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What's with ranked PvP?


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You get these brain dead players literally not capturing objectives and going into a team fight alone and getting destroyed. This game has been out for a while now you would expect people to at least know the basics. After a 10 game losing streak its clear as day matchmaking isnt working. Anyone who says ranked pvp in this game is great must be blind. Arenanet needs to fix this but its clear to see they wont ever since this game has been out since 2012 and the pvp scene is dead. They only care about pumping out some stupid skins for people to buy with real money. GG cant wait for this game to die.

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> @"ixora.3569" said:

> You get these brain dead players literally not capturing objectives and going into a team fight alone and getting destroyed. This game has been out for a while now you would expect people to at least know the basics. After a 10 game losing streak its clear as day matchmaking isnt working. Anyone who says ranked pvp in this game is great must be blind. Arenanet needs to fix this but its clear to see they wont ever since this game has been out since 2012 and the pvp scene is dead. They only care about pumping out some stupid skins for people to buy with real money. GG cant wait for this game to die.


Cuz gw2 isnt game that needs brain cells, look at the classes everyone spams in pvp.

Players look on forums etc and all gravitate to the fotm braindead spam classes and that's all u see in pvp now, examples like trap dh's/burn guards, necro specs, renegade and ele's and the rest of the classes scattered in here and there. If u did a pole of mist popular or played classes I bet necro, guard and ele are all at or near the top meaning there's far more players being vocal defending them then asking for nerfs unlike the rest of the roster. Games not improving anytime soon as the devs just listen to the most vocal community which obviously are the more played classes so...

U wont have to wait long games pretty much dead right now, most long term pvp players have already left due to the current devs bad balance and even on these forums the activity in pvp forums is basically dead except for the few stubborn long time players, the other few posters joined in 2020 lol.

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> @"lare.5129" said:

> already on top100 ? or top25 ? no? why? if everyone around so bad ??


I was in top100 a couple seasons ago for a while (almost top50) and even there were some people who have pretty poor game(mode) knowledge to be honest.

For example people who kept running into 1v1's against a side noder that were built to counter their builds and flaming the rest of the team for losing the game (pro tip: in this situation, if you can't win a 1v1 against a side node camper/bunker -> use the enemy camping to your advantage and gain a 5v4 map control over the other 2 nodes and zerg down the camper.. within a reasonable time, if the dude is too tanky and you waste a lot of time you'll lose map control again).


> @"ixora.3569" said:

> You get these brain dead players literally not capturing objectives and going into a team fight alone and getting destroyed. This game has been out for a while now you would expect people to at least know the basics.


Unfortunately Anet stopped supporting a competitive scene in gw2 pvp A LOOONG time ago (if they ever did honestly..)

So yea, unfortunately that's the situation and has been for several years now. I quit the game some time ago for that exact reason and will probably never come back at this point.. I'm just here because I'm bored and can't do anything useful/meaningful at the moment.

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> @"DoomNexus.5324" said:

> > @"lare.5129" said:

> > already on top100 ? or top25 ? no? why? if everyone around so bad ??


> I was in top100 a couple seasons ago for a while (almost top50) and even there were some people who have pretty poor game(mode) knowledge to be honest.

> For example people who kept running into 1v1's against a side noder that were built to counter their builds and flaming the rest of the team for losing the game (pro tip: in this situation, if you can't win a 1v1 against a side node camper/bunker -> use the enemy camping to your advantage and gain a 5v4 map control over the other 2 nodes and zerg down the camper.. within a reasonable time, if the dude is too tanky and you waste a lot of time you'll lose map control again).


> > @"ixora.3569" said:

> > You get these brain dead players literally not capturing objectives and going into a team fight alone and getting destroyed. This game has been out for a while now you would expect people to at least know the basics.


> Unfortunately Anet stopped supporting a competitive scene in gw2 pvp A LOOONG time ago (if they ever did honestly..)

> So yea, unfortunately that's the situation and has been for several years now. I quit the game some time ago for that exact reason and will probably never come back at this point.. I'm just here because I'm bored and can't do anything useful/meaningful at the moment.


How about having fun with the game and just play

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> @"ixora.3569" said:

> You get these brain dead players literally not capturing objectives and going into a team fight alone and getting destroyed. This game has been out for a while now you would expect people to at least know the basics. After a 10 game losing streak its clear as day matchmaking isnt working.[...]


You should not judge the matchmaking system on such a low number of games. These streaks can happen and usually when you ended up significantly above or below your player skill level. My player skill level is between 1100 and 1200. I had some bad luck in my placement matches and was put in 950. After this, I had a big winning spree to around 1250. Now I'm losing again because my rating had grown above my skill level.


