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How do I learn to do the wintersday ginger JP in reverse action cam?


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Great personal challenges like this, don't come along everyday! Only problem is I don't know what techniques people who have successfully done this use, when they first started learning how.


My problems at the moment:


1. It seems slow. I can jump onto each platform without pausing and it will shatter under me. Compare this to jumping forward taking the same route, and not having the platform shatter under me. If I'm still going at the same speed, but my camera is facing in the other direction, why am I being shattered off?


2. Jumping onto the wrong part of the platform or slipping off the side or outright missing it.



I take 1 step forward and 10 steps back so to speak. I'm hoping for someone who has successfully done this to give me pointers to help make my practice more worthwhile.




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Do you mean you're doing the jumping puzzle with your character facing and walking backwards? I didn't even know that was possible and I've never heard of anyone doing it before, but now I'm intrigued.


Have you managed to do it on the other paths and it's just the gingerbread one you're having trouble with? If not maybe start with one of the easier ones to get the technique sorted out, then move on to the harder path?

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> @"Danikat.8537" said:

> Do you mean you're doing the jumping puzzle with your character facing and walking backwards? I didn't even know that was possible and I've never heard of anyone doing it before, but now I'm intrigued.


It's not doable as you cannot jump the required distance backwards unless it's a dodge jump, and those are time-limited as they depend on your Endurance recovery. Since the snowflakes melt, you can't just wait for your Endurance to recover, so doing the whole thing in reverse seems like a futile endeavour.

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> @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> > @"Danikat.8537" said:

> > Do you mean you're doing the jumping puzzle with your character facing and walking backwards? I didn't even know that was possible and I've never heard of anyone doing it before, but now I'm intrigued.


> It's not doable as you cannot jump the required distance backwards unless it's a dodge jump, and those are time-limited as they depend on your Endurance recovery. Since the snowflakes melt, you can't just wait for your Endurance to recover, so doing the whole thing in reverse seems like a futile endeavour.


Yeah, that's what I've discovered since posting this. But I'm not sure what else the OP could mean by that title. I can't find any mention of it online except this topic, just lots of guides to using the action cam or doing jumping puzzles.


The only other thing I can think of is using the action cam so the camera is facing your character and you're running fowards but your view is reversed, but I can't see how that would affect how soon the platforms disappear or how quickly you move. All I can think to suggest there is that the platforms aren't specific to you, they start to crumble as soon as anyone jumps on them so if someone else is just ahead of you they may be destroying the platforms just as you get to them. There isn't really a solution to that except making sure you start at the same time and keep up with them, or waiting until you're the only one starting it.


> @"Katelynn.6593" said:

> 2. Jumping onto the wrong part of the platform or slipping off the side or outright missing it.


This one I think is the same no matter what special rules you're using: it's mostly down to practice and learning the route, but it also helps to remember that you can turn or speed up/slow down in the air, so you can adjust _after_ jumping. The ability to slow down, or rather stop completely is probably the most useful of those, it's a bit counter-intuitive but your character has no momentum, the second you stop moving them forward they'll drop straight down, so you can take a running start, hold down the forward (or backwards?) key and then let go when you're over the point you want to land on and you'll drop to exactly that point.


There's at least a few "leap of faith" points in the Wintersday puzzle - places where I'd swear it's too far and my character won't make it, or the platform is too steep or whatever, but at some point in the past I tried it (or saw someone else try it) and now I do it trusting that it will work even if it looks like it won't. It takes trial and error to learn that but now I'll throw myself off those places without even thinking about it because I know it will work.


When you're learning it can help to move the camera around a bit (if your rules allow this) to see the jump from different angles so you can see the best spot/direction to go from. It might mean that run you don't have enough time to finish, but next time you won't need to do that (assuming you found the right place) so it won't take as long.

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> @"Danikat.8537" said:

> Do you mean you're doing the jumping puzzle with your character facing and walking backwards? I didn't even know that was possible and I've never heard of anyone doing it before, but now I'm intrigued.


> Have you managed to do it on the other paths and it's just the gingerbread one you're having trouble with? If not maybe start with one of the easier ones to get the technique sorted out, then move on to the harder path?


The reason I'm starting with the gingerbread path is because the flow is the most natural out of all the paths once you learn it. Compare this to quaggan and snowman that has at least one snowflake you can get stuck in the gap then fall through. But even with flow obviously doing it backwards makes even the most natural of paths feel weird.


It was easier for me to learn gingerbread forward because it's natural flow was designed for forward movement. Also because the puzzle compensates for it's timed factor by preventing the puzzle from having geometry that can make you stuck. Learning it backwards must have a different technique to it.


If you use action cam and look behind you, then you press the s key, your character runs forward while looking backwards.


It is possible. Someone made a YouTube vid of it. There is no way I'd attempt this if I hadn't seen anyone else do this.

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> @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> > @"Danikat.8537" said:

> > Do you mean you're doing the jumping puzzle with your character facing and walking backwards? I didn't even know that was possible and I've never heard of anyone doing it before, but now I'm intrigued.


> It's not doable as you cannot jump the required distance backwards unless it's a dodge jump, and those are time-limited as they depend on your Endurance recovery. Since the snowflakes melt, you can't just wait for your Endurance to recover, so doing the whole thing in reverse seems like a futile endeavour.


I saw a YouTube vid of it. And I'm going to rewatch it to see if he did any dodge jumping.


