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Boosted player questing question


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So I am a fairly new player that just boosted one of my characters to 80. I held off as long as I could to lean the game mechanics. Now that i boosted and have a level 80 and a raptor. I am wondering should i continue with Path of Fire quest line or should I go back to the start of my story and work up from there. What are the benefits of doing this?

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If you want to play in chronological order you will have to go back to your personal story. Storytelling will improve as you move forward and things will make sense.


If you want to play the newest maps which are more rewarding, prettier and more interesting and don't want to be spoiled you better do the more recent stories first.


Whatever makes you happy ;)

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If it's your first play through I recommend that you go back and play your story, then go through the expansions, living world etc in order.

Stories, characters etc will be much more enjoyable and make a lot more sense to you as you progress.


A bunch of stuff happens in the Heart of Thorns and Path of Fire that will make absolutely no sense to you if you've not experienced the earlier stories. The same goes for Living World episodes.


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As other people have said the only real benefit to doing the story in order is that you can see events in chronological order and it will make more sense. If you're interested in the story that's definitely the best way to do it.


But if you're not interested in the story and don't mind doing things out of order then you can play in any order you like. You'll never be locked out of something because you played it in the wrong order and many players will move between high level and low level maps a lot once they're level 80. The only downside is that Path of Fire and Heart of Thorns maps are designed to be harder than the base game, so you might struggle to survive or complete things at first.

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