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new player pvp question.


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There isn't any lvl requirement for PvP in gw2, you can join the PvP map at any lvl by pressing the button with two swords on the upper left part of your screen (J key is the shortcut normally). There, you will have acces to any skill/traits of your choice. The stuff is standardized so there is no "optimal stuff" to farm, in PvP, only the amulets/runes determine your stat. Once your build is ready, you can try it by joining a match, again with the double sword icon.


Still, if you are new to gw2, start with PvE content to discorver the basic mechanics of the game and the professions.

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To be honest, I'd spend a few weeks in PvE first to get to grips with the mechanics, skills, traits etc. PvP is very fast and you'll find it difficult to learn anything other than how to randomly smash buttons, if you're not familiar with those buttons first. Try taking a few different classes to level 30 (because that's pretty fast, a few hours max), see which one you like, then take the one you like to level 80 in PvE. Once there, you should be familiar enough with it to have a chance of understanding PvP.


I'd also recommend trying out as many different classes as possible, not just so you've got an idea of what you want to play, but also an idea of what it is other classes can do, so you know when you see an enemy doing X animation wtf it is. Being able to read animations and know what's important to dodge, and what isn't, is very important for PvP.


And finally, if once you try PvP you find it intimidating, frustrating, too fast, etc. I'd recommend building up some confidence and experience in WvW. That's 80v80v80, rather than 5v5, so you can lean more on other people's experience there, and less likely to have people raging.

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As a pvp only player I can not really recommend playing pve (I find it very boring) but if you enter pvp don't get frustrated at the start, look at all traits you have on your class build something that you think is fine and test it out against golems, npc enemy's or real players in the free for all arena.


The game is very high mechanical skill based, so take care you can get enemys that playing pvp since over 8 years. But it's very fun and thx to the complexity of the build maker you can make a build for your play style.


Otherwise I can recommend watching some guides on YouTube and get some builds on metabattle or godsofpvp.


Also try classes out when you do not like the movement or weapon skills, all classes play very different, in my case I can play Ranger pretty decent but on every other class I am a pretty hard noob.


Enjoy the freedom of pvp, the extreme well made combat and don't get frustrated by getting smashed against other players at will always happen, there is always a better player than you

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> @"valkyrie.4563" said:

> new player help needed . so i just bought the game and started playing .at what level should i start playing pvp ?

> i want to learn how to play pvp effectively and do well . ty


Dont touch on Ranked button until see a lot of guides and streamings about it, feel free to test stuff on 1) bots on heart of mists and 2) unranked


Metabattle is the website you can check for further info about builds (not optimal, since isnt up to date often, but is the best we have atm).


Godsofpvp is the website you can read about mechanics, roles, kite and rotations on pvp (guides).

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> @"Avatar.3568" said:

> As a pvp only player I can not really recommend playing pve (I find it very boring) but if you enter pvp don't get frustrated at the start, look at all traits you have on your class build something that you think is fine and test it out against golems, npc enemy's or real players in the free for all arena.


> The game is very high mechanical skill based, so take care you can get enemys that playing pvp since over 8 years. But it's very fun and thx to the complexity of the build maker you can make a build for your play style.


> Otherwise I can recommend watching some guides on YouTube and get some builds on metabattle or godsofpvp.


> Also try classes out when you do not like the movement or weapon skills, all classes play very different, in my case I can play Ranger pretty decent but on every other class I am a pretty hard noob.


> Enjoy the freedom of pvp, the extreme well made combat and don't get frustrated by getting smashed against other players at will always happen, there is always a better player than you


Thanks .i will start playing pvp with ranger as I liked how it plays out and hopefully get better along the way by learning

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> @"valkyrie.4563" said:

> new player help needed . so i just bought the game and started playing .at what level should i start playing pvp ?

> i want to learn how to play pvp effectively and do well . ty


You can do it at annnny level and try out alllll the expacs it's great!!! Because once you're in pvp all the stats are normalized so you can go crazy :D I started at low level.

I would start with the um, i think the wiki has the original default builds, just to get you started, or some of the meta ones. Unfortunately the default builds are removed from the pvp game. :< Personally, I gravitate towards the old default builds, since they're a lot more user friendly to me when starting out and give a good primer, the meta ones are already tweaked for a high level player's playstyle, and often I don't have the reflexes for whatever fancy thing they're doing yet when I'm starting a new class from scratch.

People can be nasty for no reason, so if that bugs you, I'd turn off team and map chat for sanity. GW2 doesn't punish them properly here for being jerks. You can still call objectives with pings or type in team chat for those who are actually reading that stuff.


People gonna get mad at me, but honestly, I think it's a good idea to try one normal and go straight into ranked and get those rewards, so they can match you with people at your skill level. unranked sometimes they match high levels against low levels because their matching system can be weird sometimes, and you get goodies for participating in ranked.

Enjoy pvp!!

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edit: nvm old thread, have fun


I'd say joining unranked after you leveled one character to 80 is good (manually). For ranked, you can join as soon as you are able to.


However don't forget to take a look at meta builds from godsofpvp and metabattle, even if you don't want to play a meta build you need to learn what can/can't they do.

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