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How do you play Fashion Wars 2?


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> @DearlyMe.5320 said:

> None of those really fits what I do. Unless you count focusing on their personality and what they themselves would wear as a theme. I can't get my human necromancer to wear anything that shows skin. She prefers cute outfits like Cabalist gear. My norn ranger prefers cultural clothing. The sylvari necromancer doesn't seem too picky. My asura mesmer is the worst to dress, since pants are a no go and that's the majority of the bottoms. It needs to be fancy, pretty, and stylish. So while I'm still leveling her, she's running around in the wedding outfit. When she's 80, she'll be wearing the carapace top with winged bottoms.


I'd classify that as matching a theme. In your case the theme is 'what would this character wear?'.

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Would vote but there wasn't a "None of the above." option. I don't think there is any real rhyme or reason to how I put together an outfit for a char, I just start throwing armor skins on them in the wardrobe and see what sticks. I don't like themes personally. Whether or not a skin is expensive is only a consideration if it's well beyond what I can afford(which is quite a few, but thus far I've been pretty lucky because most of the skins I really like have been within my means).

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Alright, I'll play. I begin with a skin or two that I like and build a theme around it. Here are a few of mine:


Mesmer: (Desert)



Elementalist: (Desert)



Engineer: (Futuristic)



Guardian: (Demon)



Necromancer: (Angel, to match "The Bifrost")


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The theme answer was the closest to what I do, but for one of my alt Guardians I built her dyes around the Scientific weapon skins and just went from there. Since I have 24 characters, it's getting harder to make them all unique but I'm still unlocking new skins in the four years I've been playing so it's been a lot of fun playing dress up on all of them.

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> @Cuddy.6247 said:

> ![](https://i.imgur.com/frwEAcd.jpg "")



> Basically like that. Everyone uses war god weapons. Exceptions are I use Touch of Madness for torches and Jailbroken for any focus.


You're like the only example so far on I can see someone accidentally deleting the wrong character from that other topic. Even worse if they have close to the same name.

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> @"Ayumi Spender.1082" said:

> > @Cuddy.6247 said:

> > ![](https://i.imgur.com/frwEAcd.jpg "")

> >

> >

> > Basically like that. Everyone uses war god weapons. Exceptions are I use Touch of Madness for torches and Jailbroken for any focus.


> You're like the only example so far on I can see someone accidentally deleting the wrong character from that other topic. Even worse if they have close to the same name.


Names aren't really close. More important to pay attention to the icons though. I can tell who my characters are at a glance and honestly their appearance wouldn't help me remember what was in their inventory anyway.


Only other outfits I have are Mad King's, White Mantle and Mursaat. Idk how I feel about trying to throw them into the mix.

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> @Cuddy.6247 said:

> > @"Ayumi Spender.1082" said:

> > > @Cuddy.6247 said:

> > > ![](https://i.imgur.com/frwEAcd.jpg "")

> > >

> > >

> > > Basically like that. Everyone uses war god weapons. Exceptions are I use Touch of Madness for torches and Jailbroken for any focus.

> >

> > You're like the only example so far on I can see someone accidentally deleting the wrong character from that other topic. Even worse if they have close to the same name.


> Names aren't really close. More important to pay attention to the icons though. I can tell who my characters are at a glance and honestly their appearance wouldn't help me remember what was in their inventory anyway.


Ah, you got photographic memory and thought processes like me?

Even then, still a rare case as I can see someone if they had it like this and not thinking could accidentally delete the wrong character if they either:

1. Didn't care for the character.

2. Don't pay attention or remember specific things.

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> @"Ayumi Spender.1082" said:

> > @Cuddy.6247 said:

> > > @"Ayumi Spender.1082" said:

> > > > @Cuddy.6247 said:

> > > > ![](https://i.imgur.com/frwEAcd.jpg "")

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > Basically like that. Everyone uses war god weapons. Exceptions are I use Touch of Madness for torches and Jailbroken for any focus.

> > >

> > > You're like the only example so far on I can see someone accidentally deleting the wrong character from that other topic. Even worse if they have close to the same name.

> >

> > Names aren't really close. More important to pay attention to the icons though. I can tell who my characters are at a glance and honestly their appearance wouldn't help me remember what was in their inventory anyway.


