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  1. Make it so that the non endless tonics, (such as sylvan hound tonic, etc) can be stored in novelty-tonics :)
  2. > @"valkyrie.4563" said: > new player help needed . so i just bought the game and started playing .at what level should i start playing pvp ? > i want to learn how to play pvp effectively and do well . ty You can do it at annnny level and try out alllll the expacs it's great!!! Because once you're in pvp all the stats are normalized so you can go crazy :D I started at low level. I would start with the um, i think the wiki has the original default builds, just to get you started, or some of the meta ones. Unfortunately the default builds are removed from the pvp game. :< Personally, I gravitate towards the old default builds, since they're a lot more user friendly to me when starting out and give a good primer, the meta ones are already tweaked for a high level player's playstyle, and often I don't have the reflexes for whatever fancy thing they're doing yet when I'm starting a new class from scratch. People can be nasty for no reason, so if that bugs you, I'd turn off team and map chat for sanity. GW2 doesn't punish them properly here for being jerks. You can still call objectives with pings or type in team chat for those who are actually reading that stuff. People gonna get mad at me, but honestly, I think it's a good idea to try one normal and go straight into ranked and get those rewards, so they can match you with people at your skill level. unranked sometimes they match high levels against low levels because their matching system can be weird sometimes, and you get goodies for participating in ranked. Enjoy pvp!!
  3. > @"wilykcat.5864" said: > So I have been doing some small skill pvp (battlegrounds, unranked arena) and almost every single match my team lost. Is the matchmaking here similar to the match making in league of legends. I noticed some highly ranked players are all on the enemy team and the newer players and low ranked ones are on my team. That's similar to how the match making on the other pvp games I've played on worked. Is it possible for match making to make up teams with players who are both higher ranked and lower ranked. > > Also is there rules for pvp like no camping (spawn killing) enemy team at their base? I've seen some enemy players do it to me before and it got a bit annoying. Is it legal for an enemy player to kill another player in one shot (instant kills)? I know it's considered cheating on league of legends, not sure about here though. Is there a leaver penalty? Like deserter from warcraft or leaverbuster from league of legends. > > > I'm not ready for world vs world or stronghold pvp yet. I dont think I can handle ranked. > Okay so. You'll actually have an *easier* time in ranked pvp because they'll actually match you with people of your skill level, whereas normals are kind of wonky. In GW2 unlike league you get participation prizes for doing ranked so it's worth it. It's best to mute all on chat, because no one says anything worthwhile until silver 3. You'll have a better time of it as you ranked up, because you won't be matched against ridiculousness. To explain, when I went together on an unranked with my friend who never played pvp ever before,it happened to be that the #1 player at current played against us, with all their plat+ friends and maybe one friend who never played pvp before. This is because it's matchmade based on the lowest ranked member in the team, not an average. Unranked is really weird, and I recommend especially if you're starting out, you just hop into ranked and don't worry about it. Also, for sanity reasons, make sure you turn off team and map chat because people here are super rude- there is no working system for people being salty or jerks. You can communicate well enough with pings and sometimes typing into team chat without looking at it. Actually I don't even know if ftp can use team chat. GW2 PvP is much more casual, the game mode is like old dominion (<3 dominion). You want to keep on with Arena, that's the main ranked game mode and you get lots of goodies for playing it. Stronghold is kind of like League of Legends, but again, unranked can get pretty weird match ups, and yes ,you can wind up being matched with crazy high level players over and over. There is no anti-spawn camping rules. As for being killed in one shot, a player who is good can kill you very quickly to the point that it feels like you are being killed in one shot (similar to League of Legends burst damage/burst assassin's), but it is not actually possible in this game to kill an enemy player in one shot the way you're describing. They're just dumping all their skills very very fast or using a quick rotation/skill combo you may not have learned how to counter yet. You can see the damage you took under combat > incoming damage to see what killed you. There's no formal rules against it because it's not actually possible. (Also, as a league of legends player, I've never ever heard of 'burst damage instakill' counting as cheating, especially with all the bursty champions we have and once you hit power level or are fed-- also in League of Legends, unlike GW2, because of being fed and a snowballed character, it really is possible to kill someone in one attack and similarly, that is ...not cheating, that's how the game is supposed to go. Reporting a fed, snowballed Draven for being draven and doing what draven does would just be... ridiculous. Truly, truly outrageous. .__. If you're talking about some kind of exploit, that's different, but uh, yeah. I've *never* heard of instakills/one shot kills being considered cheating in LoL, that would be like reporting every fed ADC and burst assassin/mage that existed and saying the game mechanic itself is cheating O___O, when the whole point is to get fed. I mean, if the community is now starting to think that the basic principle of the game is cheating, that seems kind of like a problem.) There is a leaver penalty, if you disconnect, you have to wait maybe 10-20 minutes to restart the match. It's not as harsh as league of legends penalties. You can't really get fed in this game, it's based on the equipment and build, which happily has normalized stats so you can go in at level 1. See a lot of players complain about others feeding, but it's really not as big a deal as LoL because the most that happens is the other team gets +5 points, not that someone snowballs and starts to faceroll the enemy team. WvW, as long as you aren't in Maguuma server, it's not toxic and people are willing to help you learn. If you can duel you can probably roam without fear. If you can't duel you can still get credit and join squads and hang out in a blob of people and faceroll or get facerolled. It's pretty casual.
