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[Poll] Should Deadly Chill be changed


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Ahh, i wasn't very clear- i voted to move the trait to core necro, leaving a slot open for reaper. Assuming it gets moved to core, i'd replace it with:


Frostbite: Gain a stacking damage duff when attacking chilled enemies. Damage increase: 2% per stack, max stacks:10.


Much like fencers' finesse for mesmer.

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> @"Ritualist Essence.9285" said:

> I agree with the idea that each elite spec should be either Power or Condi, thus Deathly Chill needs to either be changed to a power/support trait or moved to Core where Core Condi receives a boost that if combined with Scourge will help Scourge's condi output.


Before the release of PoF, it made sense that the HoT specs could do a lot. But now we have what was sold as a condition/support elite spec, it makes sense for Reaper to be turned into a purely power spec.

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What is it with this oppression of Reaper being a pure "Power-Spec" that has never been the case nor was it intended as such, Reaper always had 3 distinct themes for it's traits. tanky/brawler, chill and (power)damage. While the original implementation of Deadly Chill was definitely more flavorful it suffered from problems with basic game mechanics. My favorite solution would be returning it to "Chill does damage" but somehow having it stack intensity (not the slow part obliviously) . Since this will probably not work this way i prefer keeping it the way it is now or maybe just switching Bleed to Burn and renaming it to "Frost Burn" or something. Also, i would like to see hybrid Reaper becoming a thing either with Griever's gear or something like Power/Condition Damage Major, Expertise/Ferocity Minor and with the proposed "Frost Burn" trait change i could see Reaper running this with Flame Legion runes, so people have something different to play then the boring Scholar runes.

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> @Glott.7239 said:

> What is it with this oppression of Reaper being a pure "Power-Spec" that has never been the case nor was it intended as such, Reaper always had 3 distinct themes for it's traits. tanky/brawler, chill and (power)damage. While the original implementation of Deadly Chill was definitely more flavorful it suffered from problems with basic game mechanics. My favorite solution would be returning it to "Chill does damage" but somehow having it stack intensity (not the slow part obliviously) . Since this will probably not work this way i prefer keeping it the way it is now or maybe just switching Bleed to Burn and renaming it to "Frost Burn" or something. Also, i would like to see hybrid Reaper becoming a thing either with Griever's gear or something like Power/Condition Damage Major, Expertise/Ferocity Minor and with the proposed "Frost Burn" trait change i could see Reaper running this with Flame Legion runes, so people have something different to play then the boring Scholar runes.


That's because it was the only elite spec option we had at the time. Now we have Scourge, which is specifically a condi/support spec.

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> @Anchoku.8142 said:

> Can anyone think of a few changes to Reaper that would buff power and/or utility without doing the same to Condi-Reaper?


I made a few suggestions in another post for core and reaper buffs to power. But specifically to power reaper, I'd say change Decimate Defenses to +1% crit chance and crit damage. That way it would mean berserker reaper within a group would not longer have its crit chance overcapped by so much and have a nice +25% crit damage bonus.

Then add a few core +damage traits, change Rending Shroud so that it grants a debuff to enemies of -150 toughness, and then you've got yourself a viable party friendly power reaper, that shouldn't make condi reaper that much better.

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> @Glott.7239 said:


> What is it with this oppression of Reaper being a pure "Power-Spec" that has never been the case nor was it intended as such, Reaper always had 3 distinct themes for it's traits. tanky/brawler, chill and (power)damage.


The Reaper's greatsword was clearly drawn up as a power-specific weapon going by its damage coefficients. However, that never worked out, so people ended up running the exact same core necro weapons as they had pre-HoT and slapped in a new traitline (no change to gameplay).


The bunker idea is a joke because the necro just dies to everything no matter what traitline is equipped. Since nothing works right now, people are just gravitating toward the clear theme of the reaper based on its trademark spec weapon.


> @Glott.7239 said:


> While the original implementation of Deadly Chill was definitely more flavorful it suffered from problems with basic game mechanics. My favorite solution would be returning it to "Chill does damage" but somehow having it stack intensity (not the slow part obliviously) . Since this will probably not work this way i prefer keeping it the way it is now or maybe just switching Bleed to Burn and renaming it to "Frost Burn" or something. Also, i would like to see hybrid Reaper becoming a thing either with Griever's gear or something like Power/Condition Damage Major, Expertise/Ferocity Minor and with the proposed "Frost Burn" trait change i could see Reaper running this with Flame Legion runes, so people have something different to play then the boring Scholar runes.


Gear is boring all of the time because it doesn't change how the game actively functions. I can equip runes independently from my weapons. Are you saying that if I just don't equip weapons at all, I can have more fun in GW2 if I at least have Flame Legion runes on instead of Scholar runes? Get outta here, my dude.


We don't need more flavor design, we need something that just works. Deathly Chill has always been so overpowered that it alone made reaper into a condi spec. That's just anet's typically poor design. The rest of the reaper traits are all chill and power centric. It's easy to see how the entire traitline can be pumped into one viability with just a few touches to berserker damage output.

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> @Glott.7239 said:

> Reaper always had 3 distinct themes for it's traits. **tanky**/brawler, chill and (power)damage.


Tanky? What? What the kiiiiiiiiiitten?

Show me a single successful tanky build for Reaper in high end content, pve or pvp, at any point between now and the release of HOT.