Because of luck and of course the other players in your team, the adjusting will have jagged edges, but in my experience things always even out again. Your losing spree will give you access to easier matches again after which you will have more wins again. The game tries to achieve a win/loss ratio of around 50% in the long run.



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> @"Avatar.3568" said:

> > @"DoomNexus.5324" said:

> > > @"lare.5129" said:

> > > already on top100 ? or top25 ? no? why? if everyone around so bad ??

> >

> > I was in top100 a couple seasons ago for a while (almost top50) and even there were some people who have pretty poor game(mode) knowledge to be honest.

> > For example people who kept running into 1v1's against a side noder that were built to counter their builds and flaming the rest of the team for losing the game (pro tip: in this situation, if you can't win a 1v1 against a side node camper/bunker -> use the enemy camping to your advantage and gain a 5v4 map control over the other 2 nodes and zerg down the camper.. within a reasonable time, if the dude is too tanky and you waste a lot of time you'll lose map control again).

> >

> > > @"ixora.3569" said:

> > > You get these brain dead players literally not capturing objectives and going into a team fight alone and getting destroyed. This game has been out for a while now you would expect people to at least know the basics.

> >

> > Unfortunately Anet stopped supporting a competitive scene in gw2 pvp A LOOONG time ago (if they ever did honestly..)

> > So yea, unfortunately that's the situation and has been for several years now. I quit the game some time ago for that exact reason and will probably never come back at this point.. I'm just here because I'm bored and can't do anything useful/meaningful at the moment.


> How about having fun with the game and just play


If I could have fun in the game I would yea, like a couple years ago. sPvP in the game has been in an "awkward" place at best, for years. But now with the ever shrinking spvp playerbase (at least it feels like it's still on decline and queue times are longer than ever while the quality of matches is going down) and the horrible, horrible balance it just feels worse and more frustrating than ever.

I mean the balance apparently feels worse than before for a larger portion of the player base other than just me, probably due to very different reasons tho.


My personal problem with it is the condi creep that's happening in lower elo (at least on EU). I know, apparently in high elo, tournaments, etc it's still power creep but I can't play as much as I'd like, have to play in off-hours and on weekends so I can't really get out of gold atm. In my matches everyone's just spaming aoe condi fields or hybrid/condi builds and it's annoying, I have plenty screenshots with killfeeds where all the top damage sources are condis and condis only (mostly burn) and this is what 95% of matches are for me atm (in my elo in my region). The typical reaction to that statement is "ermagerd it's still power creep just look at the last mAT and I only have power builds in my matches ululul l2p condi is good" - yea... keep that to yourself pls, that's not what I experienced.


The thing is I don't say condi builds are bad and demand nerfs to the ground, it's just another playstyle that I hate, that's it.

I hate to play against it and I hate to play it myself. I've played condi builds for a while before I quit and I performed way more consistent and better than with various different power builds in this (low elo) meta. I ranked up and stuff but I realized that I just don't like the game anymore with that playstyle and it just is not fun anymore. I just need to land a couple hits (or not even have to hit directly but just let them pulse out) and nobody can do anything against it unless they have a dedicated support that can outheal everything. With me just standing there and doing the bare minimum to survive or disengage because I don't have to do if they are out of cleanses and can just watch them ticking down.

This is actually hilarious to watch in 1v1, some people will themselves disengage but die anyway because they can also only look at their health go down without anything to counter it after a non-telegraphed attack with 0 cast time struck them. But then again, it's not what I want to have in my matches, I don't think this kind of stuff should have a place in competitive play, it's just cheesing. It's the equivalent of a cannon rush or 6 pool in vanilla Star Craft 2.

It's personal preference, if you think condi builds are the coolest shit ever or your experience differs from mine then great, have fun please, I don't want to stop anybody.


I actually just wanted to have a look at another thread I've posted yesterday because it was not directly related to gw2 and interested me.

I won't have a look in here anymore so no need to respond to the comment (gw2 mods will probably remove it due to being off-topic anyway :) )

Have a great time with the game everybody.

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Ah cheese should always exist, but I agree that atm burn guard is to cheesy, but It should not get deleted. I play by my seld only power builds and just prepare for condi heavy enemies. Get some more cleanses, play on zerker for damage maximation or go more health based stats like marauder or walkyr. Just heavily avoiding to learn against playing this instead of trying to get better, you can dodge and avoid all those attacks and aoes from every attack, not only power.

Only because some things are a bit overtuned doesn't mean it's unbeatable

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