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What Composition For Twin Largos Challenge Mote?


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We brought them to eight respective nine percent health with this composition; heal tempest, druid, support chronomancer, tank chronomancer and six condition mirages.


What composition is best damage wise on this encounter? Should we be running banners? With what composition did you kill them with?

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What @"Aceofsppades.6873" said.


Healer wise, if you have issues with survival, it is better to run a stronger healer carry, heal tempest or heal scrg, than worry about which healers does how much damage.


Some groups run a portal strat to prevent splitting up, which allows for running druid+heal carry and make the split stages of the fight easier up until the last 25%.


The most important issue in this fight, and this is valid for either side, is to have a good kite healer. Being able to manage the charge and boon transfer will help immensely in being successful. Another thing is having attentive tanks. Standing in those tornadoes and cycling your defensive abilities is great for personal survival. Moving in a way that the squad can easily side step them and keep damage up is even better.

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