  4. I got called a hacker once when I did a particularly nice combo quick kill with my thief against an inexperienced player some time back. It cheered me up :3. Allllllll skilll. (especially since OOF I think I was using deadeye and they are so easily counterable and squishy, it's challenging but rewarding to get nice kills in) Esp since I figure the complaint wouldn't be taken seriously. I think I've only heard the accusation a time or two since then (sadly I haven't been killing fast enough apparently :P), but it was an occasional thing. I've never hacked, and I've never got in trouble for any false reports or crying anyone did. I think if we want to put a quality of life post together in the QOL thread so that people who repeatedly accuse others of hacking coz they're salty, or harass people afterwards thru whisper, or are generally just being nasty and toxic and salting all over chat, do link me and I'll happily upvote it, I know Anet checks those. I think that would dampen some of the nastiness in general, and it did actually work for league of legends to an extent (although now some toxicity is back). For personal QoL, unless you're in uh... I think it was, silver 3, where people actually seemed to use it for objectives, and nobody higher nor lower seems to use it for much useful stuff (tho not like i'm plat so i wouldn't know about that, but iirc the one plat person i know didn't see much useful stuff being said there), it may just be best to turn off chat and communicate via pings and unseen chat for sanity purposes. I think there was one person who kept accusing people of being a bot just to get a rise out of everyone. That may have changed tho
  5. league of legends actually fixed their jerk problem by punishing them for being jerks, but, yeah. that isn't happening here. don't worry about them.
  6. > @"Solitude.2097" said: > Because i play late at night , relaxing , drinking and not talking in PvP , people assume i am trolling and report me for boting . > Wouldbe be great if i get reported , i teleport to a drunkyard overflow and if i dont like to be there any more , i can report some1 for beeing drunk ?:) > Later the mods and game masters can join us too :) People just salty because no one actually gets punished for harassing players after games or being nasty. don't worry about them. That said, the customer service if you're a paying customer is excellent, and since the nasty people never seem to get any consequences for salting all over the place and driving people away from pvp, you're unlikely to get punished for something you didn't do. I getcha tho. I think i just muted them and played when I did because they have such bad manners.
  7. > @"Brimstone Jack.3462" said: > If necros were as OP and "broken" as everyone keeps pretending they are because they can't steamroll them in a single rotation, everyone would be playing them to stay competitive. Just stop already. When people who actually counterplay see you complaining like that, it looks bad. Balance is focused on high-end play because you don't balance around people not playing correctly. That would be ridiculous. > > Are their rotations and gameplay simple? Yes. Are they broken? Not a chance. Grab some cleanse and start learning to corrupt boons. You'll be fine. i empathize, I do, it hurts when people salt all over the forums and unnecessary nerfs are made to things which are easily counterable if they learned how to play better. Unfortunately, I don't really know that there is a way to stop people taking to forums and complaining about 'this class being too strong' when the class itself may be either equal or underpowered and there is just a skill gap between them or they are salty coz they had a bad game/no teamwork vs good teamwork, no matter if you post something like this.
  8. a year or so ago, it went based on the skill level of the lowest pvp leveled person in your team. So you'd get really weird games, like the one where we were up against the level 1 person & gold-plats playing with their first time pvp playing friend, while we were playing with our first time pvp playing friend XD i don't mind the goofiness of it though.
  9. I object to all of this. Ridiculous. You want them to remove all the mechanics these classes work on because you're salty you don't have the skill level to counter them yet? Trust me, this stuff you're complaining about is all counter-able, as long as you get good enough. I've hard countered this stuff, I've been hard countered playing this stuff. Ridiculous.
