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Stupid things you've seen in sPvP while queing on your own.


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When they introduced the change where the lord has a defiance bar and a downstate on foefire people were not used to it. Our team went for the lord kill and we all died but the lord was in downstate, all the enemies took a portal out and no one ressed. I got to see the lord bleed out while on respawn, the lord died and we won the game.

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People who forget to check allies health before going for stomp then stomp thin air because they rallied.


That awkward moment when two ppl on the same point capping and u both cant decide who should leave it and just shuffle back and fourth near the edge.


My fav is still people that call things out on chat because they think all builds have the same utilies equipped and builds all the same. (thinks every ele a support ele and mesmers all have portal etc) im a mesmer and i dont think with portals arrrrggghh stop asking me for one.

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> @Zaraki.5784 said:

> > @Loop.8106 said:

> > Having both of your Spellbreakers go into the mid teamfight. Forcing your actual teamfight classes to cap sides.


> Noob question: as spellbreaker I always go mid at start. Every. Single. Time.

> What's wrong in that?


Gonna have to agree with this. I actually have an easier time 1v1ing spellbreakers than focusing them down at mid. Literally all they have to do is consistently hit full-counter and maybe half of their f1 bursts and they can face-tank 3 people without dodging a single hit. Spellbreaker is good in 1v1 but I think core warrior (GS & axe/shield, strength, defence, discipline) is much better for this job. SB is definitely more of a team fighter or at least can be built to do so.

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Myself for keep playing PvP / Stronghold until I can flash a dragon in WvW / gain the PvP AP.

Myself for keep playing ele while being killed in 3 or fewer seconds.

Myself for keep trying to play a multipurpose ele build in PvP.


Players that keep fighting each other in the center of Champions Dusk while I kill their guards/lord.

Players that keep fighting each other in the center of Champions Dusk while I keep nuking their door breakers.

Players that keep fighting each other in the center of Champions Dusk while all gates to the enemy lord are wide open.

Players that keep fighting each other in the center of Champions Dusk in general.

Players who forget to spawn their door breaker.

Players who ignore the mist essence.

Players who spawn doorbreakers but leave the enemy guards alive that one-shot them.

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> @Kuya.6495 said:

> > @choovanski.5462 said:

> > > @Kuya.6495 said:

> > > people dying to beast

> >

> > tfw you have two thieves and they go to 2v1 beast and both die


> Oh my god.


> I would just force disconnect right there.


nah, I just write in mapchat what the two thieves just did. then explain that this game is unwinnable because of how stupid they are so I'll be afking.


then I emote spam at spawn. no one ever blames me for the afk, because like how can you. how can you do anything to win a game when you have two thieves that die 2v1 to beast. I don't think there is any strategy that can work at that point lol

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My pet gripe is when the group supports go far or close, or has so little faith in the thief that they must hobble after them (or, worst case, follow the thief EVERYWHERE across the map). A thief is neigh useless if you have a bunker on close, some necro suiciding on far and 2 of your guys still trying to take Mid 1v4...


On that topic, one of my pet peeves is when people drag the enemy team over to a point while the thief is decapping.


> @choovanski.5462 said:

> > @Kuya.6495 said:

> > > @choovanski.5462 said:

> > > > @Kuya.6495 said:

> > > > people dying to beast

> > >

> > > tfw you have two thieves and they go to 2v1 beast and both die

> >

> > Oh my god.

> >

> > I would just force disconnect right there.


> nah, I just write in mapchat what the two thieves just did. then explain that this game is unwinnable because of how stupid they are so I'll be afking.


> then I emote spam at spawn. no one ever blames me for the afk, because like how can you. how can you do anything to win a game when you have two thieves that die 2v1 to beast. I don't think there is any strategy that can work at that point lol


To be fair, the beasts can be quite difficult to defeat if you can't spot the charge (or fail to notice the enemy team). Most thieves are rather glassy, and if you don't miss that charge, it HURTS. That's not to say they shouldn't practice - direct them towards the practice beasts in the lobby to train. Don't throw a temper tantrum over it, you won't fix anything...

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> @Westenev.5289 said:

> To be fair, the beasts can be quite difficult to defeat if you can't spot the charge (or fail to notice the enemy team).


not being able to spot the charge & dying to beast is called ‘playing badly’, it’s not difficult at all. as far as getting ganked at beast, i’m not talking about that- i’m talking about two players vs one beast & them both dying.


