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Ingame weather?

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> @"Raizel.1839" said:

> Agree but don't just stop at visuals, for exemple:

> Sunny day: normal

> Rainy day: your precision is halved but your healing power is doubled.

> Snow: ypur movement speed is lowered but your toughness is higher.


> I would love something like that, maybe it could even alter mobs population and/or their loot, it would be great.


how does rain heal me? just because ele heals on water overload?

when i go outside and it's raining i heal less than on a sunny day. in fact it does the opposite, giving me a cold if it is additionally cold.


also i wouldn't use big numbers if anything like that is ever included. precision halved and healing doubled sounds like a lot of unkillable wet noodles.


the snow stuff sounds reasonable, cold skin feels less pain, a toughness increase fits.

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> @"Raizel.1839" said:

> Agree but don't just stop at visuals, for exemple:

> Sunny day: normal

> Rainy day: your precision is halved but your healing power is doubled.

> Snow: ypur movement speed is lowered but your toughness is higher.


> I would love something like that, maybe it could even alter mobs population and/or their loot, it would be great.


Not for me, thanks. I would avoid areas/zones during times of this type of weather. I'd imagine many other players might, too. Not sure that is what Anet would like to have happen.

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  • 2 weeks later...

yes pls! more weather eefects that coudl also affect how your toon walks through that environment. rain- slows you down, snow- chills you, sand storm/blizzard - limited vision. It'd be fun if snow and ran accumulated on the ground where flooding and deep snow would have a dramatic affect on the surfaces- this could be done in new more more easily i'd imagine.


We already kind of have it in some maps but i'd like to see new ones affected more by weather or have a new map change seasons even seasons! Drytop's sand storm is wonderful! Bjora's blizzards are fun! I see it raining or snowing some times in certains maps but it doesn't do anything to your character. Maybe going to an outpost or town would be like standing next to a fire and cleanse you of harmfull effects and give you a buff for a short period of time during the "bad weather".

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