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Scourge is a healer guys. Not a Condi class. It has a Condi Weapon, Torch, but Dhumfire was already base necro, and the rest of the F1-F5 are all support abilities. The punishments are support with a little dmg, but 2 seconds of Torment? Thats a Joke right? Reaper is the Necro DPS spec for PVE, they should just buff Reaper to be competitive in PVE dps, not Nerf it. Thats insanity. Stop trying to make Scourge a DPS class, its not a DPS class. Weaver is NOT a Healer. Scourge is the healer this go around, and FireBrand / Renegade are the condi classes.


What you should be asking yourself is what other healer is worth the spot in your PVE raid when Scourge can Out-Heal all of them and provide Barrier as well as might stacking buffs. Scourge gains its spot in Raids on Healing as soon as you Necros figure out you got the Support duty this go around.

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> @vicious.5683 said:

> > @Glott.7239 said:

> > Reaper always had 3 distinct themes for it's traits. **tanky**/brawler, chill and (power)damage.


> Tanky? What? What the kiiiiiiiiiitten?

> Show me a single successful tanky build for Reaper in high end content, pve or pvp, at any point between now and the release of HOT.



Reaper is tanky without Any armor. It has the highest health pool in the game, and It gets a DMG reduction when in Shroud. And if you wield a greatsword you get to Regen Health and life force every second just like a warrior heal signate. I'd say warrior vs Necro just auto-attacking each other naked, Necro prolly wins just cuz its tankier. And the power scale is fine on Reaper. What would be the point of nerfing Deathly Chill? Makes no sense, they want that so they can get a Buff to Scourge DPS which will NEVER happen?


Scourge is a healer that accidentally does a small amount of Damage. You can build it to do respectable damage if you give up all Support, but then you will not compete with Pure Damage classes like Weaver ... So don't be asking for your Nerf to Reaper in hopes you get a buff to Scourge. Your buff to scourge will be in the area of more healing power, higher barrier healing scale etc.

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> @Meetshield.1756 said:

> Scourge is a healer guys. Not a Condi class. It has a Condi Weapon, Torch, but Dhumfire was already base necro, and the rest of the F1-F5 are all support abilities. The punishments are support with a little dmg, but 2 seconds of Torment? Thats a Joke right? Reaper is the Necro DPS spec for PVE, they should just buff Reaper to be competitive in PVE dps, not Nerf it. Thats insanity. Stop trying to make Scourge a DPS class, its not a DPS class. Weaver is NOT a Healer. Scourge is the healer this go around, and FireBrand / Renegade are the condi classes.


> What you should be asking yourself is what other healer is worth the spot in your PVE raid when Scourge can Out-Heal all of them and provide Barrier as well as might stacking buffs. Scourge gains its spot in Raids on Healing as soon as you Necros figure out you got the Support duty this go around.


Scourge was marketed as a Condi/Support spec. Reaper was marketed as a power brawler spec. Is it too much to ask for those to become a reality?

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> @Lahmia.2193 said:

> Scourge was marketed as a Condi/Support spec. Reaper was marketed as a power brawler spec. Is it too much to ask for those to become a reality?


Um okay so I know that I'm not allowed to insult your intelligence. So let me just say, this : The only person that "Marketed" it as the "Condi" version. Was Wooden Potatoes. If you go and erase what he said about Scourge then Everything is Fine. It Was His idea to nerf BItter Chill because he is an Ele main and he hates Bitter Chill in PvP... Scourge Out-Heals Elementalist, its not a Condi spec. If you look at Condi Rev, he has like 22 seconds of torment on a 4 second repeatable 1200 range skill. How in the world does 2 seconds (not even as long as Dhumfire, which is a BURN , and a core necro Trait!) of Torment (Worst condi in the game, no Upside), make Scourge Anything other than a Support class with a powder puff kitten condi annoyance.


I'm a Necro main I'm gearing out in Apothacaries gear. This is my new reality.... Everyone switch Classes now...


Scourge does bring a lot of conditions to the table, and very rapidly, but damage? No the only Damage we got from Scourge was when we invested in Curses / Power stats and we can't do that if we are supposed to heal. So Forget it... Scourge is the new tempest and you better HOPE they don't nerf Reaper...

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> @Meetshield.1756 said:

> > @Lahmia.2193 said:

> > Scourge was marketed as a Condi/Support spec. Reaper was marketed as a power brawler spec. Is it too much to ask for those to become a reality?


> Um okay so I know that I'm not allowed to insult your intelligence. So let me just say, this : The only person that "Marketed" it as the "Condi" version. Was Wooden Potatoes. If you go and erase what he said about Scourge then Everything is Fine. It Was His idea to nerf BItter Chill because he is an Ele main and he hates Bitter Chill in PvP... Scourge Out-Heals Elementalist, its not a Condi spec. If you look at Condi Rev, he has like 22 seconds of torment on a 4 second repeatable 1200 range skill. How in the world does 2 seconds (not even as long as Dhumfire, which is a BURN , and a core necro Trait!) of Torment (Worst condi in the game, no Upside), make Scourge Anything other than a Support class with a powder puff kitten condi annoyance.


> I'm a Necro main I'm gearing out in Apothacaries gear. This is my new reality.... Everyone switch Classes now...


> Scourge does bring a lot of conditions to the table, and very rapidly, but damage? No the only Damage we got from Scourge was when we invested in Curses / Power stats and we can't do that if we are supposed to heal. So Forget it... Scourge is the new tempest and you better HOPE they don't nerf Reaper...


1. If you're going to admit you want to insult my intelligence, maybe you should get the name of the trait right first. Bitter Chill is a Spite trait that grants vuln on chill. Deathly Chill is the Reaper trait that grants bleed on chill.

2. When HoT first showed the elite specs, Reaper was shown as a power brawler.

3. That fact you think Scourge can out heal Tempest just proves how deluded you are.

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