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Hi all.


I was recently pondering on what Samarog was again.

Perhaps it is a demon, since the morphology of demons in Guild Wars 1 could match similar to that of Samarog (I know not everything from GW1 will be recreated the same way in GW2).

Though I was thinking that perhaps Samarog could be actually a Tanneck from Xotecha or another denizen from that place, since this place seems to have been canonized.

Maybe the Eye of Janthir has something to do with Xotecha, since they both have pyramid themes (Though one is North African and the other is North/CentralSouth America I would assume).

I am not saying that the Isles of Janthir are Xotecha since it is in the mists, but rather they have some sort of relation.

Maybe the Mursaat visited Xotecha.?

Could Xotecha be the destroyed planet in the skybox on the skin of the Harbringer in fractal 99 CM?


Sorry I dug myself into a hole with this, but just some thoughts.

Let me know what you think.

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> @"Ogwom.7940" said:

> Hi all.


> I was recently pondering on what Samarog was again.

> Perhaps it is a demon, since the morphology of demons in Guild Wars 1 could match similar to that of Samarog (I know not everything from GW1 will be recreated the same way in GW2).

> Though I was thinking that perhaps Samarog could be actually a Tanneck from Xotecha or another denizen from that place, since this place seems to have been canonized.

> Maybe the Eye of Janthir has something to do with Xotecha, since they both have pyramid themes (Though one is North African and the other is North/CentralSouth America I would assume).

> I am not saying that the Isles of Janthir are Xotecha since it is in the mists, but rather they have some sort of relation.

> Maybe the Mursaat visited Xotecha.?

> Could Xotecha be the destroyed planet in the skybox on the skin of the Harbringer in fractal 99 CM?


> Sorry I dug myself into a hole with this, but just some thoughts.

> Let me know what you think.


Well at this rate we might end up seeing an elder dragon accidentally drop it into the ocean at some point. It would be nice to dive into it a bit more though. Especially given how close we already are to Bastion. It’s also odd that Jormag ended up settling in so close to that area though I guess that was because of the proximity to the spirits?


Knowing their track record with introducing interesting things like this and never returning I’d say it’s unlikely we will ever get any more understanding.

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We aren't yet sure if Xotecha has been canonized. From the brief and obscure statements we could get about the Complete Art of Guild Wars book, the writers weren't 100% sure they wanted to canonize that lore and just wrote it in a way that it would work whether they did or didn't.


I'm doubtful that the Eye of Janthir relates to Xotecha at all - and the reasoning of "pyramids" is pretty poor. Xotecha has some clear Mesoamerican themes, and those are ziggurats; the Eye of Janthir is effectively modeled after the All-Seeing Eye concept that originates in Egyptian folklore. We also see ziggurates and pyramids in Elona - I doubt you'll consider Elonians related to Xotecha.


That said, it is entirely plausible the mursaat visited Xotecha, if it becomes confirmed canon, but as to Samarog being a Tannek... It'd require a big redesign from their concept art. Tannek would be more similar to your stereotypical non-LotR orcs in that they've got inspirations from boars and pigs for facial features. But since the Tanneks' original design was never canon, it could easily be changed.


Though I do not think Samarog has a similar appearance to demons. Demons tend to look... insideout for lack of a better word. Their bones and muscles are exposed, much like necromancer minions (this is, in fact, why the Nightfall's Stygian demons use necromancer minion models!). Samarog, while it might be arguable to have a similar silhouette to certain demons, doesn't really have this "exposed bone and muscle" look to it.

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