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Serpent's Ire has a reward problem

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I've been trying Serpent's Ire for several days always failing it. I need this event for Redeeming IG-6417 Thus I cannot progress with redeeming IG-6417 until I manage to finish the meta event. Time available to kill the 2 final bosses and for the bomb to go off should be increased due to the lack of players participating to the event.

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> @"TawnyOwlet.6091" said:

> I am so sick of this Meta in its current state.


> As soon as I saw that the new collection required you to finish Serpent's Ire in order to acquire the Mark Y golem backpiece I was annoyed. I have been checking the LFG almost daily to no avail, by the time I finally do find a group, we hardly round up the sufficient numbers to succeed anyway. At this point i'm basically venting because of how frustrated that nothing has been changed yet.


> **DEVS PLEASE just nerf this event**. Sorry, but it just requires too many people/too much organization for such mediocre rewards. The CC bars during the second phase alone are ridiculous and are probably the cause of the majority of failures with this meta. I don't mean to sound whiny but you really can't keep creating Meta's like this that require more and more players when your player base is already stretched thin between the other several maps that also have large easier meta events WITH BETTER REWARDS. *sigh*


> I have no idea if the devs care/are doing anything about it/are aware of the frustration with this meta, but beyond making another forum post on the same subject, I don't know how to reach out to them. I will be very pleased when something is actually done to make this event more accessible and less painful for everyone.


> **TLDR; Nerf the Serpent's Ire Meta, everyone cbf doing it in its current state, which makes getting any of the achieves linked to it almost impossible.**



I've been told by several people that have completed it multiple times that the event can be done by as little as 20 players, that's not too many people to organize, I'm sure there's at least 20 people on an instance at a time. The problem was designing meta events with rewards in the first place, people should be doing the events just for the fun of it, but then almost everyone expects to get something for having fun...

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> @"Zaklex.6308" said:

> > @"TawnyOwlet.6091" said:

> > I am so sick of this Meta in its current state.

> >

> > As soon as I saw that the new collection required you to finish Serpent's Ire in order to acquire the Mark Y golem backpiece I was annoyed. I have been checking the LFG almost daily to no avail, by the time I finally do find a group, we hardly round up the sufficient numbers to succeed anyway. At this point i'm basically venting because of how frustrated that nothing has been changed yet.

> >

> > **DEVS PLEASE just nerf this event**. Sorry, but it just requires too many people/too much organization for such mediocre rewards. The CC bars during the second phase alone are ridiculous and are probably the cause of the majority of failures with this meta. I don't mean to sound whiny but you really can't keep creating Meta's like this that require more and more players when your player base is already stretched thin between the other several maps that also have large easier meta events WITH BETTER REWARDS. *sigh*

> >

> > I have no idea if the devs care/are doing anything about it/are aware of the frustration with this meta, but beyond making another forum post on the same subject, I don't know how to reach out to them. I will be very pleased when something is actually done to make this event more accessible and less painful for everyone.

> >

> > **TLDR; Nerf the Serpent's Ire Meta, everyone cbf doing it in its current state, which makes getting any of the achieves linked to it almost impossible.**

> >


> I've been told by several people that have completed it multiple times that the event can be done by as little as 20 players, that's not too many people to organize, I'm sure there's at least 20 people on an instance at a time. The problem was designing meta events with rewards in the first place, **people should be doing the events just for the fun of it**, but then almost everyone expects to get something for having fun...


People tend to not do things unless they’re rewarded in some way. What’s “fun” to one person may not be the same for another. The amount of fun someone gains from something also varyingly diminishes over time from person to person.

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> @"Zaklex.6308" said:

> > @"TawnyOwlet.6091" said:

> > I am so sick of this Meta in its current state.

> >

> > As soon as I saw that the new collection required you to finish Serpent's Ire in order to acquire the Mark Y golem backpiece I was annoyed. I have been checking the LFG almost daily to no avail, by the time I finally do find a group, we hardly round up the sufficient numbers to succeed anyway. At this point i'm basically venting because of how frustrated that nothing has been changed yet.

> >

> > **DEVS PLEASE just nerf this event**. Sorry, but it just requires too many people/too much organization for such mediocre rewards. The CC bars during the second phase alone are ridiculous and are probably the cause of the majority of failures with this meta. I don't mean to sound whiny but you really can't keep creating Meta's like this that require more and more players when your player base is already stretched thin between the other several maps that also have large easier meta events WITH BETTER REWARDS. *sigh*

> >

> > I have no idea if the devs care/are doing anything about it/are aware of the frustration with this meta, but beyond making another forum post on the same subject, I don't know how to reach out to them. I will be very pleased when something is actually done to make this event more accessible and less painful for everyone.

> >

> > **TLDR; Nerf the Serpent's Ire Meta, everyone cbf doing it in its current state, which makes getting any of the achieves linked to it almost impossible.**

> >


> I've been told by several people that have completed it multiple times that the event can be done by as little as 20 players, that's not too many people to organize, I'm sure there's at least 20 people on an instance at a time. The problem was designing meta events with rewards in the first place, people should be doing the events just for the fun of it, but then almost everyone expects to get something for having fun...


Problem is that it isn't all that fun either. Which leaves us with the current situation. Do it for the collection item.


An example of a meta event that has been done well is Casino Blitz. There are rewards for completion but also partial rewards for failure. There is a big ticket RNG item but also smaller non-RNG things that you can work towards. The requirements don't scale but the minimum number of people necessary isn't very high either. 10 could probably finish the coin collection parts but the pinata might need more.

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> @"Zaklex.6308" said:

> > @"TawnyOwlet.6091" said:

> > I am so sick of this Meta in its current state.

> >

> > As soon as I saw that the new collection required you to finish Serpent's Ire in order to acquire the Mark Y golem backpiece I was annoyed. I have been checking the LFG almost daily to no avail, by the time I finally do find a group, we hardly round up the sufficient numbers to succeed anyway. At this point i'm basically venting because of how frustrated that nothing has been changed yet.

> >

> > **DEVS PLEASE just nerf this event**. Sorry, but it just requires too many people/too much organization for such mediocre rewards. The CC bars during the second phase alone are ridiculous and are probably the cause of the majority of failures with this meta. I don't mean to sound whiny but you really can't keep creating Meta's like this that require more and more players when your player base is already stretched thin between the other several maps that also have large easier meta events WITH BETTER REWARDS. *sigh*

> >

> > I have no idea if the devs care/are doing anything about it/are aware of the frustration with this meta, but beyond making another forum post on the same subject, I don't know how to reach out to them. I will be very pleased when something is actually done to make this event more accessible and less painful for everyone.

> >

> > **TLDR; Nerf the Serpent's Ire Meta, everyone cbf doing it in its current state, which makes getting any of the achieves linked to it almost impossible.**

> >


> I've been told by several people that have completed it multiple times that the event can be done by as little as 20 players, that's not too many people to organize, I'm sure there's at least 20 people on an instance at a time. The problem was designing meta events with rewards in the first place, people should be doing the events just for the fun of it, but then almost everyone expects to get something for having fun...


You should look up "intrinsic and extrinsic" rewards or motivations some time. I think you'll find it enlightening.


Anyway, leaving the "physical" rewards out of it. I find the pre event to be longwinded and boring. Not fun at all. Then after a long winded and boring preamble you have a "main event" that is frustrating and prone to failure. And if you fail you have to wait around for the next event.


Imagine if they structured the next fractal like that? A pre event that took 15 minutes to complete, a couple of tricky boss encounters and if you fail you have to wait an hour and a half for your next chance.

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