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My problems with Drizzlewood Coast and suggestions.

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Let me first state, that I love the map design. It's a beautiful place, but it has problems that make it a map I rather spend as little time on as possible.


1. Meta

Now with the map being expanded, the Meta has become a problem. I mean the whole thing takes 2 hours. That is just an insane amount of time.

As a result I always end up on a dead map, and when I try to use LFG to get to a more active map: Full, Full, Full... I have tried right now for half an hour. NO succes.

People trying to get in on North Meta only, because of the sheer amount of time the entire thing takes. ArenaNet, please take a close look at this. Currently the ONLY way to get North Meta done is alocate 2 WHOLE HOURS of playing the map. That is insane.

I'd even noticed a south map half done being abandoned because people finally were able to get to the north meta, making time invested for those stuck behind simply wasted.


2. Looking for Group for this map.

The above leads me to the next problem. I saw 6 active groups on 6 different IPs. ALL of them full. ALL OF THEM!

Can we PLEASE have some sort of notification that makes it clear in LFG before we join, that a map is full? It is annoying as ... to constantly find yourself in a group that you cannot join. The commanders don't have time to constantly check if a map is full, nor do they have a means to know unless someone that joined notifies them. So please. A simple Full notice in LFG itself would help to prevent wasting time.


3. Combat issues

Your Snipers are OP, your enemies have also an unfair advantage in this map. And it sure is NOT WvW light as some suggest. Far from it.

Snipers make you constantly on edge. Which prevents you from truely enjoying the map design and you're constantly worrying if you're in a save place, or have enough stealth, stamina and dodges left to evade the snipers. Their range is absurd and it is not uncommon (specially in the new area) that you have 3 or 4 lines on you from all directions. Furthermore the rules of the game takes away a proper way to counter them, unless you are on an extreme heavy hitter. Because of where they are located, countering them can only be done in most cases by Melee attack. My deadeye cannot snipe them back (Making a Deadeye pointless for this task)

It also reflects on siege engines. With that I mean, putting up an arrow card to drop arrows behind enemy lines (over a barricade) or a balista to take down that elite with balista on the wall shooting at you, yields NO result. Because the enemy heals up STRAIGHT AWAY... However, apparantly that same enemy does NOT have to obey the same set of rules and CAN harm and kill you through barricades, over ledges, from the top of the wall etc. It is no fun at all.

As a matter of fact, I usually play new maps on ALL my classes, but I stick to Deadeye ONLY on this map (for the stealth to NOT be constantly bothered by those cheating snipers and unkillable wall huggers)

Your 5 seconds of stealth on the mount solution is ludricous.


4. Spam

Why do we constantly receive spam mid-screen? Its ugly and obnoxious. And it also gives info that I am already well aware of, or am NOT interested in. I'd take this even further: In a lot of situations the spam HINDERS us in our progress. Not seeing where that shot came from. Missing the fact you were targeted due to both being red... constantly being spammed when crossing an area line (specially stupid when you are doing the raven test and cross CONSTANTLY in raven form and don't NEED this distraction on your main screen) Please give us the option to turn off this crap PERMANENTLY Because it is, in my oppinion a SHOWSTOPPER.


5. Drops on Special Mission documents.

Why was this heavily nerved? And why weren't we warned beforehand to save them up? Now the ONLY way to get enough to unlock the north special missions is either to grind as if there's no tomorrow, or fork out heavy cash to buy them from the massively inflated prices on the Trading Post.

That is just backstabbing your Players Base. Yeah sure sell them! You already unlocked it all! Sell them! BAM suprise!!! NOT cool. Even would call it bait n switch.


All in all, this stuff fogs up the effort you put in the map design. As I said before, I love the map itself. Great design, great balance between elevation, forest, mountains, water, snow etc... but due to the above, I hate being there.


The biggest reason for writing this post, is not the individual pet peeves, but the combination of all that.


If unchanged, I likely will abandon this map once I wrestle myself through the achievements. That is, if I am not giving up on it beforehand.

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There is almost nothing left to cut time off. They only could start boss fight 1 minute after we take the 6th fort. It would be like The dominion retreat to the north. Because sometimes you take the 6th then theres 8 minutes left then if unlucky you get a fort defense and adds another 5 minutes. Just progress instantly and give us our 6 loot boxes.Then the North meta is on us. We want to go 1 by 1 to each area to get loot. You could break into 5 groups and do all 5 at once if we wanted to speed it up.


