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Warrior Rework (Drafting & Compiling Ideas)

Geoff Fey.1035

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_Posting this to start hearing feedback while I'm formatting things from Excel into the Forum. Please let me know your thoughts on the below swaps/changes/new/etc and I'll keep tinkering_


# Warrior Rework

Disclosure: My first profession in GW: Prophecies was a Warrior so there may be a bit of unrealistic balancing on my part. This rework was to try and balance out the various weapons, update those ones that need some love, and bring traitlines more in line with the modern design of other professions. Warrior mains may see pros and cons to many of these, but the primary attempt is to give warriors effective use of all weapons (playing into weapon master) as well as readily available forms of sustain which is always finicky with warriors.


## Traits

I'll probably come back to this from time to time for formatting, but overall I was looking at reorganizing and slightly tweaking different traits to promote alternate playstyles. At the moment, Warriors are meant to be frontline aggressors (melee primarily) using a variety of weapons. That being said, they can also function as a semi-support (warhorn, banners, shouts) or duelist (CC, spike). One of the biggest issues with Warriors is that their sustain is primarily locked into their Healing Skill with only a minor heal provided via traits, and even then it's locked into either specific conditions (stunbreak, gain might) or provides fairly little (Might Makes Right post-nerf, Marching Orders). What I was hoping to accomplish was provide traitlines that would

1. Provide Sustain through passive healing, increased endurance, or "aggressive" defense

2. Tweak Boon Reliance

3. Offer new playstyles that hopefully promote additional builds


## **Strength**

_Adept Minor_: Reckless Dodge

_Damage foes at the end of a dodge roll. (Gain might)_


Adept Major: Brave Stride

_Remove immobilization & gain stability (Duration 3s) on movement skill. (ICD 1s)_


Adept Major: Restorative Strength

_Using a heal skill grants might._


Adept Major: Peak Performance

_Deal increased physical damage. Physical skills have reduced recharge (20%) and further increase all outgoing physical damage for a period of time (5%)._



_Master Minor_: Building Momentum

_Burst skills give Swiftness (6s) and Vigor (6s) on hit._


Master Major: Pinnacle of Strength

_Might applied to you grants more Power._


Master Major: Forceful Greatsword

_Gain power and a chance to gain might on crtiical strike. Double these bonuses while wielding a greatsword or spear. Greatsword and spear skills recharge faster._


Master Major: Great Fortitude

_Gain vitality based on a percentage of your power._



_Grandmaster Minor_: Burst Mastery

_Reduce burst skill recharge (15%). Refunds adrenaline on hit (33%)._


Grandmaster Major: Berserker's Power

_Gain increased damage when you use a burst skill; this damage increase is based on your adrenaline._


Grandmaster Major: Might Makes Right

_Gain endurance when you gain might (5 Endurance). While under the effects of might, gain 15 health/stack/second._


Grandmaster Major: Merciless Hammer

_Disabling foes inflict Weakness (Duration 7s) and deal increased damage vs. weakened foes (+100%). Hammer attacks are unblockable and deal increased damage (Damage Increase: +100%)_


## **Defense**

_Adept Minor_: Thick Skin

_Reduce damage from attacks beyond range. (Range 240, Reduction 7%)_


Adept Major: Shield Master

_Reduce recharge by 20% and reflect projectiles when blocking._


Adept Major: Dogged March

_Cleanse Cripple, Chill, Slow, and Immobilize per interval (2s). Can only cleanse one condition per interval. _


Adept Major: Cull the Weak

_Increase damage to weakened foes. Striking a foe below the health threshold (90%) inflicts weakness (4s). (5s ICD)_



_Master Minor_: Adrenal Health

_Gain health based on adrenaline spent._


Master Major: Defy Pain

_Cast Endure Pain when struck while below the health threshold (66%, 33%). Cooldown of 60s per Cast._


Master Major: Rousing Resilience

_Gain toughness and health when you break out of a stun._


Master Major: Sundering Mace

_Increased damage to vulnerable foes (50% per Mace equipped). Mace skills recharge reduced._



_Grandmaster Minor_: Spiked Armor

_Chance to gain retaliation (duration 5s) when struck. 50%. Retaliation gives you damage reduction(10%) (ICD 10s)_


