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What makes a good map?


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  • 2 weeks later...

Aside from aesthetics and resources, two other big factors for me are how difficult is it to traverse and the aggressiveness of mobs. Traveling HoT/LS3 pre-mounts was terrible, but has since improved in places now that you can jump/fly around obstacles. Many PoF maps I barely pay any attention to the environment because of how ubiquitous aggressive mobs with huge tethers can be found in every valley or mountaintop. If I stop to try to take in the scenery I often get attacked by a choya or some other mook. My favorite map in the game is Sandswept Isle, it has a nice aesthetic and diverse collection of wildlife. On top of which, absolutely everything isn't out to kill you like in some maps. Tangled Depths is the worst map in the game and nothing can convince me it isn't a garbage map. Even with mounts, traveling still takes too long and of course the map is _chak_ full of aggressive mobs. And before someone points out the "verisimilitude " of being attacked by mobs constantly, if I'm gonna be getting attacked constantly in this **game**, I expect to be rewarded for the effort. If the effort/reward leans too heavily too the former, I'm just gonna avoid the place entirely.

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Tangled depths is the best map in the game, it has everything, it has the story, it has the exploration with allot of hidden stuff to discover, it has a really good meta event, it has the story building events, and it has long term rewards that are grindable, and has nice enough gold per hour.

Almost forgot the map makes you feel lost and confused like you are in fucking jungle , the map feels like it is distinct, its own place.

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