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Not sure if you were aware, but ascended armor was available before 1.5-2k rank @Anet


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> @"Eramonster.2718" said:

> > @"nativity.3057" said:

> > > @"Eramonster.2718" said:

> > > OP had a solid point and remains undisputed. It's about the value and effort for players that have acquired the skin/Legendary.

> > >

> > > To clarify; Using the point about Tickets for example.

> > > Yes, players are still time-gated by it. But so were the players that already acquired the skin/Legendary, they paid the same price, was time-gated by it as well **plus more (WvW rank)** which is; at the moment exempted without compensation. That's what OP pointed out. Hope this example makes it clearer.

> > >

> > >

> >

> > OP's point is "I got the skin when it was at its highest cost. If other players don't pay this same amount, they shouldn't deserve the skin".

> > Issue with this kind of question is that it is always hotly debated.

> >

> >

> > I do have an issue with OP pointing out how the Exotic version of the skin is available at rank 500, and that the skin is all that maters. Exotic to Ascended armor is, like people mentioned before, the least noticeable upgrade compared to weapons and accessories. But it's still an upgrade with 6 infusions slots (and the infusions that make the most difference is vit/toughness/concentration). It's like keep buff but permanent.

> >

> > Having access to Ascended selectable armor is nice. Before, the only option for stat selectable ascended armor was raids and PvP (iirc there is no stat-selectable ascended armor from living world).

> > It's not like the actual cost in terms of tickets and memories changed. It's just the rank required to obtain the two. And honestly, rank was the least important aspect of WvW.


> 2nd Tier (Triumphant Hero) : With tickets through NPC in WvW. This armor has 2 version, exotic and ascended (only the Asc version 500 rank, can be upgraded into Legendary).


This version (Triumphant Hero) has not rank requirement! And the legendary made from the ascended also has no rank requirement.


> @"Eramonster.2718" said:

> Players were able to obtain Asc/Legendary with rank 500 even before the recent change.


Players could and can get WvW-Asc/Legendary without any rank requirement if they do not want the T3 skin of the Mistforged version.



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> @"Eramonster.2718" said:

> 2nd Tier [...] But players only need to obtain either one; exotic or ascended version of the piece to unlock Mistforged.


Thisis actually wrong by the way. You have to get the t1 exo, t2 ascended then it unlocks subline mistforged of mistforged. So its not an either exo/or ascended to unlock the sublime. Its both in order.

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> @"Moradorin.6217" said:

> > @"Eramonster.2718" said:

> > 2nd Tier [...] But players only need to obtain either one; exotic or ascended version of the piece to unlock Mistforged.

> >

> Thisis actually wrong by the way. You have to get the t1 exo, t2 ascended then it unlocks subline mistforged of mistforged. So its not an either exo/or ascended to unlock the sublime. Its both in order.


What he meant was, the triumphant hero armor is available as exotic and/or ascended, and since only the skin unlock is required, it is possible to unlock the triumphant hero set via getting it as exotic, which is cheaper than the ascended version with no cost in gold or Grandmaster Tokens, then go strait for the Mistforged Triumphant Hero armor.


> Triumphant Hero's armor is a level 80, WvW-exclusive **Exotic**, Ascended or Legendary armor set.

- https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Triumphant_Hero%27s_armor

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What Cyninja.2954 said:

> "What he meant was, the triumphant hero armor is available as exotic and/or ascended, and since only the skin unlock is required, it is possible to unlock the triumphant hero set via getting it as exotic, which is cheaper than the ascended version...."

Sorry if it caused a confusion.


But back to topic, the changes made is not a good one as it is. Points such as "to attract new players" are insufficient, there are better ways to attract players without hurting another. There's one positivity I can see from the change and it's to free up space to put in new rewards for the later ranks; expansion (eg. Room for Rank 500 till 10k "Title" rewards now). But don't get our hopes up until hear it from dev.

More reason not to based on pass records, lots of the decision made in WvW lacks after thoughts. Nerfing and buffing under "Balancing", giving stealth portal to Thief, Warclaw (gave this addition in hope to bring in new players enough time by now, changes nothing only made things worse) and the fear for compensation to be subpar fillers or new rewards at Rank 2k.

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Well you also have to consider consistency with the rest of the game.


World Ranks were introduced in 2013, and I think I started playing the thing around the same time. (Btw, do you hear people crying from before that they didn't get rank and deserve to be compensated? No, because they're here to fight.) So 7 years later my rank is like 4900 plus some change-- about 700 ranks per year and would take a little under 3 years to get 2000 ranks. Granted, my playtime since PoF has plummeted. But still, does anything else in this game take 3 years to get?


I mean I suppose the lack of long term goals has always been a problem. But still.


Honestly, they probably should have kept the capture/kill/defend objectives as the big numbers they originally were but introduce more tiers/titles. That would have been the sane thing to do, but shortsightedness is not uncommon here. It is ironic using gw2efficiciency is a better way to track your progression.


I mean to get a legendary in this game mode, you need to have a consistent presence, or you won't fill your pips up for the needed chest, and your ticket accrual will be trash. The mere act of doing this demands a constant presence in WvW; so is that not enough dedication? I mean sure, you could in theory AFK all that time, but if that's how you want to waste your time for it at the expense of playing anything else, I suppose that's legendary in its own regard, albeit a bit sad.


Why are people so insistent on dumping a 2-3 year time gate on top of another timegate? We're under the assumption that Anet did the right in the first place, and if you look at the rest of PoF as well as how WvW turned out, I think it would be insane to make such a judgement. People will (rightfully) criticize changes made to this game mode, because most of them are really bad, but this is the hill to die on?

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