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Introduce Raptor Mount to Stop Roaming

Jumpin Lumpix.6108

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> @"Strider Pj.2193" said:

> > @Junkpile.7439 said:

> > But think if they would add griffon that could shoot hellfire missiles and drop bombs and maybe add some aerial combat skills so aerial combat would have big role in fights.


> *note to self*. Petition Arena net for signatures...



We have signatures now. Edit your profile to add one. Maybe petition Anet to restore Junkpile's. ;)


I solo roam, it's 100% legit so please move along, nothing to see here.

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For someone that claims to have such little interest in the mode itself, there sure are alot of opinions about things that need to change. So, today it's roamers huh?


Do you honestly believe that those that havent been assimilated yet will suddenly just pack up and quit because they were told to? And furthermore who's going to tell them to do so?


One either chooses to zzzerg, chooses to havoc, chooses to sit on their behind or on an cannon in a tower, chooses to map hop looking for whatever, chooses to ppt or chooses to fight people, how ever many of them and few of the opposition, which stats either of you are running, which side is running away or where they are headed,


KILLED coming from spawn, KILLED at a sentry, KILLED while afk in a dark corner with cobwebs as big as a baby's arm, KILLED while capping a ruin, KILLED while killing the harpy...Is is annoying? Yes. Is it only roamers killing you? NO, somtimes its a zerg. But, none of it matters, play how you want to!

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> @Blodeuyn.2751 said:

> > @"Strider Pj.2193" said:

> > > @Junkpile.7439 said:

> > > But think if they would add griffon that could shoot hellfire missiles and drop bombs and maybe add some aerial combat skills so aerial combat would have big role in fights.

> >

> > *note to self*. Petition Arena net for signatures...

> >


> We have signatures now. Edit your profile to add one. Maybe petition Anet to restore Junkpile's. ;)


> I solo roam, it's 100% legit so please move along, nothing to see here.


It's more for Junkpile lol. His sig in the old forums explained so much....,

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How is Standing around in a field, in full ascended with a specialized 1v1 build waiting for lvl 30's in greens with zvz builds to come along not bullying? They simply stand there and reset the fight an infinite number of times, until they finally wear an opponent down (very low skill involved, & playing against players with a huge handicap).


I doubt this was intended game play by anet, as its clearly bullying (picking on others whom are at a huge disadvantage). Unless I guess they sat around and actively said, "yes we want a game mode where one opponent is specialized for it and the other is not, and that same player who has the advantage also has a build completely suited to it and ya these others guys don't" - "Oh and also make it so that if those players don't want to engage in the 1v1, then oh well." I Doubt any of that is intended or was ever discussed.


Raptor solves it, can just run/leap past those camping the open plains.

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> @"Jumpin Lumpix.6108" said:

> How is Standing around in a field, in full ascended with a specialized 1v1 build waiting for lvl 30's in greens with zvz builds to come along not bullying? They simply stand there and reset the fight an infinite number of times, until they finally wear an opponent down (very low skill involved, & playing against players with a huge handicap).


> I doubt this was intended game play by anet, as its clearly bullying (picking on others whom are at a huge disadvantage). Unless I guess they sat around and actively said, "yes we want a game mode where one opponent is specialized for it and the other is not, and that same player who has the advantage also has a build completely suited to it and ya these others guys don't" - "Oh and also make it so that if those players don't want to engage in the 1v1, then oh well." I Doubt any of that is intended or was ever discussed.


> Raptor solves it, can just run/leap past those camping the open plains.


So...you're either level 80 in full ascended or you're level 30 in greens, there's no in between? Don't they drop tomes of knowledge in the reward tracks on BG?

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Please no mounts in wvw... how ridiculous.

I dont roam but enjoy trying to get to where Im going without being killed... how fast can I run, can I hide behind this and that, plus now we can fly.... its all fun.

Think roaming is bullying? If we were in a real war we would be getting picked off and mutilated and and dragged off, thrown in a dungeon and tortured and worse lol

Sick of ppl whining just play the game stop whining and if theres something that u dont like do something else or find a way to deal with it omg.

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I detest roamers with the ascended gear.... but only because I have no way to easily access the same high-end gear. I feel like I am inherently at a disadvantage, because I don't have the time or inclination to grind for ascended gear. I think a good solution would be to make WvW similar to PvP--where everyone's armor and trinket values are equalized. That way, these 1v1 roaming encounters would not be so skewed in favor of the person with the most gold/time/willingness to grind. In such a situation, roamer encounters would be based purely on the skill of the players--which is much more fair. Leave gear grind for fractals and raid groups.