> Ah, you got photographic memory and thought processes like me?

> Even then, still a rare case as I can see someone if they had it like this and not thinking could accidentally delete the wrong character if they either:

> 1. Didn't care for the character.

> 2. Don't pay attention or remember specific things.


Don't think it's that photogenic. More that I've just learned to recognise the various profession icons. If I want to delete my mesmer, for example, I'm not going to be at risk of clicking the arrowhead and deleting my dragonhunter by accident. Also the names are somewhat thematic. Like warrior is Love Like War, ranger is Follow Your Arrow (even if I don't use a bow, it's the sentiment that counts, right?) and revenant is Sick Sixth Senses.

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Themes for me. I have a norn raven shaman ele with Nevermore, a fiery warrior (though I'm regretting my choices after B. went rogue), icy guardian, steampunk engineer, a lightbringer revenant, the list goes on. I initially decide the general theme, find the weapon skins, then mix and match armors and dyes to complete the look.

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I usually sit a while in wardrobe, trying to throw any and every skin i have at the character in preview, until i find something that "clicks". When i do, i build the rest of the theme around it. If that requires obtaining a new skin, then i do that.

The problem is, that i have quite a number of expensive and/or hard to get skins that i obtained because i liked them, but i end up not using most of those because they just don't "fit" anywhere. For example, there's only one character that uses a legendary currently - and it's the character i no longer play on.

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Theme. Not too many things look good on charrs, and what does look good is usually a very simple, cheap, easily-and-early obtained item. Well, maybe that's also because I prefer the simple things.

I wouldn't really say that I play fashion wars so much as I get my characters to level 80 and put on an exotic set, and then give 'em a skin set and that's what they'll be wearing for the rest of their lives :D

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Lol jk


I dont use berzerker gear. But its funny and others dont apply.


I run heritage hear in my starter default colours. Only for now i am dressed in halloween armor cause halloweeeen.


Heritage gear(pottery, dijon, autumn)

FDS/The Chosen.

Tequatl lobgbow reskinned to Softwood Bow

Mad Mem flaming back

Gourd vibrations



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I usually want a certain look and build my armor/weapons around that. I have 9 legendaries and have no problem reskinning them to match the look I want. I don't have a screen shot of my green-skinned sylvari scourge, but he is very real life human dressed with just a tad of steampunk added in. His clothing is all black and white. I chose vigil weapon skins because they compliment the look although they are Set One: Meteorlogicus & Rodgort and Set Two: Nevermore.


I actually like stuff that is less bulky and less flashy. Sparkly doesn't impress me that much. Well, except for Astralaria. I love that skin.

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> @"jheryn.8390" said:

> I usually want a certain look and build my armor/weapons around that. I have 9 legendaries and have no problem reskinning them to match the look I want. I don't have a screen shot of my green-skinned sylvari scourge, but he is very real life human dressed with just a tad of steampunk added in. His clothing is all black and white. I chose vigil weapon skins because they compliment the look although they are Set One: Meteorlogicus & Rodgort and Set Two: Nevermore.


> I actually like stuff that is less bulky and less flashy. Sparkly doesn't impress me that much. Well, except for Astralaria. I love that skin.


I totally agree with you. If got Incinerator or crafted it for my thief, I'd re-skin it to fit her assassin-like theme (probably bloodstone dagger). Though, I'd prefer a new legendary dagger. I do love The Shining Blade sword, though.


Anyway, I promised pictures of my thematic characters!

**Vini - Female asura Daredevil. Dagger/Dagger, Shortbow** (in general, my characters' weapons will be part of their theme)

>! Vini is a non-contracted assassin. She was given a title and a surname by the asura society due to... some taboo behavior she displays (you'll have to read the story linked in my sig to find out what). Here she is, hooded with her daggers: ![](https://i.imgur.com/b7dbNyd.jpg "") And here she is without a hood, wielding her short bow: ![](https://i.imgur.com/b2n7d79.jpg "") I have taken better shots of her. Anyway, you can clearly see from the hood and sneakthief armor that I'm definitely going with the assassin theme here. I also had commissioned an image of Vini from TigresToku: ![](https://i.imgur.com/16bIK20.png "") Vini became my main in August 2014, replacing my ranger, Ashe. I discovered the joys of a thief character and an asura at that! :) Vini also has a pet Red Panda, who loves her and she loves back: ![](https://i.imgur.com/4YYr2en.png "")