Grandmaster Major: Last Stand

_Stances last twice as long. Immediately cast Vengeance when downed, refresh all weapon skills. Guaranteed rally (100%) if killing an enemy. (60s ICD)_


Grandmaster Major: Armored Attack

_Increased damage when under the effects of retaliation (10%)_


Grandmaster Major: Cleansing Ire

_Gain adrenaline when hit. Remove a condition for every bar of adrenaline spent when you hit with a burst skill. (Spellbreaker/Berserker skills count as T2)_


## **Arms**

_Adept Minor_: Furious Burst

_Using a burst skill grants fury (5s). (15s ICD)_


Adept Major: Wounding Precision

_Gain expertise based on your precision._


Adept Major: Signet Mastery

_Signets gain charges (Count: 2, recharge 20s). Affected by passive as long as 1 count remaining._


Adept Major: Yeoman

_Gain adrenaline when equipped with longbow (3 strikes/s). Longbw skills recharge 20% faster._



_Master Minor_: Deep Strikes

Striking vulnerable enemies has a chance (33%) to grant you fury (4s). (ICD 2s)


Master Major: Unsuspecting Foe

_Daze (Duration 1s) when attacking from sides or behind (25s ICD)_


Master Major: Sundering Burst

_Burst skills inflict vulnerability if they hit and inflict additional vulnerability if the attack is a critical hit. Can only occur once per interval per target for multi-hit burst skills._


Master Major: Blademaster

_Gain expertise. Gain condition damage while wielding a sword. Sword skills gain reduced recharge._



_Grandmaster Minor_: Bloodlust

_You have a chance to inflict bleeding on hits (33%), and bleeds that you apply last longer (+33%)._


Grandmaster Major: Furious

_Inflicting conditions provides stacking condition damage effect. Inflicting conditions provides adrenaline (1 strike/condition)_


Grandmaster Major: Leg Specialist

_Inflict torment (1 stack 5s) when hitting enemy with cripple._


Grandmaster Major: Dual Wielding

_Gain Quickness (1s) every interval (1s) when wielding a main-hand weapon in your off-hand._


## **Tactics**

_Adept Minor_: Marching Orders

_Periodically gain Soldier's Focus (9s). Hitting with a burst skill expends Soldier's Focus to grant might to nearby allies._


Adept Major: Priority Target

_Cast "On My Mark!" when using a burst skill._


Adept Major: Soldier's Comfort

_Soldier's Focus heals affected allies. Increase healing power_


Adept Major: Roaring Reveille

_Warhorn skills have an increased number of targets and apply additional boons. Your concentration is increased._



_Master Minor_: Doubletime

_Marching Orders provides swiftness (5s)_


Master Major: Warriors' Cunning

_Deal increased damage to foes with barrier (100%)._


Master Major: Shrug It Off

_Use "Shake It Off!" automatically when you have a number of conditions on you. (20s ICD)_


Master Major: Empower Allies

_Increase power for nearby allies. (100) Soldier's Focus gains increased radius._



_Grandmaster Minor_: Drill Sergeant

_Soldier's Focus partially recharges all of your equipped weapon skills when activated (3s). Does not recharge burst skills._


Grandmaster Major: Lead the Charge

_Cast Charge when you use a burst skill._


Grandmaster Major: Call of Battle

_Shouts gain reduced recharge and refresh Marching Orders_


Grandmaster Major: Phalanx Strength

_When you grant yourself might, grant it to nearby allies as well._


## **Discipline**

_Adept Minor_: Versatile Rage

_Gain adrenaline on weapon swap. (4s ICD)_


Adept Major: Rifleman

_Rifle skills reduced recharge. Regain ammo when dodging._


Adept Major: Warriors Sprint

_Run faster while wielding melee weapons, and deal increased damage while you have swiftness. Movement skills break immobilization when used._


