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Legendary weapons footprints


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Please Devs can you do some changes to Gen 2 legendary weapons footprints? They are really not visible and stay on ground for a really short time compared to Twilight or Kudzu footprints.... I know it's not as important as other things but please consider it. Thank you.

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I may be alone here, but I prefer the more subtle footfalls and effects of newer (and older) legendaries - it's why Howler, Shooshadoo and Sharur are some of my favorite legendaries so far.s Some could be a little more visible, sure, but I'd hate to see them as in your face as Twilight or Kudzu (even if Kudzu fits my Olmahkan Druid perfectly).

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Can we get an option to gen 2 all the stupid infusions in the game? I honestly cant see what weapon half the players have due to their infusions / aura's. And that obnoxious green sun orb infusion can go die (its an FPS eater).


on topic.. I think it would be nice to get 2 versions of the weapon skin for legendary, one with long footfalls, one with short.

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