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Macros for chat: are them allowed?


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I read about macros, and I totally agree about the policy of Arena Battle about avoid macros in fight and actions at all.

I would ask if macros like "[enter], /g " or "[enter], /y" etc (for fast chatting in different channels saying, yelling or party and guildchatting) are allowed, because I find them really useful to fast asking and answering in different situations of the game.

Thank you for your answering and, by the way, I love this game.

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That's not a macro, and yes those are allowed since they're already built into the game. You can see a full list of them here: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Chat_command


A chat macro would be something where you push a couple of buttons and it automatically selects a chat channel and types or pastes a message then sends it. E.g. you type Ctrl+O and you've just posted full instructions for fighting the Octovines in Tarir into map chat. (There is no way to program that through GW2, you'd have to use a separate program.)


I think in that case it depends on what you're using them for. It's possible to save text somewhere else on your computer and copy and paste it into chat and commanders, guild leaders and others will use that to give instructions during events, to save having to type it all out every time. I doubt Anet would mind if you further automate the process so you don't have to tab out to retrieve the text you want to copy, because that's a trivial difference. If you were using it to spam map chat with something then you'd probably get into trouble, but more for the spam than the message itself.

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