**Cynthia Rycher - Female human Elementalist, "Scion of Storms." Dagger/Dagger**

>! Cynthia Rycher, the "Scion of Storms" is an arcanist hailing from a different world: Mytherdia. Although she looks human, she's actually a member of the mystic race--1/4 elven, 3/4 human--so looks can be deceiving. Cynthia is a tease and a prankster; not to mention very playful. Careful, just because she's beautiful doesn't mean she's easy to catch. Some pictures:![](https://i.imgur.com/f6puXdy.jpg "") ![](https://i.imgur.com/HTTeV8s.jpg "") Cynthia calls herself the "Scion of Storms," as do many, because she focuses on Lightning magic. She can use fire, ice, and other elements, but her primary power lies with the Air. (Her build is what I call a "gimmick" build which is focused on making her hit people with random lightning bolts and have strong Air attunement. She has Runes of Air, Sigil of Air, Tempest Defense, and Lightning Rod.) Make her angry and she will give you a nasty shock. Cynthia normally wears a cross between a kimono and wizard's robe with knee-high white boots. She also has a silver hairclip with a sapphire tucked in it. The Feathered Headpiece was the closest I could get to a hearpiece like that. The Vestments of the Lich combined with Ornate Guild Leggings and Illustrious Footwear gave me that kimono/robe look. She's dagger/dagger for Air 1 and 3 primarily. Air 3 for more lightning, and Air 1 to represent her actual melee weapon: the Storm Whip.



**Aegis Runestone - Male human Weaver, "Magi Warrior of Mytherdia." Sword/Dagger**

>! Like Cynthia, Aegis hails from the world of Mytherdia, where he was a hero and the only mystic alive who could cast arcane magic while wearing heavy armor. Thus, the title "Magi Warrior." Aegis mastered using the bastard sword type (or hand-and-a-half sword) in his right hand while training to be swordsman. A traumatic event changed his cellular makeup and he was able to wield magic. Thus, Aegis rarely, if ever, uses a shield because a free hand to cast spells is more favorable. In Tyria, I picked elementalist because it was the closest class. When Weaver was announced, I was thrilled. Here is what he looks like normally in Mytherdia: ![](https://i.imgur.com/VYeLF8p.png "") Now, here he is a Weaver in Tyria: ![](https://i.imgur.com/LSgZseA.jpg "") The Weaver spec allows Aegis to have a sword, which is much more fitting for his theme. Also, note his colors match with his reference picture.



**Ashe Frostworth - Female human Ranger. Longbow, Greatsword**

>! Pictures: ![](https://i.imgur.com/x1RsRkQ.jpg "")![](https://i.imgur.com/9nX9IFW.jpg "") Anyone who has played League of Legends will recognize this character as heavily based off Ashe, the Frost Archer in her Amethyst Ashe skin. I felt the Falconer's armor was the best for her look and I love it. Her pet there is named "Dark Crystal" since it's a snow leopard. Ashe was my original main. Although she was my second character created (September 2012, a few days after Levi), she was the first (and currently only) to beat the original Personal Story. She plays a role in Vini's story as Tyrian human (and not the champion from LoL). She's one of Vini's contacts in the Order of Whispers.



**Therista - Female slyvari Warrior. Greatsword, Longbow**

>! Therista is heavily based off my Night Elf warrior--Therista Whisperleaf--from World of Warcraft (which I don't play anymore). The Tyrian version of Therista is more relaxed and level-headed unlike her counterpart who has a bad temper and speced in the Fury Line. Azeroth Therista used Sword & Shield and Greatsword while the Tyrian version opted for a Longbow instead of sword and shield. Picture: ![](https://i.imgur.com/Qw4ZrQs.jpg "") Therista in Tyria has a very similar color scheme to Therista from Azeroth. Here's her Azerothian version: ![](https://i.imgur.com/sMJa4qI.png "") Although the one from Azeroth has armor which carries more blue in it, she also had a purple undershirt beneath that armor. The hair, skin tone, leggings, and boot, however, all match perfectly. I may swap Tyrian Therista back to blue, but that's something for later. She's one of Vini's companions later in her story.