> @Westenev.5289 said:

>Most thieves are rather glassy, and if you don't miss that charge, it HURTS. That's not to say they shouldn't practice - direct them towards the practice beasts in the lobby to train. Don't throw a temper tantrum over it, you won't fix anything...


its not a temper tantrum dude, i’m very calm in my mapchat explanation. it’s just giving up when the game is lost.


but like, what do you suggest dude? that i continue to try-hard in a match with two thieves that lose 2v1 vs beast. all that’s going to do is result in me losing the game & being frustrated. i’d rather lose the game without being frustrated, so i’ll just emote at spawn.


like, sure humiliating them in map chat is not super helpful. but hey, if they don’t want to be humiliated they shouldn’t die 2v1 vs beast. maybe they will feel so bad they will quit pvp, or be inspired to practice. either way i get better games B)

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> > @Westenev.5289 said:

> >Most thieves are rather glassy, and if you don't miss that charge, it HURTS. That's not to say they shouldn't practice - direct them towards the practice beasts in the lobby to train. Don't throw a temper tantrum over it, you won't fix anything...


> its not a temper tantrum dude, i’m very calm in my mapchat explanation. it’s just giving up when the game is lost.


> but like, what do you suggest dude? that i continue to try-hard in a match with two thieves that lose 2v1 vs beast. all that’s going to do is result in me losing the game & being frustrated. i’d rather lose the game without being frustrated, so i’ll just emote at spawn.


> like, sure humiliating them in map chat is not super helpful. but hey, if they don’t want to be humiliated they shouldn’t die 2v1 vs beast. maybe they will feel so bad they will quit pvp, or be inspired to practice. either way i get better games B)


Or, it's more likely you'd get no (or worse) games. B)


Offing the newcommers does nothing except bottleneck a community who is already jumping ship at the top level. I mean, sure, it sucks when someone underperforms or doesn't act the way you'd expect... but there aren't any tutorials for this shit that doesn't include montages of PERFECT circumstances, vague build guides and videos that take FOREVER to explain anything. If WE, as players, don't tell them how to play, how are they supposed to know?


PM the guy after the game. Don't be an asshole, tell them what they did wrong. If you have suggestions, make them. That is how you improve the quality of your games.


But, hey. It's someone elses problem, amirite? B)


(Flaming, Quitting and AFK'ing at spawn are another thing that peeves me off. Sure, a member of the group sucks, but is it fair on your other members who are actually TRYING?)

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> @choovanski.5462 said:

> > @Westenev.5289 said:

> > To be fair, the beasts can be quite difficult to defeat if you can't spot the charge (or fail to notice the enemy team).


> not being able to spot the charge & dying to beast is called ‘playing badly’, it’s not difficult at all. as far as getting ganked at beast, i’m not talking about that- i’m talking about two players vs one beast & them both dying.


> > @Westenev.5289 said:

> >Most thieves are rather glassy, and if you don't miss that charge, it HURTS. That's not to say they shouldn't practice - direct them towards the practice beasts in the lobby to train. Don't throw a temper tantrum over it, you won't fix anything...


> its not a temper tantrum dude, i’m very calm in my mapchat explanation. it’s just giving up when the game is lost.


> but like, what do you suggest dude? that i continue to try-hard in a match with two thieves that lose 2v1 vs beast. all that’s going to do is result in me losing the game & being frustrated. i’d rather lose the game without being frustrated, so i’ll just emote at spawn.


> like, sure humiliating them in map chat is not super helpful. but hey, if they don’t want to be humiliated they shouldn’t die 2v1 vs beast. maybe they will feel so bad they will quit pvp, or be inspired to practice. either way i get better games B)


Going AFK during a game is the temper tantrum, doesn't matter how calm you are, your actions speak louder.



Not that I care, players like yourself and the many who have posted with this exact attitude is the reason why I don't ranked any more and why I continue to watch ranked players bleed from the game creating a smaller matchmaking pool and creating more and more games with vets and newbies mashed together for the sake of a game..... Which again, makes the game quality worse.... Butterfly effects are cool.


I'm sure if there was a working report feature, you would have played till the end out of fear of a days dishonor.

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> @NotASmurf.1725 said:

> > @Nightmare.1234 said:

> > im a mesmer and i dont think with portals arrrrggghh stop asking me for one.