Nope. No dodge jump. I think the problem is I'm using up time during the rotation in the air part. I may be overdoing it losing precious time.


But I'm not sure how they learnt to not overdo or undo their rotations.


Plus you are running forwards while your camera is looking backwards. That's what reverse action cam means. Your camera is in reverse, not your character.

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> @"Danikat.8537" said:

> > @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> > > @"Danikat.8537" said:

> > > Do you mean you're doing the jumping puzzle with your character facing and walking backwards? I didn't even know that was possible and I've never heard of anyone doing it before, but now I'm intrigued.

> >

> > It's not doable as you cannot jump the required distance backwards unless it's a dodge jump, and those are time-limited as they depend on your Endurance recovery. Since the snowflakes melt, you can't just wait for your Endurance to recover, so doing the whole thing in reverse seems like a futile endeavour.


> Yeah, that's what I've discovered since posting this. But I'm not sure what else the OP could mean by that title. I can't find any mention of it online except this topic, just lots of guides to using the action cam or doing jumping puzzles.


> The only other thing I can think of is using the action cam so the camera is facing your character and you're running fowards but your view is reversed, but I can't see how that would affect how soon the platforms disappear or how quickly you move. All I can think to suggest there is that the platforms aren't specific to you, they start to crumble as soon as anyone jumps on them so if someone else is just ahead of you they may be destroying the platforms just as you get to them. There isn't really a solution to that except making sure you start at the same time and keep up with them, or waiting until you're the only one starting it.


> > @"Katelynn.6593" said:

> > 2. Jumping onto the wrong part of the platform or slipping off the side or outright missing it.


> This one I think is the same no matter what special rules you're using: it's mostly down to practice and learning the route, but it also helps to remember that you can turn or speed up/slow down in the air, so you can adjust _after_ jumping. The ability to slow down, or rather stop completely is probably the most useful of those, it's a bit counter-intuitive but your character has no momentum, the second you stop moving them forward they'll drop straight down, so you can take a running start, hold down the forward (or backwards?) key and then let go when you're over the point you want to land on and you'll drop to exactly that point.


> There's at least a few "leap of faith" points in the Wintersday puzzle - places where I'd swear it's too far and my character won't make it, or the platform is too steep or whatever, but at some point in the past I tried it (or saw someone else try it) and now I do it trusting that it will work even if it looks like it won't. It takes trial and error to learn that but now I'll throw myself off those places without even thinking about it because I know it will work.


> When you're learning it can help to move the camera around a bit (if your rules allow this) to see the jump from different angles so you can see the best spot/direction to go from. It might mean that run you don't have enough time to finish, but next time you won't need to do that (assuming you found the right place) so it won't take as long.


This is very helpful as it's given me the realization that I need to jump before the platform appears. I noticed one player jumping onto the platform before it appears and I realized it was because the platform appears the moment the horizontal platform near the rock appears. It's just invisible for a second. She knew this so she jumped onto the air. She even knew when the presents would appear and would jump before they appear and then land on them.


I can't use that platform as a visual cue facing backwards so I will have to learn to count at the same speed consistently, so that if I get to x number of seconds at my speed of counting it's time to jump. Obviously being human I might count too fast or too slow. So you've reminded me I need to master the most basic fundamental here. Learning the timing so I start before or at the same time as everyone else.

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> @"Randulf.7614" said:

> Ah I think the confusion was because it was thought that you were jumping backwards rather than the camera facing semi backwards.


> Impressive though


Yeah the people who did this is impressive. Both of them. One may have taken an "easier" path, but it was with auto run and on the snowman path you have to wait for the platforms to appear. So they have to stay on the platform while waiting.Thus it would be a greater challenge to do it on snowman with backwards auto run than gingerbread.


Whereas the other person was doing it backwards without auto run, so obviously their challenge would be the path that shatters the fastest.

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> @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> > @"Katelynn.6593" said:

> > Oops kitten my bad lol. Wrong vid. Wrong path. Here it is.


> Well, what I said initially still stands: that's not jumping backwards, that's having the camera reversed. ;) The former is impossible to achieve (as the snowflakes melt quickly), the latter looks really, _really_ tough.


Funny ...you should say that as if I somehow said I was jumping backwards in my OP. Because my title says reversed action CAMERA. It doesn't say reversed action PLAYER.


Edit: Unless you were referring to my use of the words backwards, where any reasonable person knows it's a figure of speak and wouldn't fuss over the semantics of the word, when they know the principle in which it's spoken.

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> @"Katelynn.6593" said:

> > @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> > > @"Katelynn.6593" said:

> > > Oops kitten my bad lol. Wrong vid. Wrong path. Here it is.

> >

> > Well, what I said initially still stands: that's not jumping backwards, that's having the camera reversed. ;) The former is impossible to achieve (as the snowflakes melt quickly), the latter looks really, _really_ tough.


> Funny ...you should say that as if I somehow said I was jumping backwards in my OP. Because my title says reversed action CAMERA. It doesn't say reversed action PLAYER.


> Edit: Unless you were referring to my use of the words backwards, where any reasonable person knows it's a figure of speak and wouldn't fuss over the semantics of the word, when they know the principle in which it's spoken.


To be fair, you never said you were jumping backwards. But to be fair to Ashantara, they were replying to someone else when they originally mentioned jumping backwards is impossible, so it's crossed wires here that is all

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