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What classes (+elites) are people generally satisfied with?


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I honestly feel really happy with both druid and soulbeast. Maybe it's just because ranger is by far my most-played prof, so I have the most confidence and understanding with it, but I would argue there's one other thing that gives ranger a simple, satisfying flow to play: the trait Quick Draw. All PvE ranger builds revolve around getting the most out of QD, by swapping weapons on cooldown and, for druid, in and out of CA as well. It keeps rotations short, rhythmic, and responsive to reality - no 50-step sequences ruined by a single dodge.

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Let's see.... My current favorite is Firebrand. With the fix to spirit weapons and the addition of this elite, I really really like the play style of this profession/elite combo. I feel very much like an armored caster type, I feel like I can handle pretty much any situation and can be a great healer and support for a group. The only weapon I really don't like is the staff (it needs some serious changes all around) and I like all of the skill types available (mantras, consecrations, meditations, shouts, signets, and spiritweapons?!?)

Plus so much flexibility especially now with the tomes!


Before this I played ranger very heavily. I love the theme of the class, but I have been struggling with wanting to play it lately so I am taking a break from it. I think I need to step back and reevaluate what the class is, and how best to use the elites, especially since soulbeast is really flexible, and druid is tailor made for raids.


My first profession was mesmer, and it still holds a prominent place in my heart. I didn't like mirage in playtest, but looking at the traitline again, I really want to try this out, especially since it fits my playstyle. I can definitely see why thieves feel like mesmer is thief 2.0 (especially with mirage), but I've always loved the illusionist type character.

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I absolutely love soulbeast personally, I tried deadeye but the play style is so radically different from my agile daredevil that I just said no. I did not pick a thief to pluck at enemies from range, I loved (and still love) the sword/dagger play style but this endurance nerf to thief is just too much.

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I don't think Engineer players hate Holosmith, but they aren't happy about how the core profession is treated. Holosmith has the same problems as the core Engineer or the Scrapper : their overall design should allow a wide diversity of builds but the devs don't care or at least don't take things seriously enough to make deep changes because there isn't that much Engineer mains. A person only casually playing engineer probably won't ever feel that there is a problem lying under the surface.

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As ranger main i like both druid and soulbeast,because those two shines in 3 different game modes. Druid is meta in PVP and Soulbeast is good in high fractal and WvW (never do raid, but i guess druid and soulbeast is also Ok).


So overall it's nice to not stuck in one class for all game mode, and i like how different the playstyle is for druid and soulbeast.

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We engi mains are scarce to begin with so you'll find just scattered opinions here and there but to be perfectly honest I found Holosmith lackluster on release. They have refined it a ton and the recent rework to Firearms made it extremely enjoyable for me. I just hope they don't ditch condi vanilla engi and work towards giving some sort of purpose to scrapper.

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I'm happy with tempest. I can't speak for how others feel about their professions of choice though. PvP can be a little challenging because some people aren't even willing to try if they see a staff ele on their team, but if my team doesn't give up before the match even starts then we usually do well. :) All other areas of the game are very fun on tempest as well.

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> @"Kako.1930" said:

> I'm happy with tempest. I can't speak for how others feel about their professions of choice though. PvP can be a little challenging because some people aren't even willing to try if they see a staff ele on their team, but if my team doesn't give up before the match even starts then we usually do well. :) All other areas of the game are very fun on tempest as well.


You are my soulmate ^^

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Mesmer: I love the versatility. I dump all my legendary gear on this character as between chrono and mirage I can addapt to almost any need. I swap multiple times in daily T4’s to be optimal for the current team.


Necromancer: I enjoy the carry potential of necromancer. You can easily stay alive, solo breakbars etc. I’d love power reaper to have the same dps as condi reaper, around 30k. More than that would be unfair with the masive survivability.

I’m satisfied with scourge gameplay its a really interesting twist on shroud. It is however a nightmare to balance in pvp since conquest is fundamentally a point capture game mode and scourge can create death zones. In pve I think its in a good spot now. Less dps than other classes but its justified imo with the utility and high base health you bring.


Elementalist: high skill, high burst dps that is highly effected by circumstances is exactly what I want from an ele but I do wish the community would stare less into the golem numbers and look more at something like gw2 raidar that shows a more contextual view of ele dps.

I would like it if tempest had a bit more complexity when playing it as support as it seems its being shifted more in that direction.

Weaver incapsulates the high, complex and circumstantial dps well for me.


Medium armor: I have little experience with these classes but it seems scapper and deadeye needs some love while the rest of the specs are in a decent spot.


Guardian: Good condi option, Good powe option, interesting support play with the new spec. I think the two specs coloured in what base guard missed quite well.


Warrior: I enjoyed both specs but like most i’d love to be able to play power warrior on the same dps level as condi. SB is a pvp spec but it works well in high tier fractals where you need boonstrip as alacraty and quickness tends to be not that great in general.


Revenant: I feel like herald was suppose to be a support spec but it seems like renegade is just a better support spec in almost everyway. I wish it didnt feel like ren replaced herald. That being said I really enjoy playing renegade support. There are valid complains against rev but I think alot of people’s complaints are against the design space it was created for. There are skills you cannot give most classes in gw because they dont have a mana bar. Rev is there for those skills. If your complaint is fundamentally ar odds with this design soace I think you should play another class.


Edit: forgot scourge.

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Ranger has been in a good place for a long time, at least in PvE. Druid remains the most-wanted healer for its spirits and might spam, and Soulbeast condi DPS is top-tier. Not many other classes have both elite specs as part of the meta. Meta considerations aside, there's only one thing about Soulbeast I dislike and that's the lack of Beastmode pet swap.

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