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Season 9 Queue Changes

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> @brannigan.9831 said:

> This isn't going to change much at all. And to the people crying for this below legendary stop blaming your lack of success on not being in a duo. What crutch would you have to complain about if everyone was solo you might have actually have to come to terms with how bad you are.


Are you playing a PvP version where there's not 4 other people on your team serving as some mix of crutch/anchor.


Once again, this isn't personal rank or performance or carry ability or whatever, "if you were better it'd be better" nonsensical argument you want to make. It's apparent personal rank measured in a team environment, i.e. not fucking personal rank at all. You simply cannot, rank wise, be any better than the sum of the teams you've been dealt across the replicates of the law of averages you've run relative to the teams you've been paired against.


If you play 10 games with shitters against non shitters and lose the majority the outcome of those 10 games is now factored into your match making. Conversely, if you win the majority that's factored in as well. It takes an unachievable amount of replicates to flesh out the average. In fact, there's more variables than even the law of averages can account for.....

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> @Tinnel.4369 said:

> > @brannigan.9831 said:

> > This isn't going to change much at all. And to the people crying for this below legendary stop blaming your lack of success on not being in a duo. What crutch would you have to complain about if everyone was solo you might have actually have to come to terms with how bad you are.


> Are you playing a PvP version where there's not 4 other people on your team serving as some mix of crutch/anchor.


> Once again, this isn't personal rank or performance or carry ability or whatever, "if you were better it'd be better" nonsensical argument you want to make. It's apparent personal rank measured in a team environment, i.e. not kitten personal rank at all. You simply cannot, rank wise, be any better than the sum of the teams you've been dealt across the replicates of the law of averages you've run relative to the teams you've been paired against.


> If you play 10 games with kitten against non kitten and lose the majority the outcome of those 10 games is now factored into your match making. Conversely, if you win the majority that's factored in as well. It takes an unachievable amount of replicates to flesh out the average. In fact, there's more variables than even the law of averages can account for.....




The moment u drop out of leg you can duo q again and climb back to leg, tho

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This is such a horrible move. Should be all ranked players and there should be a team ranked and solo ranked with different leaderboards.

Open unranked for duos, triples, teams, etc. for more casual play and up the rewards for unranked for those players and the 3 week off season days.

Jesus this is so simple to fix and yet we skirt around the actual solution. Just do what every other established PvP MM system has done already and focus on balancing the classes instead of this worthless waste of everyones time.

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Can asking for team and solo ranked queue be a bannable offense already? A few people keep asking for it and the response is and will always be the same: not enough players to populate both queues and keep queue times reasonable.


It's never gonna happen. Stop. Asking. For. It.


Or go play a different game already and save us all the repetition.

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> @Kuya.6495 said:

> Can asking for team and solo ranked queue be a bannable offense already? A few people keep asking for it and the response is and will always be the same: not enough players to populate both queues and keep queue times reasonable.


> It's never gonna happen. Stop. Asking. For. It.


> Or go play a different game already and save us all the repetition.


GuildWars2 is one of the most populated MMOs currently available on the market, even after 5 years of its lifetime. Saying that a seperate team and solo queue cannot exist because of this is such a poor and misinformed statement it's laughable.

The PvP community has been asking for this seperation because it makes nothing but sense to do.

The core of the problem isn't population (L M A O), it's that the PvP community is neglected. Rewards are low and yet again nerfed because of the PvE community complaining about them. Normal Players are forced into stressful ranked queues for the best rewards and on top of that there are very few obtainable UNIQUE items for average players. There hasn't been unique armor released for PvP since HoT (only 1 set) and only titles/auras and large rewards are only given to the top .1% of the playbase (God of PvP crown/automated tournaments, etc.)

There is a complete lack of pro season. There is absolutely no monitoring games for cheaters, idlers and match manipulation. The report system is flawed and allows for bullying, trolling and mistreatment of other players. There are Poor and infrequent balance patches that allow horrible and broken metas to last MONTHS at a time. There is No ranked or unranked spectator mode that would allow new players to learn rotations from others more easily. And on top of all of this other utter crap, players have to deal with a MM system that tries to do both solo and team queue and it just DOESNT WORK.

