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Are you happy with the current state of WvW?

Harry Foud.1935

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The way Anet has caved to the "Defensive Group" has created nothing but barriers to fun for everyone else. With the condensed servers and the BS ranking system nobody cares about this tower or that except those people who actually do. BS tactivators killed havoc and small group, so all we have left is blob. Sad really, this game had it all but messed it all up.

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Yes, the gamemode is alright once some classbalance is done. The players, guilds and commanders are the problem, they just qq and qq without understanding the importance of voice comms and serverwide communication. The whole "I am/My guild is the center of this server" attitude is too strong at the moment.


And no, talking with your server does not mean defending ranger rights and talk about winning matchups. Most of the players arent interested in that but seems most server leaders dont even play the game.


Anyways, community leaders are too old, players need to change.


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Although it has its imbalances but that's what makes WvW so thrilling! The sheer freedom of gearing your character however way you wish opens up tens of thousands of playstyles. Take guardian for example, you can be a burn core guardian, condi burst fire brand, trap barfing dragon hunter, bunker firebrand, healing guard...you get the point...of course some builds excel more than others but WvW still stays true to the build whatever kind of character/role you want atmosphere that is just so addicting to theory crafters. Sure some things can become so prevalent that it becomes downright oppressive (I'm looking at you ghost thief) but I gladly accept these downsides as long as I can customize my characters however way I wish and for that reason WvW will always be my forever favourite game mode

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I mostly rate the "PvP" part of the WvW mode, which sadly encourages zergs and winning by numbers, not by player skill or great teamplay, because:

- no reward for fighting outnumbered (winning 10v20 is less rewarding then winning 50vs20, because you waste more time to do it for the same reward).

- too forgiving for bad plays, especially if outnumbering the enemy, because of the downed state and the fact that everyone can resurrect others.

- considering the aoe target limit, running around as a single blob is the best strategy available in this game mode when numbers exceed 5 players, which is very limited.

- serious balance issues, partially shared with sPvP but exponentially increased by broken foods, stat combinations, sigils and runes available in WvW mode.

- skill lag and server performance issues caused by zerg fights, ruining the gaming experience of everyone in the border when it happens.



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i was away for like half a year and now i am on a server in bottom tier that doesnt look to get out of there anytime soon as it is full and so one of our opponents will remain the same for X weeks to come - gets kinda boring to fight the same people over and over again. guess i need to transfer to fight other people.

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Yes because the meta is back to what is was in 2013 and i really liked it back then and i think i speak for a lot of people when i say i very much welcome back the pirateship meta. roaming is a whole different issue personally i think if you want to roam go do spvp.


pips are a mess, the entire system needs to be looked at but i think that anet is brain storming a new system as i'm sure thinking of an idea and coding it with multiple failed ideas can be time consuming


other then that i really appreciate the meta changes, i think the fights against other guilds feels a lot better in many ways but can use some fine tuning. i'd say i'm like 70% yes 30% no but just because i have 1 complaint doesn't mean the entire wvw system should be considered a negative.



EDIT: also about the condition damage overload. Yes it is the main focus, is it an issue? NO! If you cannot deal with a changed meta in composition and playstyle maybe wvw isn't for you. There has been many implementations to remedy the condi damage and it's in a comfortable spot. Although i think people miss big numbers because it felt better.

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> @Xunleashed.5271 said:

> I mostly rate the "PvP" part of the WvW mode, which sadly encourages zergs and winning by numbers, not by player skill or great teamplay, because:

> - no reward for fighting outnumbered (winning 10v20 is less rewarding then winning 50vs20, because you waste more time to do it for the same reward).

> - too forgiving for bad plays, especially if outnumbering the enemy, because of the downed state and the fact that everyone can resurrect others.

> - considering the aoe target limit, running around as a single blob is the best strategy available in this game mode when numbers exceed 5 players, which is very limited.

> - serious balance issues, partially shared with sPvP but exponentially increased by broken foods, stat combinations, sigils and runes available in WvW mode.

> - skill lag and server performance issues caused by zerg fights, ruining the gaming experience of everyone in the border when it happens.




