeting with enemy at mid and have endless fight. Influence of feb patch especially feeled at kyhlo or skyhammer, where games ended by the timer, but not by the winner

> >


> Agree, I almost stopped PvP for now. Plat league and soloQ grinding is such a torture.


> The only build actually fun to play must be the holo nades cause this is not about facerollin the keyboard and probably the only build requires to react, and that deals dps without spaming aoe on a node with pure bunker build.


> And still people wants to hard nerf the only thing pvp still has, anyway when ur facing 95% bunker revs, cc spam tempest, dumb necs, invincible rangers and guard, for real kitten with this block spam in this current meta, they dont want ele 10k Hp to spam dodge but guard 10k heavy armor spam block is ok.


> Dont even want to talk about the MEME ele, warriors, mesm and scrapper...


> I thought this balanced patch would changed everything cause the previous OS build oriented meta became extreme, but they just have no idea how to balance bunker builds and they refuse to give any deepss to any class for some reasons.


> I mean, even playing bunker builds during the hard dps meta was fun and could be really high values to your team, now there is no diversity at all, come on devs where are you ?


> Let's go qadim, at least he's no bunkerway.


Just tried my necro, that i created just to farm pve events, to do some arena, so i just copied metabattle build and randomly pressed buttons, and suddenly enemy condithief just died. I facetank all the damage, could outheal it or avoid through placing wurm or using spectralwalk. Spinal gameplay like world of warcraft has.

Well i understood that the patch is going to be not ok, cutting by 50% power damage modifiers and cutting hp by 1k is obviously done for forever gold ppl who cant make their deceisions fast enough to influence the game. Now they are not punished for being slow.

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