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Shout out to players that have helped/been nice to you.


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So, I logged in today and found I had mail from a player I hadn't met. Seems they read a comment I had made about being new and proceeded to send me a little help in the mail, along with a welcome message to the game. That's the kind of community games like these need to keep the player base alive and make the newer players feel like they're welcome and not attacked or looked down upon because they're new, especially for players like me (over 50) that have logged thousands of hours in games, just not this one.

So I'd like to give a very big thank you to kharmin.7683 for they're help and kind words. We can never have enough of either. Hopefully I can pass it on as I learn as well. :)

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No one specific, but here are a few groups of folks that deserve thanks:


Right off the bat, a shout out to all those nice Mesmers who help with daily Jumping Puzzles and Mini Dungeons. And that goes double for the really great ones that refuse tips, helping out just to be helpful! This also goes out to Mesmers that help with the much harder JPs like Chalice of Tears and Not So Secret.


Next is the people that are always dropping Food stations and Guild/Spirit banners. The first is a really big help for newer players who haven't loaded up with exactly the right food to buff their build. The second is a great help to everyone.


Another major thanks goes to the many great folks that maintain the GW2 Wiki. This is a **Player Maintained** resource! ANet provide the website but it's players who keep it up to date.


One more group to mention- All the kind souls that will stop to rez a downed or defeated player. Sometimes the glider just doesn't deploy, or you miss the jump to the ledge by 1 pixel. If not for these helpful folks, you'd be porting all the way back to a WP.


There's plenty more I'm missing, but just got off work so my mind's not thinking clearly enough to remember them.

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The portals have helped me a couple of times, but something that I really like with this community is how players take a short break from their mission just to help each other during the game. I'm very greatful for that and I thank you all.


I play together with my 8 year old son, who I've been trying to educate in how to behave on the internet and MMO and he once attacked a group of lions (PoF) by himself (we all makes mistakes) and was downed pretty fast, he asked me for help. But suddenly another group of players appeared from nowhere and rushed in to help him out. For him, that meant a lot and the experience was powerful for an eight year old. That's when he decided that he love GW2 and learned that "we do what we can to help out".


I've tried to contribute by paying forward, remain on some events to help others and take a short break from the farming or levelling to aid downed players or if someone's taking on a powerful Champion alone (we'll get our asses kicked together instead).

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The people in WvW I sometimes encounter when doing the dailies. We see each others, we know we are from different servers. But we both want that daily done and decide to not engage in a pointless fight. The WvW community often claims, they want fights, but sadly a lot of them just want easy kills. PvE players doing their dailies are by far the easiest kills you can get, next to AFKers. I did a couple of daily veterans where we had two and one time even three different servers camping, no one harming the other and leaving the area peacefully after the NPC was slain. Also a couple of daily monuments where we were taking turns while the other one was waiting.


The players who just finished a Hero Point, see others arrive and stay for the 2nd round maybe even a 3rd round, just to lend a hand.


The players who pop a United Legions Waystation at bossfights/bounties. As well as those who take down the breakbar almost alone with bundles.


Those who get those 1-shot glass-cannons up again and again and again and again, sometimes leaving the event with barely silver or copper participation thanks to that.


The players who play with an open wiki tab, responding friendly and helpful to even trivial questions in mapchat.




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> @"Lucio.4190" said:

> The portals have helped me a couple of times, but something that I really like with this community is how players take a short break from their mission just to help each other during the game. I'm very greatful for that and I thank you all.


> I play together with my 8 year old son, who I've been trying to educate in how to behave on the internet and MMO and he once attacked a group of lions (PoF) by himself (we all makes mistakes) and was downed pretty fast, he asked me for help. But suddenly another group of players appeared from nowhere and rushed in to help him out. For him, that meant a lot and the experience was powerful for an eight year old. That's when he decided that he love GW2 and learned that "we do what we can to help out".


> I've tried to contribute by paying forward, remain on some events to help others and take a short break from the farming or levelling to aid downed players or if someone's taking on a powerful Champion alone (we'll get our kitten kicked together instead).


I tend to get a few whacks in for credit then run around reviving players, ?

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I'm happy to say that after 8 years in this game I've had too many positive experiences with other players to list them all, and more than enough to out number the bad experiences.


People who revive others definitely deserve credit. That's one of the things I love about this game, and especially the fact that so many people will drop what they're doing and go out of their way to help a total stranger. I've seen people who were running past stop and double back and even people who were flying over on a griffon or skyscale stop and land to help me or someone else who was downed. And of course times when it seemed like someone came out of no where to help.


Agreed on the mesmers who offer portals to the end of jumping puzzles too. I don't use the portals often because I like doing the puzzles but I love that players are willing to take the time to help others out like that, and it's great knowing the option is there if I need it. Similarly the mentors who stand in starter maps offering help and advice to new players, or anyone else who needs it.


There's been a few specific to me though. Like people who were kind enough to send me materials, gold or other stuff I needed when they heard I was working on a legendary or other big goal. When I told my guild I was starting on the Dreamer (my first legendary) one guy just said "Oh, you'll need wood!" and the next thing I knew my mail box was full of messages with logs attached. Then, months later I mentioned during a community event (Toga Party for MS if I remember correctly) that I was just 13g away from having all the T6 materials I needed to finish it (my last step) and a total stranger sent me 13g! Recently someone on this forum was even kind enough to send me a 400 gem item!


Then there's the time the mini llama was first released and 4 of my friends were crazy enough to agree to form a PvP team with me (someone who had never played PvP before) so we could enter the tournament to try to win one. That's still the only llama I have and it's even more special to me remembering that they were willing to humiliate themselves alongside me just so I could win it.

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