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Can we get a band aid on Berserker for PVP before the expansion comes?


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The current design of berserker forces it into gimmick builds that are not fun to play or play against, but with some changes it might get an average bruiser build.

So currently the issues with it are that it has bad sustain to damage output, bad condition management (most elites have some condi management trait or skill and berserker has none except fucking torch w t f), and bad mobility compared to other specks if it is not running mobility weapon like GS or sword(can we get away from that design) and even then it is slow. The bad sustain comes from that berserker needs to stick to target but any damage field just destroys it be it condition or power, so it is a melee class that can't stay in melee.

Also as disclaimer most of the changes are comparing it to other bruiser specks like holo which works like the HoT berserker with its embedded sustain and damage in the elite + all the range and toys from engi. Have in mind that Berserker is All in speck it goes in the fight

By the numbers buffs that could make it at least somewhat playable

Reducing the CD on Berserk to 12 so it can be 8 1/2 when in discipline, since Berserker gets its most value when entering Berserk from the traits but not sitting in the state so you get more Savage Instinct and Burst of Aggression procs.

Mobility buffs, Burst of Aggression longer Supper speed to match the berserker mode or little bit less (again Matching the mobility of other bruisers) and Buff to Sundering Leap Longer range on the thing and maybe charges or lower cooldown.

Shattering Blow increase to the Rock guard block to 1 second at least , 1/2 doesn't even cover the latency of the server f f s.

Outrage why the fuck did they nerf it to 20 seconds it just stunbreaks 10 seconds like before nerf the duration increase of berserk if they want to.

I'm not sure about Headbutt maybe just give it some damage back the whole thing removes stability to increase damage. All of the skills are weak at least make them trait procers if they are low impact with low cds.

The -300 toughness is also bullshit since all the other specs got their 'Drawback' sentence reduced since it didn't pan out back then, but they kinda forgot berserker. Dead or Alive either reduce the cd or increase the passive to at least 30%(might seem allot but im not sure if it even be enough).

The condition management I can't solve by number tuning the speck just doesn't have any at all except on the 2 on off hand torch, I was thinking about a trait that gives 1 second resistance on primal burst not after on cast so it can hit, slap it on the Eternal Champion trait maybe.

Fixing the defense traitline will also help I don't know If CMC can change the position of traits, but moving Rousing Resilience or Cleansing Ire to the mid column (like some people suggested) would alleviate how bad it is currently since there isn't anything good to pick from it.

Armored attack should probably get combined with some other trait maybe Rousing Resilience.

Cull the Weak and Sundering Mace should be combined since Sundering Mace didn't get touched in the usefulness outside of carrying weapons rework on traits.

Adrenal Health should be the Minor Adept trait and it should work like main mechanic for Defense for example instead of getting Regeneration on Dogged March you get 1 stack of Adrenal Health.

Thick skin should take the Gain adrenaline from getting hit part of Cleansing Ire.

I would like a Trait or skill that gives % HP barrier on 1 second ICD when getting hit so it can counter the small damage multi attacks like AoE damage fields but not the heavy hitting skills.

Discuss If I'm Missing something or if I'm overkilling on something.

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I think the CD on F1 is a problem. That and the design is to use all of your heal and utilities to extend F1.


I'd like to see the standard F1 finishers available when Berserker is not available. This could be as an F2 or just a replacement Flip of F1 when Berserker is not up. Have Berzerker utilities also reduce Berzerker F1 CD if you are not in Berzerker Mode and waiting on CD.

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