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Requesting some more racial-flavored character content

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It's a bit of a chaotic inventory, but hereafter are some suggestions or requests I wish they were implemented in game from the day I started my characters, and that I would use even now.


1. Add **elite belt racial skills** for engineers when they select a racial elite skill.

Non-elite utility racial skills do have their belt skill effect. Why were elite racial skills so overlooked? Perhaps, a single F5 belt skill per race would be enough. Not everyone always play with an elite specialization that secures this belt slot...


2. In the Gem Store, **add one outfit per origin** (3 for asuras, humans, charrs, 4 for sylvaris and norns). Currently, the player can only play with tints inspired by their origin (e.g. the Ash Legion's dominant colours), as applied to the default outfit, or cultural armour (save for the noble humans, who can wear noble outfits, even if versions for all races are designed each time a new outfit is released, and for the human commoners, who can wear their default outfit). I'm sure that the artists would have some nice ideas about how to dress a sylvari of Dusk (I know that they don't really wear a outfit), or a savant from the College of Static. Some NPC wear interesting outfits, as compared to the PC. Couldn't we share them?.


3. Either customize or **allow customization for engineer's contraptions**. I just can't have my sylvari engineer use industrial turret skills, when the sylvari have three racial, plantoid turret skills, not to speak about gyros. Asuras should have their own version of turrets and gyros too. I'm not sure about the other races but perhaps the artistes would come with some ideas of variations? Also, the elixir pistol could be declined in some flavor "appearances", too.


4. Likewise, add a set of basic **racially styled chairs** in the Gem Store., when we don't want to sit on a throne. Models are already in game.


5. Albeit it could affect the balance, consider doubling some elite (or non elite) **racial skills by tonics or other bundles**, for sake of a little more cultural diversity during combat. Those consumables would be soul-bound and culture-bound like cultural armour pieces. I like using elite racial skills but some other players may refrain from using them just for fear of not being "competitive" any more (and be shunned when lfg, etc). The impact on balance I can see is that you aren't meant to use different elite skills during the same combat, but what no if an internal cooldown prevent from spamming them? On the other hand, those skills are not considered as being OP... so perhaps the impact would be low. Note that that some skills are already doubled by non culture-bound bundles, like the sylvari healing turret (iirc, it's a standard karma item).


6. ... ?







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1) Racial abilities were not "overlooked" - instead they were put there solely for flavor. The developers didn't want there to be a skill balance issue with racial skills resulting in people choosing certain races specifically for their racial skill synergies.

2) I like this idea, especially because developers promised we would get to wear the clothes we see on npcs. They've been adding some of them to the game as rewards; the norn shaman gear for example. Raven and Bear shaman clothes are now earnable armor in the game.

3) Many people have begged for this, myself included but there are just as many people against it. I like the idea of being able to purchase a set of looks for minions/turrets -so a norn could have sylvari turrets, or a necromancer could have asuran minions. What would those look like? Who knows but I would love to have something different!

For your #4 they already have racial chairs. Sylvari have: Bough of the Grove Chair

Norn: Great Lodge Chair

Asura: Inquest Overseer Chair

Charr: Legionnaire's Chair

Human: Club Chair

Non of them are too ostentatious.


I love ideas to really celebrate and embrace GW2 racial appearances and culture! Would love to see more.

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1) I understand why racial skills are subpar to class skills by design, and accept that they never appear in published builds, but I request a belt skill to be associated to any elite racial skill, the same as a belt skill was associated to any (?) racial utility skill. Of course, I'd expect a rather stronger skill for F5 than those associated to other belt slots, and ideally stronger or more useful than an auto-attack.


2)Yes, there are several cultural armours available _now_, and my request is to add informal, yet cultural, basic outfits (everyday outfit, not associated to some high ranking function, even if a high level character could expect this). Currently we do have these kind of outfit, but one per culture. More variety would be welcome, I think, and that's why I'm referring to a character's origin. Other choices may be made, but this one would flesh out a little those cultural segmentations. Another reason is (was) that back to old times, there were only 2 or 3 sets of cultural armour to help identifying as a member of a cultural group, they were costly and transmutation as well ; I don't think many players, besides fierce completionists, had a chance to ever equip a full set (but I speak out of knowledge). Another 2 or 3 civil outfits would have helped. Anyway, I believe that the request is still legitimate these days.


Moreover, I'd add another request for outfits : **orders' informal outfits** (if this is deemed fitting the lore).


3) If some players were/are against, beside the obvious cost and wasted design resource argument, I'm under the impression that the request has been ill-perceived or ill-presented. I'm not asking for account or even soul-bound "skin" bundles to alter the way a class gizmo appears in-game. That a charr engineer can now deploy sylvari-flavored turrets is not what I request (nor you I guess). There are already bundles in game to play with this (e.g. to deploy an azura golem, or a silvari healing turret, or even to change into a norn spirit avatar, iirc).