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> @Weindrasi.3805 said:

> I detest roamers with the ascended gear.... but only because I have no way to easily access the same high-end gear. I feel like I am inherently at a disadvantage, because I don't have the time or inclination to grind for ascended gear. I think a good solution would be to make WvW similar to PvP--where everyone's armor and trinket values are equalized. That way, these 1v1 roaming encounters would not be so skewed in favor of the person with the most gold/time/willingness to grind. In such a situation, roamer encounters would be based purely on the skill of the players--which is much more fair. Leave gear grind for fractals and raid groups.


The difference is negligible and requires no grinding beyond just playing the game (unless you're going for something like viper, maybe). Skill and build factors in far more to winning a fight, and if you're feeling like your fights are so skewed to your opponents you should look to those two things before the nominal benefit from ascended.

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> @Weindrasi.3805 said:

> I detest roamers with the ascended gear.... but only because I have no way to easily access the same high-end gear. I feel like I am inherently at a disadvantage, because I don't have the time or inclination to grind for ascended gear. I think a good solution would be to make WvW similar to PvP--where everyone's armor and trinket values are equalized. That way, these 1v1 roaming encounters would not be so skewed in favor of the person with the most gold/time/willingness to grind. In such a situation, roamer encounters would be based purely on the skill of the players--which is much more fair. Leave gear grind for fractals and raid groups.


That's like saying PvE gear should be like PvP gear, because I don't have the time or willingness to do PvE raids or Fractals. I also dont have the time, gold, or willingness to grind for the griffin mount, so please just go ahead and give it to me or remove them from PvE because I will be at a "disadvantage".


WvW is not a fair game mode. WvW is not PvP. WvW is not a safe hold-my-hand no-risk environment, by design. You step out of your spawn, everything and everyone is fair game. Bad things can, and should, happen. I hate to say it, but some people just need to learn to play.

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> @"Strider Pj.2193" said:

> > @Blodeuyn.2751 said:

> > > @"Strider Pj.2193" said:

> > > > @Junkpile.7439 said:

> > > > But think if they would add griffon that could shoot hellfire missiles and drop bombs and maybe add some aerial combat skills so aerial combat would have big role in fights.

> > >

> > > *note to self*. Petition Arena net for signatures...

> > >

> >

> > We have signatures now. Edit your profile to add one. Maybe petition Anet to restore Junkpile's. ;)

> >

> > I solo roam, it's 100% legit so please move along, nothing to see here.


> It's more for Junkpile lol. His sig in the old forums explained so much....,


Yes, yes it did. :)

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> @Weindrasi.3805 said:

> I detest roamers with the ascended gear.... but only because I have no way to easily access the same high-end gear. I feel like I am inherently at a disadvantage, because I don't have the time or inclination to grind for ascended gear. I think a good solution would be to make WvW similar to PvP--where everyone's armor and trinket values are equalized. That way, these 1v1 roaming encounters would not be so skewed in favor of the person with the most gold/time/willingness to grind. In such a situation, roamer encounters would be based purely on the skill of the players--which is much more fair. Leave gear grind for fractals and raid groups.


Class balance is more important than gear balance. No idea what class you're running but it's either completely OP or UP, gear doesn't help you with that.

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> @"Jumpin Lumpix.6108" said:

> It's amazing, anytime I make a post about some aspect of wvw that is bullying, I get bullied. Anytime I make an observation about an aspect of the gameplay, others assume it's happening to me and then I get bullied. What a nice place.


> Everything I posted is true too, and nobody can really deny it.

Stop making posts then?

True that, I didn't get that your last thread on this forum was about others because I wouldn't have imagined that anyone would be outraged on behalf of others they can't even communicate with (thus don't know whether or not *they* are mad).

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OP, what server are you on?

There are servers that are in tiers with very little solo play. Maybe you should think about transferring and not suggesting massive changes to a game mode that would complicate the way some people like to play.

Take some responsibility for your own play experience and consider looking at other servers, guilds, builds, and equipment without imposing your brand of play on the whole game.

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I don't know if this is against roamers or spawn campers. The small groups of say 3 or 4 who like to jump single guys never tend to be good players. They usually get scared off by 1 or 2 equally specced guys, even with number advantage. Actually roamers tend to be all around the map or in dueling areas.


As for the respawn issue. As someone said, wait till more move out, or take another route. I and others often see spawn getting blocked and will counter by logging on a roaming character. None of my characters are full ascended and I don't have issues, it's purely build and profession.

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