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Are you happy with the current state of WvW?

Harry Foud.1935

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WvW in GW2 when comparing to other MMOs RvR like systems.


GW2's WvW is more so PvE then RvR action, when playing and looking a other MMOs or RvR titles.

- Servers in GW2, are pretty promoted to run away from fights with players involved.

- Servers are more encouraged to PvD than to PvP with each other.

- Server are more encouraged to stack players so others don't challenge them.

- Players out and about are more encouraged, to mindlessly stack and burn only when they completely outnumbered their enemies.


Other RvR like games. If these phenomena starts happening.

- Those devs have changed the whole game mode mechanics to promote players fighting each other.

- Those other games have discourage zerging down numbers, many times less the you, by rewarding you significantly less.

- Those other games give players way more incentives to split up from their zergs. WHile at the same time not depreciating the zerg-like gameplay.


In GW2 it's the complete other way around. It's to the point players are no longer fighting each other. But they are fighting the game mechanics and avoiding player vs player fights at all costs. This why I refer WvW in GW2 is more akin to PvE. Then other game RvR like modes are more akin to Player vs Player on massive scale. And it make GW2's WvW a complete yawn-a'thon-fest, compare to other game's RvR modes.

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Class balance is a joke.

Lag never stops.

Linking causes more problems then it tries to address.

Bugs, glitches, never get fixed.

Too many pip farmers chasing shinies using pve builds, with full zerk gear and magic find food that die instantly and then blame everyone else.

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ive said it before , they should bring some sort of GvG mode connected to wvw or something to that effect after all this is "guild wars" 2, look at everything else in the game pve has both casual and competitive content (world map, dungeons, fractals, raids) , pvp has casual modes and competitive modes (unranked /ranked / tournaments) however wvw has really stayed the same, with the exception that you can get more loot now with the reward tracks and HOT releasing desert BL the mode for wvw gameplay has not changed and even if you release new maps and change the way you aquire points for your world, either GW2 players will continue playing other modes of this game whether pvp or pve especially with new content releases within those modes and current and or past players who mainly wvw will leave the game for other games or just get sick and tired of the same grind over and over especially with top servers not being challenged because lets face it, when u have more numbers and better time coverage theres can be no competitiveness, so anet, you should release a mode that in a way is linked to wvw that lets guilds duke it out in some 20v20 or maybe even 50v50 and anywhere between that range and within a time limit (etc a match can be 30- 60 mins long) to bring some competitiveness back to wvw and between guilds themselves

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Class balance is pretty terrible atm resulting in a lack of diversity...


The condition spam has ruined the fun factor and forced even less build diversity...any utility without condi cleanse or resistance is no longer an option unless you want to die in seconds when you are forced to wade through the condi puddle spam...


I am of the opinion that condition damage should add to power damage...if you build crit and crit damage you are a burst build. If you build condi its a slower damage but requires less time on target. Both crit and condi should just add to base power damage not be its own primary source which condi currently is.



Condi currently is an alternative to power... it should be an alternative to crit...aka bonus damage.


While the game is being built with condi as a primary damage type WvW will suffer.

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Long enough have i put up with this imbalance, but ever since PoF came out i simply refuse to play it anymore. Used to be way way more fun before HoT and the conditions all over era. Ofcourse there was imbalance too but way way less then this crap atm.


Edit; quite remarkable the ones that voted yes don't explain what they enjoy/be happy about in wvw.

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> @Vambrace.8675 said:

> Class balance is pretty terrible atm resulting in a lack of diversity...


> The condition spam has ruined the fun factor and forced even less build diversity...any utility without condi cleanse or resistance is no longer an option unless you want to die in seconds when you are forced to wade through the condi puddle spam...


> I am of the opinion that condition damage should add to power damage...if you build crit and crit damage you are a burst build. If you build condi its a slower damage but requires less time on target. Both crit and condi should just add to base power damage not be its own primary source which condi currently is.



> Condi currently is an alternative to power... it should be an alternative to crit...aka bonus damage.


> While the game is being built with condi as a primary damage type WvW will suffer.


I strongly agree here. I was always of the idea that conditions are supposed to weaken, not insta-kill like Scourges do now and Reapers did before. Necros are curse-oriented classes, sure, I absolutely agree with that, however they are overdoing it with condition intensity.

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The main problem is there are too many battlegrounds when there should only be the Eternal Battleground -- or at least rotate the borderlands.


Example rotation;

Monday & Thursday - World 1's borderland + Eternal Battleground

Tuesday & Friday - World 2's borderland + Eternal Battleground

Wednesday & Saturday - Worlds 3's borderland + Eternal Battleground

Sunday - all borderlands + Eternal Battleground


Right now, zerg groups are just rotating borderlands and seldom meet.

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so.. lets see:


**Game name is Guild Wars 2.**

there is quite a lot things to do in this game.. but actually.. one of the only things the game does not offer is a GvG enviroment.

or a GvG real possibility.


**game mode name is WorldvWorldvWorld.**

there is quite a lot of things you can do in this game mode... but actually... one of the only things you can`t do is have 3 worlds fighting at the same place...

server lag will completely ruin everything.. 3-10 skill lag and random disconnects to whoever has slower internet .

it gets to a point where 1 server just gives up and leaves the area so that the other 2 can finish the fight.


**Class balance**

i don't think there is an active class balance dev team working on Anet at the moment...

either they had to cut the costs and then decided to cut the class balance team


the ppl they hired to do this is just complety brain dead.. and by that i mean that if they hired a bunch of monkeys we would have a better scenario by now.

i mean.. HOT release revealed lot`s of issues..and 1-2 years later the balance team learned ABSOLUTELY NOTHING???


A baby that got born on the day hot was released by now is already able to walk, speak and even use the bathroom.

Anet in the same period learned absolutely nothing from their mistakes with HOT.

they offered us more condi spam, less class diversity, 0 improvement to server side lag.

so we got 0 steps further and then maybe 10 steps backwards.. imba nice job guys... (NOTTTT)


back on the days when power was the meta we had some op classes and needed some tweeks here and there.. but still..every class had their place and players could have fun on most classes.

we even had organized raids 20-30 taking down blobs of 50 players due to better coordination.


after the condi spam meta it is just straight retarded game play..

if you dont have enough condi clear you are down in 1-2 secs no matter what you use..

there is just no chance a smaller group with less condi will win against a blob.. so what is left? most servers just avoid fighting until they can get a 40+ blob going..


defending structures is still not rewarding enough. i mean besides fighting. it is just not worth defending an structure if it is t1, or even t2, against a blob.. just let them take it and recap it 5-10 mins later.

we need some actual incentive to ppl who shows up to defend towers / keeps / etc...


the AMA events ANET promotes are quite funny. the event name is "ask me anything".

they just don't mention that if you ask about wvw the answer is something like: "we cannot talk about it yet but soon you guys will have some BIG NEWS being announced. Just buy the new x-pack and hold on plz."

by soon they mean in the next 10 years or so.


so... how can i say?

Red Fox compnay loves the state of current WvW..

it gave them a shit load of players...

but hey..

soon we will have some big news being announced.. just buy the x-pack that offered wvw 0 content and stay tight...





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