The reward for fighting outnumbered is the satisfaction and increased pips.


too forgiving for bad plays? You must be fighting idiots then because most guilds punish bad positioning and wasted cooldowns.


Aoe target limit boosts group play and allows blob busting guilds to exists promoting better small group skill to kill large mindless blobs.


Balance issue? There is more classes being used now then ever. Guardians/eles/chronos/revenants/warriors/necros all have a place in the meta.


skill lag? hmm either you are fighting on a full server and should consider swapping off or there is a lot of Stone mist castle fights on your server and to that i say you should expect lag. The skill lag system allows for the server to compensate the BS going on during the entire fight. Be glad that it's not something else like in other games.

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> @"Harry Foud.1935" said:

> > @hadi.5274 said:

> > after 4 years, I left this game while anet not care about our problems, and they just boost condi for bad fights, same boring maps, same boring system.


> at this point I just do the dailies and then play other games


I sometimes do dailies very rarely these days. Most days I just log in, make a charged quartz crystal, admire my characters. After that I just log out and play other games.

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I returned to game after a 7 month break. I like the new changes on rewards. It was a step in the right direction, but there are still many issues with lopsided matches. If sandbagging could be addressed (large servers intentionally going down the ladder to face roll lower tiers), and a better bracketing system for match ups would make it so much more fun instead of a demoralizing experience for competitive players on lower pop servers/match-ups. I would also like to see a bit of a pinch on group-share builds with smaller numbers. its kinda crazy what 3-4 roamers can do. Some is ok but right now its a bit op, and forcing larger roaming group play which it harder to pull off on less populated servers around late play times.

BTW gliding in wvw is a kick. I've really enjoyed it :).

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server stability is a joke, maguuma server crashed 2 weeks ago and lost the early game

world linking helps spreads toxic behavior, cant avoid bad links to shitty servers.

World linking is a straight up disadvantage. world linking makes it hard to co operate.

gliding was a mistake. very small support of the game mode. underwater combat isnt balanced.

servers throw matches on purpose to avoid T1. the turkeys a little dry


WvW is a garbage fire/10


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> @"Soggy Biscuit.9372" said:

> All I want is diminishing returns on CC. Getting stunned and ping ponged across the area for 10 seconds into death with no way to counter after your stunbreak has been blown not my definition of fun.


I have a CC toon for zerg its fun to ping pong people with no stab lol (Anet removed stab from ranger that was not a great idea neither from the signet xD)

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> @JustDemons.4358 said:

> <3 Yes!

> Why? Cuz i think u should always just **like a game for what it IS** and not hoping for smth that u want it to be. i wish some down tuning of the new specs to match core specs and some more ways to deal with condi (food, utility food maybe?). But i still can enjoy this game and this mode!


Go back to pve... plz its even effortless and less laggy there :)


Something bad does not need to be good just becouse it what it is....

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one thing that bugs me to no end, the pve approach to stats in wvw. Sometimes when you are outnumbered, it would be nice to change from a zerk stats to bunker / tank stats - but it's simply unaffordable to have several sets of gear. Being able to change stats in a pvp environment should not be a reward, it should be a standard practice for anyone in wvw. - Half the fun is testing out different builds - sure we can change stats on ascended but lose expensive sigils / runes in the process - I'd rather just not play than have to grind for gear and buy extra vault space to hold that gear. I can go into great detail about what's wrong with this and the detrimental effect it has on all pvp modes - despite being able to change stats in pvp arena.


It's like forcing me to play checkers to win chess pieces to play a game of chess. It bugs me enough to not even consider endorsing structured pvp - My stats are 0 in structured in pvp arena, and I've been pvp'ng since probably the first ever official pvp tournament on the internet, was in gw1 since the first month of release and gw2 since the beta bunny with tequatl stats.


- after rereading this thread - fixing the stat approach in wvw would address many issues mentioned - specifically to balance....there are a lot of builds to counter other builds, but without the right gear / stat's the effort is moot simply because some strategies are so dependent on gear and stat attribution.

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