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Used 50 keys got all garbage. Now one of your 3 slots is always taken up by crap on rolls

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Well it looks like the gem store has gotten worse.


With black lion chests, since POF, you have 3 chances to get something, but Anet has slyly rigged it so you really only get TWO chances. Because one is automatically taken up by stupid raptors that are just cheap RE SKINS that they hock at you, and now its pumpkin pails.


What did i get of anything good in 50 chests? I got one outfit (the balthazaar one). THAT'S IT! in 50 CHESTS!


Reason i bought so many is me and gf were celebrating and decided to splurge a bit in game. That won't be happening again.


Good job Anet. You have rigged the Chest drops so we only have 2/3 chances to even get anything good, and out of 150 slots 149 were pure garbage.


worst part is no even seems to care so since they can hock re skinned mini's on us instead of actually getting something good and no one's even saying anything.

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One of the free slots used to be for boosters. Guaranteed booster. For years. People who bought keys had boosters coming out of their ears, and so they complained. Now the first slot varies by time period so you can wait until you get a monthly thing you want. Sometimes they're worse than others. But they're no more crap than the boosters were. You could never get three random things. And there didn't used to be a chance of a forth slot.



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It's a gamble, always has been. Your money would have been better spent buying specific items from the gemstore or converting to gold. I get buyer's remorse every time I buy keys, but i can't help but think "this is gonna be the time i get that contract!" But I accept the risk that I will probably get mostly garbage. At least with the guaranteed slot, you know what you are getting. If you don't like what is in that slot, wait for the next rotation. I bought a ton of chests during the LS3 map currency chests - saved me a ton of time grinding out ascended trinkets.

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Like some other very high risk-reward things in game, it is easy to find yourself on the losing side of BLC's.


I'm on the fence with this one. Would I like better overall drops from chests (specifically BLC only skins)? Sure. I also prefer less people to have what I have so I like the super rarity of some items I might get.


Obviously not everyone would be happy with BLC's no matter how good or bad the drops were. They're also not going to remove the 'guaranteed' item, so I'll just say I'm ok with how the chests are now, but I wouldn't complain if some numbers were adjusted in our favor.

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Back in the first year I bought some keys and learned Black Lion Key regret. Never again. If they revisit that system and make it more rewarding I will consider spending real money again. Till such a time comes I am content with the random ones I earn in game. For me, making a ticket scrap a guaranteed drop would make the rest of the gamble worth it. I miss finding locked chests in GW1 and opening them with lockpicks. They haven't successfully duplicated that excitement in GW2 yet.

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So let me get this straight. You spent the equivalent of 4200 gems to gamble on opening BL chests, whose drop chances are widely reported. Why didn't you just use that 4200 gems to buy cool stuff you wanted instead of gambling on stuff you might not get and not even have a choice of what you want? Please explain it to me in a way I will understand.

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> @Vayne.8563 said:

> One of the free slots used to be for boosters. Guaranteed booster. For years. People who bought keys had boosters coming out of their ears, and so they complained. Now the first slot varies by time period so you can wait until you get a monthly thing you want. Sometimes they're worse than others. But they're no more crap than the boosters were. You could never get three random things. And there didn't used to be a chance of a forth slot.




How I miss those boosters.....


If they put in the booster again I'd probably end up with another black lion gambling addiction.

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> @sephiroth.4217 said:

> > @Vayne.8563 said:

> > One of the free slots used to be for boosters. Guaranteed booster. For years. People who bought keys had boosters coming out of their ears, and so they complained. Now the first slot varies by time period so you can wait until you get a monthly thing you want. Sometimes they're worse than others. But they're no more crap than the boosters were. You could never get three random things. And there didn't used to be a chance of a forth slot.

> >

> >


> How I miss those boosters.....


> If they put in the booster again I'd probably end up with another black lion gambling addiction.


I miss the boosters as well. I loved stocking up on those. Especially armor/regen ones.

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> @wrathmagik.3518 said:

> Well it looks like the gem store has gotten worse.


> With black lion chests, since POF, you have 3 chances to get something, but Anet has slyly rigged it so you really only get TWO chances. Because one is automatically taken up by stupid raptors that are just cheap RE SKINS that they hock at you, and now its pumpkin pails.


> What did i get of anything good in 50 chests? I got one outfit (the balthazaar one). THAT'S IT! in 50 CHESTS!


> Reason i bought so many is me and gf were celebrating and decided to splurge a bit in game. That won't be happening again.


> Good job Anet. You have rigged the Chest drops so we only have 2/3 chances to even get anything good, and out of 150 slots 149 were pure garbage.


> worst part is no even seems to care so since they can hock re skinned mini's on us instead of actually getting something good and no one's even saying anything.


Umm, spending money on Black Lion chests? That's your first mistake. The only good items that drop from them are teleport to friend and revive orbs. Everything else is utter garbage. And you can buy one of those things (revive orbs) directly now.