There is a reason games have unranked game mode and a reason games have ranked game mode. Gw2 has both of these things, but the duo queue MM system does not reflect the seperation at all. Why even bother having both when the only thing seperating them is some worthless leaderboard that is largly based on lucky team compositions? You need to build a solid base for players to want to play the sPvP gamemode or people will either quit for something better or move to play PvE, (usually the latter).

All of the things above, INCLUDING a MM system that makes sense and is what the playerbase has been asking for for years, would be a solid start to fixing what could be something really fun and really great again.



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> @Interpretor.3091 said:

> > @Kuya.6495 said:

> > Can asking for team and solo ranked queue be a bannable offense already? A few people keep asking for it and the response is and will always be the same: not enough players to populate both queues and keep queue times reasonable.

> >

> > It's never gonna happen. Stop. Asking. For. It.

> >

> > Or go play a different game already and save us all the repetition.


> GuildWars2 is one of the most populated MMOs currently available on the market, even after 5 years of its lifetime. Saying that a seperate team and solo queue cannot exist because of this is such a poor and misinformed statement it's laughable.

> The PvP community has been asking for this seperation because it makes nothing but sense to do.

> The core of the problem isn't population (L M A O), it's that the PvP community is neglected. Rewards are low and yet again nerfed because of the PvE community complaining about them. Normal Players are forced into stressful ranked queues for the best rewards and on top of that there are very few obtainable UNIQUE items for average players. There hasn't been unique armor released for PvP since HoT (only 1 set) and only titles/auras and large rewards are only given to the top .1% of the playbase (God of PvP crown/automated tournaments, etc.)

> There is a complete lack of pro season. There is absolutely no monitoring games for cheaters, idlers and match manipulation. The report system is flawed and allows for bullying, trolling and mistreatment of other players. There are Poor and infrequent balance patches that allow horrible and broken metas to last MONTHS at a time. There is No ranked or unranked spectator mode that would allow new players to learn rotations from others more easily. And on top of all of this other utter crap, players have to deal with a MM system that tries to do both solo and team queue and it just DOESNT WORK.

> There is a reason games have unranked game mode and a reason games have ranked game mode. Gw2 has both of these things, but the duo queue MM system does not reflect the seperation at all. Why even bother having both when the only thing seperating them is some worthless leaderboard that is largly based on lucky team compositions? You need to build a solid base for players to want to play the sPvP gamemode or people will either quit for something better or move to play PvE, (usually the latter).

> All of the things above, INCLUDING a MM system that makes sense and is what the playerbase has been asking for for years, would be a solid start to fixing what could be something really fun and really great again.





I completely agree with you here. But again it just seems like ANet has no interest at all in growing this game's PvP and WvW modes. Thus they don't dedicate any meaningful resources or manpower to allow it to succeed. Therefor by that very nature Ranked PvP in GW2 is as some else put it, "another glorified PvE rewards grind" and nothing more.

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Seems to me after reading posts and knowing what the game mode is like, they need to get rid of all duo quing in ranked, and add much more team tournies. This would benefit both sides, and actually create a reason to have PvP guilds. That would increase the player base as guilds are usually motivated to recruit, try harder, and stay in a game. And if you just want to play casually, and run people over, you can always 5 man que or duo in unranked. They still need to not take so long on balancing classes, but that's a separate issue.

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> @Spurnshadow.3678 said:

> > @shadowpass.4236 said:

> > "Here's a competitive team based gamemode. Here's the catch... _there're no teams._"

> >

> > "Your reward for doing well in our (non) team based gamemode is isolation."

> >

> > Gee thanks, Anet.


> 2 people does not make a team.




That's what I'm saying.

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> @Interpretor.3091 said:

> > @Kuya.6495 said:

> > Can asking for team and solo ranked queue be a bannable offense already? A few people keep asking for it and the response is and will always be the same: not enough players to populate both queues and keep queue times reasonable.

> >

> > It's never gonna happen. Stop. Asking. For. It.

> >

> > Or go play a different game already and save us all the repetition.


> GuildWars2 is one of the most populated MMOs currently available on the market, even after 5 years of its lifetime. Saying that a seperate team and solo queue cannot exist because of this is such a poor and misinformed statement it's laughable.

