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How much real money have you spent on GW 2?


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To Ayumi Spender.1082 It was gems to gold then find the one you want on the trade post ...at the time the average amount you had to spend was $210ish give or take though I recall some going up to $410 especially when the conversions were high while the concept doesn't compliment my choices I feel I deserve a title for the amount I have invested in guild wars 2 not even counting the funds I spent on guild wars 1 though that was mostly just the expansions. I might be currently one of the most broke *less then 30g* characters in game atm due to my own choices but over my time on guild wars 2 I feel like I have done my part

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Upper end of $500-1000, probably even $1000+ now that I think about it.

Bought a lot of items on the cash shop over the years and traded gems for gold quite a few times. There is nothing to be ashamed about spending money on something you enjoy even if this hobby happens to be an MMORPG. All a matter of how much increased conviniences as well as your personal leasure time are worth to you. Especially if you do not particularly enjoy the currently most effective gold farming method.

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> @Batelle.1680 said:

> > @"Nuka Cola.8520" said:

> > 7.5k hours. $10 spent.

> >

> > I'm the last person to support microtransactions.


> Those microtransitions support ongoing updates to the game, but okay. I've spent just under $1K, so I got you.


Since the introduction of Fractals back in 2012, i haven't enjoyed a single live update (living story etc). So i'm not supporting what i dislike.

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> @"Nuka Cola.8520" said:

> > @Batelle.1680 said:

> > > @"Nuka Cola.8520" said:

> > > 7.5k hours. $10 spent.

> > >

> > > I'm the last person to support microtransactions.

> >

> > Those microtransitions support ongoing updates to the game, but okay. I've spent just under $1K, so I got you.


> Since the introduction of Fractals back in 2012, i haven't enjoyed a single live update (living story etc). So i'm not supporting what i dislike.


Not all updates are about content- there have been quite a few QoL updates since 2012 that I'm sure you take advantage of, not to mention the server juice over the _312 solid days you have played the game_, but whatever. It just seems weird to sink so much time into something that requires human effort to maintain, and to be smug about how little you've done to support its existence.

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I actually checked my bank statements for gaming related purchases a year ago and Anet/GW2 was at the top of my expenses. I came up to around 1200 euro added up over 3 years of playing it at the time. I never bought gems in big increments, usually 800-1600 at a time, I only splurged when they offered Mini Mr. Sparkles for buying gems which in hindsight is stupid as I never used it, plus minis get hidden 90% of the time, and they can add up to quite a lot without noticing! I have since then refrained from silly purchases (BL keys, minis, outfits, gliders, stuff I'd get bored of within a week) and only spend rarely on utility stuff (shared slots, chars slots, bank tabs).

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Been here since BETA and been purchasing quite alot from gem shop, I also usually buy gems to get fast golds because I dont have that much time "farming" for gold, so I simply enjoy playing the game with the time I got for GW2. :)


Let's also say I have 71 characters, so... there you have =)

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I can't remember how much money I spent on this game but it might be in the range of 100 - 500. To tell you the truth I really don't care how much money I drop on this game since it's my favorite game since I started playing it. I think it was a month or two before the Queens Jubilee but at last I don't remember.

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I don't know exactly. Especially since the poll is in dollars - US dollars I assume - and the exchange rate has changed over the years.


But I bought the Deluxe edition of the original game and the Ultimate editions of both HoT and PoF and I've bought gems as well. I'm sure it comes to at least a few hundred pounds, so well over 100 dollars, but I'd be surprised if it was over $500.

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I believe somewhere in the ballpark of $2500 - $3000 by now since launch. I'm not 100% sure. I've got 3 (2 deluxes, 1 normal) accounts that I bought for friends, 2 HoT's, 1 PoF and on my main account numerous gem purchases. I've hit the gem purchase cap a few times.


I've had to make myself stop though and slow down. I totally noticed that I was slightly addicted to the BLTC Keys and some other items like those in other games so I've slowed down in the last few years.

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I had GW2 bought for me as a gift so that doesn't count. But I purchased HoT and PoF and I've made two gem purchases. My total would probably be lower if it wasn't for the exchange rate. (grumbles about Canada's monopoly money) Much as I'd like to contribute more to the game, I'm not in the financial position to do so. I do what I can with what I have and continue to have a lot of fun in game.

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You need an 'I do not want to know' option. I basically figure if I am spending less than a popular subscription game I am coming out ahead. The exact number I spend varies over time but probably I spent more in my first year than now because you do not need to buy shared tools twice. On the other hand we have expacks now.

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