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> @"Virtuality.8351" said:

> > @"sevenDEADLY.5281" said:

> > > @"Niteraven.1372" said:

> > > I understand why people want to race. That's fine by me and I have NO problem with it. What I DO have a problem with is the little "adventure" game you force us to do in order to get the underwater skimmer addition. There are people on this game who CAN NOT do this. They may be elderly. They may be disabled. They may just not see well. When I started this game things were truly optional. Now I'm basically FORCED to do something I just can't do or be punished by not having a skill. So thank you Anet. Thank you from about 20 percent of the community. You just alienated a lot of people. Enjoy.

> >

> > Evidence to support that 20% of gamers are disabled elderly people incapable of completing an incredibly easy race? I'll wait.


> By indulging into a figurative number, I believe you completely missed the point, which is that there are indeed disabled and/or elderly people out there having a hard time completing contents that could grant them access to items or abilities that would improve their QoL in game. There is nothing wrong to advocate for them.


But also using a figurative number that you have no evidence on only hurts your case when the number seems too huge.


20% seems like an exaggeration for effect in order to get this higher on ANet's priority list. Which hurts your case.


I'd rather the request come from someone who is impacted.


That way they can explain the exact parts that cause them problems and engage in conversations with other people to come up with possible solutions.


It's one thing for a perfectly fine person to tell someone using two similar shades of blue and green that they should choose more contrasting colors to aide the color blind. Even a non-color blind person can have trouble reading blue on green or vice versa if the shades are too similar.


It's another thing for people to post about things that aren't blatantly obvious to the lay person. The race isn't blatantly obvious to the lay person on exactly what it is about it that causes problems.

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> @"Virtuality.8351" said:

> > @"sevenDEADLY.5281" said:

> > > @"Niteraven.1372" said:

> > > I understand why people want to race. That's fine by me and I have NO problem with it. What I DO have a problem with is the little "adventure" game you force us to do in order to get the underwater skimmer addition. There are people on this game who CAN NOT do this. They may be elderly. They may be disabled. They may just not see well. When I started this game things were truly optional. Now I'm basically FORCED to do something I just can't do or be punished by not having a skill. So thank you Anet. Thank you from about 20 percent of the community. You just alienated a lot of people. Enjoy.

> >

> > Evidence to support that 20% of gamers are disabled elderly people incapable of completing an incredibly easy race? I'll wait.


> By indulging into a figurative number, I believe you completely missed the point, which is that there are indeed disabled and/or elderly people out there having a hard time completing contents that could grant them access to items or abilities that would improve their QoL in game. There is nothing wrong to advocate for them.


And YOU miss a point made by someone else above. If you design a game based on the absolute lowest possible standard... there would be someone that exists that can't complete every existing aspect of this game. Some people are bad platformers, we need to remove all platforming from the game. Some people are incapable of competing in pvp, we need to remove all pvp from the game. Some people are incapable of the reflexes required to dodge appropriately, need to remove active dodging from the game. Some people just straight up don't have hands, need to remove any aspect of the game that requires the use of a keyboard and mouse. Stop attempting to force game design for a small percentage of the population.

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> @"sevenDEADLY.5281" said:

> > @"Virtuality.8351" said:

> > > @"sevenDEADLY.5281" said:

> > > > @"Niteraven.1372" said:

> > > > I understand why people want to race. That's fine by me and I have NO problem with it. What I DO have a problem with is the little "adventure" game you force us to do in order to get the underwater skimmer addition. There are people on this game who CAN NOT do this. They may be elderly. They may be disabled. They may just not see well. When I started this game things were truly optional. Now I'm basically FORCED to do something I just can't do or be punished by not having a skill. So thank you Anet. Thank you from about 20 percent of the community. You just alienated a lot of people. Enjoy.

> > >

> > > Evidence to support that 20% of gamers are disabled elderly people incapable of completing an incredibly easy race? I'll wait.

> >

> > By indulging into a figurative number, I believe you completely missed the point, which is that there are indeed disabled and/or elderly people out there having a hard time completing contents that could grant them access to items or abilities that would improve their QoL in game. There is nothing wrong to advocate for them.


> And YOU miss a point made by someone else above. If you design a game based on the absolute lowest possible standard... there would be someone that exists that can't complete every existing aspect of this game. Some people are bad platformers, we need to remove all platforming from the game. Some people are incapable of competing in pvp, we need to remove all pvp from the game. Some people are incapable of the reflexes required to dodge appropriately, need to remove active dodging from the game. Some people just straight up don't have hands, need to remove any aspect of the game that requires the use of a keyboard and mouse. Stop attempting to force game design for a small percentage of the population.


