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Expac speculation: Role/capability + Theme


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> @"Randin.5701" said:

> I'm hoping for a pet-focused elite spec--a ghost summoner or something similar would be fitting. Mostly because I want the necromancer--a class typically associated with raising the undead to fight for them--to have a single good looking minion, something that I'd actually want to have following me around. Wanting an elite spec solely on the basis of the potential aesthetics is weird, sure, but that's where I'm at right now.


Not saying that this is something I would personally want (I much prefer the insect or fungus/decay based themes mentioned by others), but if we ever were to see a "minion master" espec, I could imagine shroud being replaced by the necromancer's equivalent of the ranger's pet mechanics - sans the pokemon-esque gotta-catch-em-all, of course, but still with a selection of at least three possible minion-pets (possibly more if there is pet-swapping, as well, with new pets being unlocked by minor traits?).

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I would love to see curses of some sort: F skills that have large negative effects (not conditions) on targets, determined by consumption of LF over time. As long as you have LF, the curse is applied. Looking for a new mainhand weapon this espec, not an offhand. IMO, this is a possible solution to making Necro desirable endgame without changing game mechanics.

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> @"Obtena.7952" said:

> I would love to see curses of some sort: F skills that have large negative effects (not conditions) on targets, determined by consumption of LF over time. As long as you have LF, the curse is applied. Looking for a new mainhand weapon this espec, not an offhand. IMO, this is a possible solution to making Necro desirable endgame without changing game mechanics.

That would be nice.

Boons and conditions mean far less to players in 2020 than they did in 2012. Boon and condition generation is much easier, as is condition removal.

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