Adept Major: Brawler's Recovery

_Remove conditions when you swap weapons. (4s ICD)_



_Master Minor_: Fast Hands

_Weapon swapping recharges faster. (5s)_


Master Major: Standard Bearer

_Banners have effect on cast. Gain boons when picking up banner._


Master Major: Destruction of the Empowered

_Deal bonus damage per boon on your target._


Master Major: Strategic Positioning

_Gain superspeed (duration 3s) when swapping weapons._



_Grandmaster Minor_: Versatile Power

_Deal increased damage (7%) after swapping weapons (Duration 4s, ICD 4s)_


Grandmaster Major: Axe Master

_Gain ferocity. Gain additional ferocity for each axe you are wielding. Axe skills gain reduced recharge and grant adrenaline when critically striking._


Grandmaster Major: Heightened Focus

_Chance (33%) to gain quickness (Duration 4s) when you critically strike a foe. (6s ICD)_


Grandmaster Major: Tempered Aggression

_Adrenaline no longer decays out of combat._




## **Elite: Berserker**

_Adept Minor_: Primal Rage

_Gain access to berserk mode and primal bursts


Adept Major: Smash Brawler

_Increase damage to nearby enemies (Radius 240, Damage Increase 5%)


Adept Major: Heat the Soul

_Gain condtiion damage. Gain additional condition damage while wielding a torch. Torch skills gain reduced recharge._


Adept Major: Savage Instinct

_Rage skills recharge Primal Burst. Reduce Rage skill recharge by 20%_



_Master Minor_: Burst of Aggression

_Gain Superspeed (Duration 2s) when going berserk and upon hitting with Primal Burst_


Master Major: Blood Reaction

_A percentage of precision is given as a bonus to ferocity. This bonus is double in berserk mode._


Master Major: Last Blaze

_Upon critical hit, case Flames of War (Duration 5s, ICD 15s)_


Master Major: Dead or Alive

_Receiving fatal damage while in berserk mode ends berserk and heals you. Incoming healing is increased. (30s ICD)_



_Grandmaster Minor_: Fatal Frenzy

_Reduce toughness (-300) but convert Primal Burst damage to healing (10%)_


Grandmaster Major: Bloody Roar

_Daze nearby foes (Radius: 180, Duration: 0.25s) when entering berserk mode. Deal increased damage while in berserk mode. (20%)_


Grandmaster Major: King of Fires

_Increase duration of burning you apply (35%). Entering berserk bleeds (3 stacks, Duration 6s) and burns (1 stack, Duration 8s) nearby enemies (Range 600, Targets 10)._


Grandmaster Major: Eternal Champion

_Extend Berserk Mode by 2s per Enemy Killed. (ICD 1s)_




## **Elite: Spellbreaker**

_Adept Minor_: Spellbreaker's Conviction

_Maximum adrenaline is capped at 2 bars, and only level 1 bursts are available. Gain access to the Full Counter burst and Meditation skills._


Adept Major: Pure Strike

_Burst skills remove boons._


Adept Major: Guard Counter

_Block next 5 attacks (6s) after successful Full Counter._


Adept Major: No Escape

_Inflict slow on critical hit (Chance 50%, Duration 2s, ICD 1s)_



_Master Minor_: Dispelling Force

_Dazes, stuns, pulls, knockdowns, knockbacks, and launches remove boons.


Master Major: Loss Aversion

_Removing boons gives you adrenaline (2 Strikes/boon). Increased critical-hit damage vs. boonless foes (50%)_


Master Major: Revenge Counter

_Gain retaliation (2s) per foe hit by Full Counter_


Master Major: Sun and Moon Style

_Gain Barrier for Percentage of Critical-Hit Damage (6%). Additional barrier for each dagger (6%/dagger)._



_Grandmaster Minor_: Attacker's Insight

_Gain Attacker's Insight when hitting with Bursts, disabling foes, or removing boons (1/hit, Stack Cap 5, +30 Precision & Ferocity/Stack). Full Counter refreshes all burst skills on hit. _


Grandmaster Major: Enchatment Collapse

_Removing a boon from a foe interrupts all nearby foes (Daze: 0.25s, Targets 5, Radius 600) and damages them (Damage 1000 (2.0)). Unblockable. (10s ICD)_


Grandmaster Major: Magebane Counter

_Hitting with Full Counter casts Magebane Tether (Duration 5s, ICD 10s) on foes hit (Targets 5). Increase Damage to tethered foes (5%) and Daze (0.25s) every interval (1s)_