...which, in case you have not noticed, was a combination of slippery slope and straw man originally brought up cNd.1096, instead of what the OP was ranting about. Simply compare the following statements:


> @"Niteraven.1372" said:

> I understand why people want to race. That's fine by me and I have NO problem with it. What I DO have a problem with is the little "adventure" game you force us to do in order to get the underwater skimmer addition. There are people on this game who CAN NOT do this. They may be elderly. They may be disabled. They may just not see well. When I started this game things were truly optional. Now I'm basically FORCED to do something I just can't do or be punished by not having a skill. So thank you Anet. Thank you from about 20 percent of the community. You just alienated a lot of people. Enjoy.


> @"cNd.1096" said:

> Yeah, let's stop making games at all because there are people who can't play them. You're not forced to do anything, Skimmer underwater is completely optional.


Honestly I do not even know why people agree with cNd's apparent false rebuttal so much. Perhaps people just want to troll OP for venting. Though the position of the OP actually reads more close to something like this: "It is a good thing that people enjoy the mount race, but when to attain a certain degree of success in the activity becomes the _necessary prerequisite_ of functions that could greatly improve peoples QoL, it becomes problematic and thus extremely frustrating for people with technical difficulty." The _necessary prerequisite_, which by definition is _not_ optional, was apparently why OP felt being forced.


I simply do not see the OP was actually advocating for the removal of race, or as you mentioned in your post, platforms, pvp, the dodge function or whatnot, which is indeed a point, but also just another slippery slope.


And it is simply not a _necessity_ for those things to be removed in order to solve the issue. There is a difference in design consideration between simply lowering the difficulty for everyone and improving the _accessibility_ for those in need, and it is possible to improve QoL for people who are suffering from disability and other conditions without turning everything into a killjoy.


For an obvious example, set the prerequisite to Bronze medal instead of Silver, and maybe further make Bronze more easily achieved by expanding the time limit, so that even people with technical difficulty can at least access the underwater skimmer function with better ease and perhaps redo this less. By doing so, the experience of regular players are hardly negatively impacted, and you improve the accessibility and QoL for those people actually in need.


And if you happen to have read another popular [thread](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/114101/no-hot-should-not-be-further-nerfed-it-is-not-meant-to-be-the-regular-power-fantasy/p1) I recently started, you'd actually find that I am against lowering difficulty for quite a lot of things and even advocating making certain contents even more difficult than their current state in the comments.

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I read this thread before doing the skimmer course last night. From the OP I was expecting something a lot more complicated. I got bronze on my first run, which mostly had to do with being unfamiliar with the "go underwater" key and when it would be needed in the course. The second time I got silver even though I had to turn around and go back to a checkpoint bubble I had slid past too far to trigger.


I understand there are all sorts of different ability levels, but it boggles my mind how anyone hindered enough to not be able to do the skimmer course is able enough to do anything else in GW2.

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> @"Gibson.4036" said:

> I read this thread before doing the skimmer course last night. From the OP I was expecting something a lot more complicated. I got bronze on my first run, which mostly had to do with being unfamiliar with the "go underwater" key and when it would be needed in the course. The second time I got silver even though I had to turn around and go back to a checkpoint bubble I had slid past too far to trigger.


> I understand there are all sorts of different ability levels, but it boggles my mind how anyone hindered enough to not be able to do the skimmer course is able enough to do anything else in GW2.


There have been a lot of players with this mentality for the entirety of GW2.

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> @"Gibson.4036" said:

> I read this thread before doing the skimmer course last night. From the OP I was expecting something a lot more complicated. I got bronze on my first run, which mostly had to do with being unfamiliar with the "go underwater" key and when it would be needed in the course. The second time I got silver even though I had to turn around and go back to a checkpoint bubble I had slid past too far to trigger.


> I understand there are all sorts of different ability levels, but it boggles my mind how anyone hindered enough to not be able to do the skimmer course is able enough to do anything else in GW2.


It's not too difficult. A key thing to remember in it is to stay above the water as much as possible, since the skimmer moves faster above water than below.

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> @"Atomos.7593" said:



> It's not too difficult. A key thing to remember in it is to stay above the water as much as possible, since the skimmer moves faster above water than below.


Agreed. It took one run to figure out where in the course you need to dive in time to hit the first underwater checkpoint and where you can safely surface to take advantage of above-water speed. After that, it's not a very difficult course.


My impression is that the OP just doesn't like having to do a racecourse.

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