**Farclaw Wartongue - Male charr Engineer. Pistol/Pistol**

>! This charr is one of my favorite characters despite the fact I don't play him long. My guildmaster (and good friend), who mains a charr engie remarked that Farclaw had swag. And indeed he does. Pictures: ![](https://i.imgur.com/Tci5CS1.jpg "")![](https://i.imgur.com/xv7ucOr.jpg "") Despite how low-level the armor looks, he has the swag of an awesome charr. He'll show up in Vini's story soon (probably in Chapter 13), he seeks Vini out because he hears of her great genius (scored a 5.0 GPA in her college with highest honors--the only one in her class to do so) and he loves inventing new devices for the Iron Legion and so he asks Vini for advice. Farclaw is going to keep this color scheme, I am debating whether I should go back to Glyphic Pistols as the Priory ones, as cool as they are, look out of place. Here's Farclaw with the Glypic pistols: ![](https://i.imgur.com/tKi6Rq3.jpg "")



**Levi Crystalweaver - Male human Guardian. Sword/Shield, Greatsword**

>! This is the Tyrian version of Levi Crystalweaver--a paladin--from Mytherdia. A pic of Tyrian Levi with his sword and shield: ![](https://i.imgur.com/XcpKvPT.jpg "") Levi was my first character in September 2012 and he follows Mytherdian Levi's theme closely: white hair, light blue armor with gold. Tyrian Levi is wielding Vengeance, Tier 2 precursor to The Shining Blade, and I think he's the one who will get the Legendary. Another picture: ![](https://i.imgur.com/wyTf2Gj.jpg "") Levi is a man with a kind, gentle attitude despite his large presence. He seeks to forgive those who wrong him, even they are his enemies. Because if he does not; he may become the monsters he fights against. He plays a major role later in Vini's Story.



**Nora the Twisted - Female norn Mesmer. Greatsword, Sword/Sword**

>! Nora is a new character, my first norn and first mesmer. I don't have much of a backstory, but I like this theme she currently has: ![](https://i.imgur.com/5of6coB.jpg "") Title: "the Twisted" represents her ability to manipulate with illusions and twist reality. I'm also thinking if she should stick with Sword/Sword as her secondary or go something else...



**Cecil Harvey (Paladin - Final Fantasy 4 Cosplay) - Male human Dragonhunter. Sword/Shield, Longbow**

>! Final Fantasy IV is my favorite game of all time, and Cecil is my fictional hero. Reference picture: ![](https://i.imgur.com/JvyNSZ3.jpg "")Despite his lack of manliness in Square's design; I think he is manly in sense he is a walking, breathing definition of a hero. Now, here he is in Tyria: ![](https://i.imgur.com/x87l1ZJ.jpg "")The Luminous Saber provided the perfect skin for Cecil's most powerful holy sword: Ragnarok. And the Frostforged Shield makes for a wonderful Crystal Shield. Another picture: ![](https://i.imgur.com/lAJ4KIs.jpg "") In the 2D versions of FF4, Cecil could wield bows once he became a Paladin. So, the Dragonhunter spec was spot on for giving him an alternate weapon. He uses Knight stat equipment (except his sword, shield, and bow, which are all zerkers), so he's hard to kill, and he hits hard. In FF4, Cecil isn't a traditional paladin--he's not just a tank, but what I call a DPS/Tank hybird. He's one of the highest damage dealers you have in the game and has the highest defense and HP, so he can take blows for weaker characters without much damage to himself. What would complete his cosplay would be a dyeable cape and the Icelord's Diadem from the Hall of Monuments. Sadly, I'm unable to acquire a copy of Guild Wars 1 at the moment.



There! A lot of thematic characters, eh? :) It seems all of them are centered around a theme of some sort. Also, sorry for Vini's oddly wrapped text around the images; I couldn't figure out how to make paragraphs without needing a new spoiler tag.

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Honestly I don't.


Fashion in this game sucks. Even ESO has better choices and they lack transmutation...


This game has too many butt-flaps.


So almost all my characters are wearing very similar outfits because the choices are just too few and far between... and all I've been doing since 2013 is transmuting the same outfit onto every upgrade...


I have massive collections of outfits in every MMO I play except for this one. **There is no 'fashion wars' here... There are just butt-flaps.**


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