  10. > @"Hesione.9412" said: > I quite like the mirage's veil skin. I am, however, at a loss to see what other skins in the wardrobe match this. I would like to continue both the coins and the laurel look. But I don't want to end up with a "bellydancer" aethestic. The look is for a female asura. > > I have all the default dyes, I just can't see to find any shoulders, etc, that fit with the veil. For a female asura that is going to the desert (i used and loved that skin on my salad) , I would say that: neckslot: the racing scarf is very nice, chest: trickster's vest (premie), carapace vestments, adept coat, seer's, whisper's secret, are all nice bottom: with those chests, any you prefer shoes: I like elonian sandals. dry bones leggings, carapace vestments, racing scarf, that hat and elonian sandals are pretty great if you're going a desert necro :3 For a mesmer, I'd go that hat, racing scarf, carapace vestments , winged pants/council ministry hose , & elonian sandals modeled these with my female asura :3. lady asuras are nice, not too much revealing stuff to worry about accidentally going belly dancer aesthetic
  11. > @"Murdock.6547" said: > Years. Easily years. Since the PoF release, I believe? Maybe a single living world chapter after that. > But it's been years since I last played. What have I missed? Any new gearsets? What's the state of the meta? > ... Have people stopped fighting about entitlement vs elitism in raid? Mounts are awesome, Skyscale is awesome, skyscale is a huge quality of life happiness boost, I hear so is roller beetle, races are a lot of fun. Every triple trouble time has at least 1 organized run up on LFG besides the one before the last run before reset. (the last run before reset is run and awesome). There is a freaking awesome map in one of the new living seasons where you get to rock out to a charr metal concert as part of the event called Grothmar valley and everything else on that map is super fun. a lot more stuff.
  12. > @"alika.7435" said: > I have an issue with my characters getting stuck in weird places: in walls, between rocks, small spaces, etc. Leaps or shadowsteps never work, and there's never room to mount, so I have to waypoint out, teleport to friend, or exit to the character select screen. /stuck never seems to do anything. > > This happens nearly every session, and it's driving me crazy. It seems to be just me--people I play with don't have this problem, and just now I just watched 5 characters walk over the same ground, and my character got stuck. Does this happen to anyone else? Any suggestions or guesses as to what I could do to avoid this? How and where are you getting stuck? I often get stuck sometimes when I try to mount. I kind of sometimes have to unmount to fix it, or just waypoint and try to find higher ground to mount/make sure i'm not on a slope. It happens to me more when I'm lagging. Your best bet is to report this bug every time it happens and wait for Anet to fix it. Connection issues also can cause this.
  13. Okay, going to continue. Don't choose anything yet. You should have one free server change only before it costs gems, and most likely you'll be put in some lower-leaderboard WvW server, that will always get paired up with WvW servers that are higher on the leaderboards, so you can experience hanging with big WvW servers and taking a free 'tour' of what it's like to game with that WvW server. Once you find a big WvW server you like, you can then use your free server change to switch to them (or if your friend joins GW2 and it turns out you do not like WvW, you guys can use one of the server changes to be able to hang out and do WvW on the same world.) In regards to anything outside of World vs World, servers do not matter, you and your friends can change , but if you're interested in getting some of the end game content stuff like legendaries, you will have to go into WvW to complete some collections and so on even if you are a PvE-er. You could actually avoid WvW for all of your gaming and avoid interacting with people but yeah. Do not, do NOT pick Maguuma unless you're are ok with really dirty jokes and people being toxic over chat- their culture in general- (as of now, anyway.) Again, I would recommend just staying with your server and 'touring' all the servers until you find one with a culture you like, then you can go change servers to stay with that one. The high leaderboard ones- some of them are fabulous, friendly to newbies and organized, some of them are kind of nasty, some of them are polite but private tag everything and kind of clique-y.... it's much better to not just jump in to any high leaderboard one. You WILL be put together with a high leaderboard one working with your server on rotation, so you are going to experience active WvW anyway.
  14. Welcome!! Don't choose anything yet, and esp not yet on the leaderboards. More on this in another post, but also don't choose Maguuma unless you're sure.
  15. This didn't say answered yet so I'll throw my 2 cents in, even though I think voltaicbore has it right. I would vote mesmer, coz I'm fond of them (also because you said you like light armor best and you find them fun and pretty-- but necro based on what you said could be good too) but I think that every class is viable for all content. So I agree you should consider aesthetics and what you just personally enjoy playing first and foremost, without worrying about what is viable or not. This game isn't like others where classes are unusable in a lot of contexts. My character's classes are based on the class that would fit the 'Character' that I made. If you're interested in jumping puzzles, mesmers and thieves have portals in their base class, necro has a portal in the path of fire expac, but you could just buy for cheap watchwork portal devices on any class anyway, so you should choose the most fun prettiest class that you enjoy. If you're interested in triple trouble full-blocking (it's an obscure hidden rhythm game where you prevent adds coming out that you can learn if you volunteer to learn on organized triple trouble maps accessible via LFG), mesmers & elementalists are good for that. Mesmers are not that difficult to get used to, really, especially if it's your first 'main'. It was my first main that I learned to play, not particularly tricky at all. Difficulty really is a matter of opinion and also a matter of what kind of game characters you're used to playing in the first place, so don't worry about it. If you have any mesmer questions (or blocking questions, it's kind of obscure and not much info is on the wiki about it yet), happy to help with what I can.
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