> Then you're not a real mesmer.


not many real memsers left anymore, they upgraded their skill set to chronomancers and mirages. what can I say I don't like to be meta. : )

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> @Arcaedus.7290 said:

> > @Zaraki.5784 said:

> > > @Loop.8106 said:

> > > Having both of your Spellbreakers go into the mid teamfight. Forcing your actual teamfight classes to cap sides.

> >

> > Noob question: as spellbreaker I always go mid at start. Every. Single. Time.

> > What's wrong in that?


> Gonna have to agree with this. I actually have an easier time 1v1ing spellbreakers than focusing them down at mid. Literally all they have to do is consistently hit full-counter and maybe half of their f1 bursts and they can face-tank 3 people without dodging a single hit. Spellbreaker is good in 1v1 but I think core warrior (GS & axe/shield, strength, defence, discipline) is much better for this job. SB is definitely more of a team fighter or at least can be built to do so.


I think you're just going up against bad spellbreakers that button smash. The trick to them is not attacking first and seeing what your opponent does. Each skill is very strong but situational. If you don't negate damage in those situations, your bezerker or valkyrie rune set is going to get you killed before you can hit back.




+ Not thinking? I think its valid but not applicable here because its too vague a statement.

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> @Westenev.5289 said:

> Offing the newcommers does nothing except bottleneck a community who is already jumping ship at the top level. I mean, sure, it sucks when someone underperforms or doesn't act the way you'd expect... but there aren't any tutorials for this kitten that doesn't include montages of PERFECT circumstances, vague build guides and videos that take FOREVER to explain anything. If WE, as players, don't tell them how to play, how are they supposed to know?


So true. For the past months I've been looking for a plat+ player to give me some advices or feedback and I even used to chase a few asking questions about tactics and stuff. Ofcz no one wanted to help. Funny thing is I got into plat myself and I'm probably still clueless about "the stupid basic concept you retard don't know" as I've been yelled at so many times.

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People who think standing on top of the point takes priority over everything else. They go mid at the start and die in 2 seconds because they stood in all the AoE, but hey, they progressed the cap by 2 ticks before they died!! Not dying and losing the point is most often better than dying and delaying the point loss by 5 seconds, not to mention by leaving the point you often force the opponent to follow you off point, which is what you want depending on what class you are, what class you are playing against, and whether or not the node is already decapped.


tl;dr learn to fucking kite

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Destroying every enemy team member everywhere you go, steal them cap and lose 150 to 500


This thing repeating 3 times in a row because of great matchmaking.


Doing 1 v 2or3 all the match, everywhere you go; and obviously losing at the end.


This thing repeating 3 times in a row because of great matchmaking.

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> @Crinn.7864 said:

> Thieves going home at start


We get yelled at if we don't do it lmao. Not that i disagree with you.


@Topic Stupidest thing i've seen is probably people feeding who start yelling at their teamates from the spawn point and telling them how to play their characters while they can't play their own.


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> @Westenev.5289 said:

> Offing the newcommers does nothing except bottleneck a community who is already jumping ship at the top level. I mean, sure, it sucks when someone underperforms or doesn't act the way you'd expect... but there aren't any tutorials for this kitten that doesn't include montages of PERFECT circumstances, vague build guides and videos that take FOREVER to explain anything. If WE, as players, don't tell them how to play, how are they supposed to know?

> (Flaming, Quitting and AFK'ing at spawn are another thing that peeves me off. Sure, a member of the group sucks, but is it fair on your other members who are actually TRYING?)


Respect for you Westenev.

I'm reading this thread to try to learn what I should NEVER do or what other players expect from my class to do in pvp, cause I'm a noob. I never played ranked matches because I know that I suck (I started to play in PvP only recently, after noticing that it's a faster way to complete my daily). However I like it, even when I find players that are even worse than me (very few). Pointing out someone in chat because s/he is not good, it's mean and soul-destroying for the people that actually want to learn, and they could likely stop to keep trying and come back to pure pve. While the ones that won't feel offended are probably the ones that will keep playing the way they always did.


This said, I can understand the salt in automated tournaments (I would never join at my level), but in unranked arenas everyone should be able to have fun and practice. You are capped as daily gold/reward afaik, not as number of matches. So just play another match if you lost the previous one.

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