> Snip rest of block....


Are you conveniently ignoring when Anet did have a separate team queue? And the consequent QQ from the teamQ people how their wait times were too long and the game mode was unsustainable?


Because they did, and it was proven that the population cannot support it.


Stop spewing random words like they are facts. /facepalm



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As someone who almost always solo Queues this doesn't impact me. But I think you need to make some further updates @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065"


AT's should be switched to every 3 hours (8 in a day). And the Monthly QP requirement increased to reflect the change.

Also there should be a Weekly AT that provides a quarter of Monthly rewards with no special effects (like moon/crown).


This would provide those who like team queues an avenue to be more active in the pvp game mode. Heck it may even grow the scene having the ability to play it any time. Right now most people are only able to participate in one AT in a day, if that, due to the 7 hours between queues.

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  • ArenaNet Staff

> @Altie.4571 said:

> As someone who almost always solo Queues this doesn't impact me. But I think you need to make some further updates @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065"


> AT's should be switched to every 3 hours (8 in a day). And the Monthly QP requirement increased to reflect the change.

We're adding a 4th daily next week.


> Also there should be a Weekly AT that provides a quarter of Monthly rewards with no special effects (like moon/crown).

We've talked about weekend tournaments several times. We don't want to do this for now, as it would possibly interfere with some other plans. I can't say more, as those plans aren't 100% and are several months out minimum.






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> @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" said:

> > @Altie.4571 said:

> > As someone who almost always solo Queues this doesn't impact me. But I think you need to make some further updates @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065"

> >

> > AT's should be switched to every 3 hours (8 in a day). And the Monthly QP requirement increased to reflect the change.

> We're adding a 4th daily next week.


> > Also there should be a Weekly AT that provides a quarter of Monthly rewards with no special effects (like moon/crown).

> We've talked about weekend tournaments several times. We don't want to do this for now, as it would possibly interfere with some other plans. I can't say more, as those plans aren't 100% and are several months out minimum.







I'm gonna piggyback on this thread a bit since AT changes are being discussed: any chance for a special tournament in december - a snowball tournament? GW1 used to have these and there's no option to play the 5v5 snowball mode in GW2 with friends at all, which people have been complaining about since 2012. I think it'd be a really good and popular addition to the system!

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> @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" said:

> After looking at feedback and some internal considerations, we've decided to extend this to Platinum 2 (1600) and above, rather than just legendary.


Just be consistent and move it to 1500, that way, when people hit platinum they can realise 'shits on now'

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> @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" said:

> We've talked about weekend tournaments several times. We don't want to do this for now, as it would possibly interfere with some other plans. I can't say more, as those plans aren't 100% and are several months out minimum.


I know this question is probably going to be taken the wrong way, but what harm would it do if you guys were just more open about your ideas on what's coming down the road? A road map, a to do list, a brainstorming list, anything. If the goal is to keep the Spvp playerbase populated, fun, and balanced then why not include those players in the process when it comes to your own internal brainstorming instead of kipping everything so close to the chest? Stronghold is the biggest example offender of things that the community as a whole didn't really enjoy, and simply could have been avoided if you guys were more open as to what possibly might be, saving yourselves the time and effort and perhaps making something else that could have jump started the scene. Just some food for thought.



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> @Trigr.6481 said:

> > @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" said:

> > We've talked about weekend tournaments several times. We don't want to do this for now, as it would possibly interfere with some other plans. I can't say more, as those plans aren't 100% and are several months out minimum.


> I know this question is probably going to be taken the wrong way, but what harm would it do if you guys were just more open about your ideas on what's coming down the road? A road map, a to do list, a brainstorming list, anything. If the goal is to keep the Spvp playerbase populated, fun, and balanced then why not include those players in the process when it comes to your own internal brainstorming instead of kipping everything so close to the chest? Stronghold is the biggest example offender of things that the community as a whole didn't really enjoy, and simply could have been avoided if you guys were more open as to what possibly might be, saving yourselves the time and effort and perhaps making something else that could have jump started the scene. Just some food for thought.


> Countless


Remember their policy is we don't talk about it until it's ready to ship. As you can see this comes with a whole lot of problems. At least the queue changes are good.

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