Tons of complaints but theres also tons of maps running and somehow we are finding the 2 hours to do it so If you personally quit or are frustrated that's on you. I mean there is nothing to say you have to play 2h consecutively. Get 200 parti afk skip cache bosses then do the 5 Tribunes rest till jormag idk man the 2 h meta don't feel like 2h to me because I just play and it's almost constant motion now from start to finish.

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No mention of the random performance hits that seem exclusive to the new area. This is worse than Drakkar in some place. I have a top of the line system that has been over clocked. My system should not be struggling with this. Then again...the game refuses to fully use my system...


This is a hardcore event in a casual MMO. If it dies, that will send the message. If it frustrates enough players that will send the message.

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> @"Tuna Bandit.3786" said:

> 3. Combat issues

> Your Snipers are OP, your enemies have also an unfair advantage in this map. And it sure is NOT WvW light as some suggest. Far from it.

> Snipers make you constantly on edge. Which prevents you from truely enjoying the map design and you're constantly worrying if you're in a save place, or have enough stealth, stamina and dodges left to evade the snipers. Their range is absurd and it is not uncommon (specially in the new area) that you have 3 or 4 lines on you from all directions. Furthermore the rules of the game takes away a proper way to counter them, unless you are on an extreme heavy hitter. Because of where they are located, countering them can only be done in most cases by Melee attack. My deadeye cannot snipe them back (Making a Deadeye pointless for this task)

> It also reflects on siege engines. With that I mean, putting up an arrow card to drop arrows behind enemy lines (over a barricade) or a balista to take down that elite with balista on the wall shooting at you, yields NO result. Because the enemy heals up STRAIGHT AWAY... However, apparantly that same enemy does NOT have to obey the same set of rules and CAN harm and kill you through barricades, over ledges, from the top of the wall etc. It is no fun at all.

> As a matter of fact, I usually play new maps on ALL my classes, but I stick to Deadeye ONLY on this map (for the stealth to NOT be constantly bothered by those cheating snipers and unkillable wall huggers)

> Your 5 seconds of stealth on the mount solution is ludricous.


As the expansions prove, especially PoF, anet doesn't want you enjoying the scenery. Need to get that fear of death looming over you at every moment or at least the constant annoyance of getting attacked.


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> As the expansions prove, especially PoF, anet doesn't want you enjoying the scenery. Need to get that fear of death looming over you at every moment or at least the constant annoyance of getting attacked.


The aggro range was annoying but I could somehow understand why. One thing that never made sense is why put mobs on vistas. I JUST DON'T GET IT.

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> @"Yggranya.5201" said:

> > @"Tuna Bandit.3786" said:

> > 3. Combat issues

> > Your Snipers are OP, your enemies have also an unfair advantage in this map. And it sure is NOT WvW light as some suggest. Far from it.

> > Snipers make you constantly on edge. Which prevents you from truely enjoying the map design and you're constantly worrying if you're in a save place, or have enough stealth, stamina and dodges left to evade the snipers. Their range is absurd and it is not uncommon (specially in the new area) that you have 3 or 4 lines on you from all directions. Furthermore the rules of the game takes away a proper way to counter them, unless you are on an extreme heavy hitter. Because of where they are located, countering them can only be done in most cases by Melee attack. My deadeye cannot snipe them back (Making a Deadeye pointless for this task)

> > It also reflects on siege engines. With that I mean, putting up an arrow card to drop arrows behind enemy lines (over a barricade) or a balista to take down that elite with balista on the wall shooting at you, yields NO result. Because the enemy heals up STRAIGHT AWAY... However, apparantly that same enemy does NOT have to obey the same set of rules and CAN harm and kill you through barricades, over ledges, from the top of the wall etc. It is no fun at all.

> > As a matter of fact, I usually play new maps on ALL my classes, but I stick to Deadeye ONLY on this map (for the stealth to NOT be constantly bothered by those cheating snipers and unkillable wall huggers)

> > Your 5 seconds of stealth on the mount solution is ludricous.


> As the expansions prove, especially PoF, anet doesn't want you enjoying the scenery. Need to get that fear of death looming over you at every moment or at least the constant annoyance of getting attacked.



I actualy wish there was a little less mob density, the maps are beautiful but it's hard to travel and appreciate the view when you're being constantly attacked. In vanilla maps it was less dense. I assume it's because of mounts that they need the maps to have more density so it's not as easy to travel around. but they could always only have bigger density for events, instead of the whole map IMO.

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