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> @Ashantara.8731 said:

> > @wrathmagik.3518 said:

> > With black lion chests, since POF, you have 3 chances to get something, but Anet has slyly rigged it so you really only get TWO chances.


> That's been the case for a year now. You are late to the party...


It's been that way for FIVE years. First it was Mystery Tonics, then Boosters, now the Seasonal Item Drop (the current one drops items worth Gold ranging from 50 Silver to 5 Gold). We also now get the chance at the 4th slot, which usually has something nicer (if you've worked on unlocking all the cheaper items in your Wardrobe). Not to mention, the Ticket Scrap drops are more common.


One can always preview Black Lion Chests and Guaranteed Wardrobe Unlocks before ever purchasing a BL Key, and check the drop rates of the more uncommon items in the Wiki.


Good luck.

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This message is coming from someone who spends a lot of money on Black Lion keys. Over the years, I have spent way more on keys than I care to state.


_Never_ buy Black Lion Keys with the idea that you are going to win. You will always be disappointed if you approach it with that mindset. It's exactly like going to the casino and *expecting* to come away with more than you entered with. It just doesn't work that way, even when you buy 50, or 100. Or 200. (Yes. I've done that.)


There is never a guarantee. Black Lion Keys are a slot machine. Nothing more, nothing less. It's a gamble, and if you don't like the idea of potentially losing the gamble, save your money. You'd have been better off spending that $50 on gems and buying what you and your girlfriend wanted from the gem store directly. Now, if the excitement of opening Black Lion chests is a fun experience for you, then continue to buy BL keys, because that's the main reason to buy them.


Obviously, everyone who uses a BL key is hoping they're going to get some really cool item, but it's totally unrealistic to *expect* that outcome. You are more than likely to wind up with a pile of relatively unexciting stuff, and drop research will agree. It's like playing the lotto. You'll almost always lose.


My advice? Look at the drop research on the wiki before buying BL keys next time and you'll have a pretty accurate idea of what you'll end up with.

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BL Chests are lotto tickets. On average, they drop junk. In bulk, they drop junk. It's only if you're lucky that, well, you feel that you got lucky with them.


Accordingly, they are worth the time/coin/gems only if you really enjoy the moment right before opening them, that anticipation that this time will be different. (Spoiler alert: it won't be.) If you want something from the BL chest, buy it off the TP; it's cheaper in the long run for all except the luckiest among us. For account bound items/skins, try the [black Lion Exclusives Chest](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Black_Lion_Exclusives_Chest "Black Lion Exclusives Chest") (doesn't include the most recently added bound stuff; I hopeful that a future BL chest will).

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Yeah to reiterate, even drop rate studies are speculative calculations, just because you open 1000 of them in succession doesn't increase your chances of winning, there is no like extra raffle ticket or somehow consecutive opens are counted. It's just adding extra dice rolls, extra chances to get lucky. There is no increase of drop rates

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> @takatsu.9416 said:

> Yeah to reiterate, even drop rate studies are speculative calculations, just because you open 1000 of them in succession doesn't increase your chances of winning, there is no like extra raffle ticket or somehow consecutive opens are counted. It's just adding extra dice rolls, extra chances to get lucky. There is no increase of drop rates


Well, it does increase your chances of winning by 1000 _trials_; but that doesn't guarantee that you'll 'win', even if the drop rate for something was 1:1000, then. On average, people will get it once per 1000 boxes. But in practice, the odds are more complicated: you still only have a 1:1000 chance with each try, it doesn't go up to make up for a bad streak. Some people will get more than 1 after 1000 tries, some 0. Overall, the chance that you get at least 1 is about 63%.


In simpler terms, the average might be 1, but three out of 10 people still won't get it, even after 1000 tries.


Or to make it a rule of thumg, gamble for the excitement before you roll; don't gamble for something specific. (The House always wins.)

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> @Kodiak.4213 said:

> It's a gamble, always has been. Your money would have been better spent buying specific items from the gemstore or converting to gold. I get buyer's remorse every time I buy keys, but i can't help but think "this is gonna be the time i get that contract!" But I accept the risk that I will probably get mostly garbage. At least with the guaranteed slot, you know what you are getting. If you don't like what is in that slot, wait for the next rotation. I bought a ton of chests during the LS3 map currency chests - saved me a ton of time grinding out ascended trinkets.


Problem being some of the items from those chests are account bound.

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> Reason i bought so many is me and gf were celebrating and decided to splurge a bit in game. That won't be happening again.


I don't know why you justified the purchase but it made me laugh ( also the "so many" part of course, because it's simply normal for some players to buy many keys per month )


> Good job Anet. You have rigged the Chest drops so we only have 2/3 chances to even get anything good


But you knew about the modify since halloween 2016


Here you can see, on the bottom of the page, how it started and how it evolved during the months.


> and out of 150 slots 149 were pure garbage.


Also, if you think that common drops and granted drops are garbage, why in the world did you decide to buy black lion keys...


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