Grandmaster Major: Eremite's Zeal

_Attacker's Insight lasts longer (30s/stack). Reduce meditations recharge by 1s per stack every 5 seconds._


Full Counter:

_Duration: 1s, Recharge: 6s, Damage 550 (2.0), Damage Reduced: 100%, Attacker's Insight: 2 Stacks per Foe, Stability (1s) - Upon Attack, Targets: 5, Refreshes Burst Skills, Unblockable_


Meditation - Healing: Natural Healing

_Gain Health (5176) and lose Boons and Conditions. (Max: 7). Gain health for each boon lost (750 per boons) and adrenaline per condition lost (2 strikes per condition). (30s Recharge)_


Meditation - Utility: Sight Beyond Sight

_Attacks critically hit (3 strikes, 3s), Immune to blind (3s), Reveal nearby foes (Range 600, Duration 3s). (Count 2, Recharge Count 24s)_


Meditation - Utility: Featherfoot Grace

_Break stun, gain superspeed and resistance (3s) (30s Recharge)_


Meditation - Utility: Imminent Threat

_Taunt enemies (Duration 3s, Range 600, Targets 5) and gaint retaliation per foe hit (Duration 2s/hit) (35s Recharge)_


Meditation - Utility: Break Enchantments

_Strike foes around you and remove their boons. Deal more damage to foes that lose a boon._


Meditation - Elite: Winds of Disenchantment

_Non-channeled, moves with caster. Damage and slow per interval (Slow on cast and per interval, Slow Duration: 1s, Winds Duration: 5s, Interval 1s). Remove 1 stack Attacker's Insight every interval; if Attacker's Insight removed, remove boon and blind (Blind: 3s) foe (Targets 5). Unblockable. (120s Recharge)_


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Man someone should get you on the balanced team. These are some great suggestions. Really love your ideas for Might Makes Right and Winds of Disenchantment, However, I think Mage Bane Tether is pretty much fine as is and applying a daze every second for 5 seconds seems quite insane. Really sad that, at least until the expansion, I highly doubt we will be getting any reworks, especially for Warrior. Also, I like what you suggested for Arms; I think it would facilitate some cool Sw/X - LB builds. I think the problem with Arms in PvP is that its a purely offensive trait line that basically provides no sustain, healing, or damage mitigation. If we want some cool Arms/Def/Disc condi build we would need Arms to be able to compete with the Berserker train line which provides at least a degree of healing and some stability. Since Strength is focused on gaining might and then converting that might to endurance and healing, I think Arms needs a different but similar focus. Maybe we could make Arms focus on stacking conditions rather than might and then healing or gaining endurance based on the conditions you have applied. There is even a skill in GW1 that did this called "Victory is Mine!". I think that would be a good direction for Arms.

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Some of these traits would be absurdly broken.


Hammer, being unblockable - you'd only see hammer in PvP due to its unblockable CC's.

Adept Major: Guard Counter - Block 6 attacks? That's like having an Endure pain on crack.

Master Major: Warriors' Cunning - Remember when this wasnt nerfed? you could 1 shot some players who had 10 barrier.

Adept Major: Cull the Weak - Perma weakness after your first attack?

Grandmaster Major: Lead the Charge - spellbreaker and Zerker will be able to stack multiple stacks of this, Does that mean Zerker could F1 > F1 while having 10% more damage from Charge?

Grandmaster Major: Dual Wielding - Please see reaper, 100% uptime boons should go away from this game.

Master Major: Defy Pain - Needs a total rework, all classes should not have an automatic handicap trait.

Master Major: Sundering Mace - 50%?! Mace 1 attack 3 lands for 1.4k right now... So you're asking for Perma Quickness and 100% more damage?

Grandmaster Major: Cleansing Ire - T1 is fine for Spell, Zerker had a change done so the first counts as a T3 then the rest are T1. Spell can cast 3 bursts in rapid succession.

Adept Major: Rifleman - Not broken as in overpowered.. but broken as in this weapon needs a real overhaul not a numbers change ammo system. All of its attacks do the same thing, and some of the skills fail to function.


Other than that, some interesting takes on balance points, but other areas overbuffed and powered to the stage where you wouldnt be able to fight it.

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