I'm requesting a cultural/racial reskin of some gizmos, the most eye-sore of them at least. If player don't pay at the Gem Store, then they'd stay with the current charr/human skin. If they buy soul-based, culture- and class-restricted bundles that allow to reskin all of their class gizmos for one character (or all characters in the account with same class and culture). If some players are still against this feature, their only argument could be that they don't want to be visually confused by so many different models. Yet, they are not confused when mobs deploy these gizmos.

Later, I wouln't mind if some very skilled and dedicated players (that I'm not!) could unlock the culture restriction and equip/transmute one of their characters of another culture. I figure that a rather high cost in dungeon currency would be fair, and these players would be thus rewarded for their devotion toward that culture. I'm not a designer but one year of casual farming (like 60 week runs?) wouldn't shock me (I recall that changing culture is still not allowed in game, so this should be considered as a very high end feature).


4) I didn't know. Request fulfilled then!



@"firedragon.8953" What you suggest could impact the balance because it would allow to use a racial elite skill on top of an archetype's elite skill, but I nevertheless add it as my 5th point. I mean that even if internal cooldowns are added, you aren't meant to use two different elite skills without exiting combat.



Thanks for helping refining the thread!

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Some more racial-flavored character content?


I think the gemstore is doing their best to add them in all kinds of way: chairrs/outfits, even mount skins like that mordrem hound and exo suit/ shiverpeaks sets.


There is only three parts of the content that are underused to me:


-Racial guild hall decorations. Most of them are currently human. I would like to be finally able to use asura, charr, sylvari and norns assets too, after 8 years, it is an overdue that should have been there since HoT.


-More diversity of npcs appearances, and more cultural armor availables. Really, arcane councillors wear peasant clothes that even a lvl 30 player would wear when leveling. Check the wedding outfit for asura male, definitely more ministry/high ranked. There is currently 3 cultural armor tiers but 6 can be made. Also I laugh hard when looking at asura cultural weaponsmith tier 2 that is selling sylvari weapons, a joke!!


-Housing. (Before somewhat jump in "nobody cares, will not generate money) does raid generate income? NO . Does fractals makes money for them? NO . Maybe dungeons? NO. Living world? NO apart if you missed release. WvW? NO . PVP ? NO. So yes, they can add housing, minority or not. One of their best income is the gemstore, with its rng boxes and stuffs sold. Housing would allow players to have a home, they can decorate according to any of races, using their racials assets and gizmos and furnitures. House plot would cost gem, 3 maximums, maybe sky/surface/underground. Also, they could host nodes like homes but also npcs like unlocking them in eotn and gates to different types of content purchasable for gems. Those could be coded as lounges passes, that would have scribing station and placable decos. Not everyone wants to be in a guild to use decos.




Tldr regarding subject:


1-I'm okay with a racial F5 for engineer. Through, what I would like before is them remaking turrets correctly, re enabling to toggle oursekves overcharges, making traits like disabling, piercing or burning ammos also affects the one shot by turrets, and some buffs for them.


2-There is a basic clothing outfit already available for each race. Also there is the wedding outfit that changes appearance based on your sex and race.

I think they can create "story choice outfit" that checks what story and race you took and change appearance based on that, so to make statics/synergetics/dawn/shaman/whatever.


There is already some on gemstore like dynamics/ inquest exo suit, queensdale academy, attire outfit... and gonna disagree here: for common clothes I prefer it to be armor pieces like the recently made ceremonial bear and raven armors. So dunno, for asura.... lab genius armor.


I dunno if they have that much arts about armors, see wiki / concept art.


3-I kept asking about asura having asura turrets, sylvaris having plants ones, norn with barrel ones... nothing happened, nothing changed. Still have little hope.




4-Inquest throne, legion stool, verdant chair, lounge chair, Sab chair.. we have chairs, but to me they aren't anything without table or RP. In bjora you can purchase a firecamp for karma, nice little thing.

I like chairs, but don't really get the purpose.


5-For racial skills... i have another option, since they are weak, useless and pitiful, why not removing them and placing another profession based skill instead? Would bring more skills for the different professions and choice, as example, laser turret? Shock turret? And then, making another thing completely different:


You have a F6 button, transforming your skill bar into only racial skills that cannot hurt foes, but can hurt others players if they agree in return, aka like costume brawl. You can use those skills for RP or brawl and no issues of balances regarding between professions/foes. If even, that is a balance issue, give different visual but same damage for any skill. They can even sale for gems racial skill bars based on the foes and npcs in this game. We have finishers.. why not that?

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As for housings, I would better have, for starting, overhauled "home locations" (current system), made public instances (just cut off from the open world to not overload cities maps), and either private instances version of them (as currently) or private sub-instances for your own room, if fitting to your culture (human, sylvari; the others seem to prefer dormitories), or quarters (for the others). Resource nodes and decorations could be account-base but adapted to each city and culture. Personal- and LW-story related NPCs would be seen only in the home instance, and would get dialogues and animations. But this would deserve a whole independent thread. :)

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