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elite specializations: sidegrade or upgrade


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I see the elite specs as being upgrades over core but side grades for other elite specs. At first it was just straight upgrade because we only had 1 elite spec. Now with a second one we get to see more variety. For example I find dragonhunter to be better at burst damage while firebrand is great at condi damage with better group play because I see DH as more of a selfish play style.

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E-Specs are missing for balance reasons one big part, which is the reason why the Core Classes got so abandoned, which needs to get fixed.


Elite Specializations must become part of the Mastery System.

The moment you learn an Elite Specialization completely for your Character, by having larnt its Elite Skill, the E-Spec should get unlocked as "Elite Mastery"

An Elite Mastery should then partially unlock some basics from the E-Spec to the Core Specialization too to increase its Build Diversity and to rebalance Core Classes to the powercreeped Elite Specs, so that the gap between Core Classes and their Specializations gets closed/closer.


Through an Elite Mastery you should become able to unlock the Weapon, the Utility Skills and the Healing Skill also too for your Core Class. Only Traits and Elite Skill should stay for the Elite Specialization as unique trademarks.

If the Core Classes could become able through Elite Masteries to unlock also the Weapon, Healing Skil land Utility Skills, this would make the gap betwen both closer and would help also the Core Classes to gain a bit more Build Diversity basicalyl as the jacks of all trades, which can do everythign ,but nothing so well, like the Specializations which stay specialized and slightly better in their specializations, compared to the Core Classes with their Traits and the lite Skill, than the Core Classes.

The only difference woudl be then, that E-Specs compared to Core Classes wouldn#t feel then anymore so massively over the top powercreeped, if Core Classes could unlock with the Elite Mastwery as well the usage of the E-Specs Weapons, Healing Skills and Utility Skills.


Eventually Anet has then to add a few more Mastery Points retroactivewly to the game, but then at least would feel the game with this feature beign added more balanced.

On the other hand has to follow by now also too a significant Balance Patch... the PoF specs have been added and the game hasn't seen as reaction to thsi yet a needed Balance Patch, that is overdue. A significant Balance Patch ,that is far more, than just only like usual cherrypicking on SKill and Trait Effects, while ignoring 90% of the rest of the games combat system elements and features, that also heaviliy influence the outcome of battles, like Boons and Conditions needing to get a heavy rebalancign by now together, or Upgrades getitng finally rebalanced ands reworked, introducing as well accountbound Ascended Upgrades finalyl, so that some kind of Build Template System can be added as well finally, for which all combat relevant aspects of the game must have to be accountbound, they may not be anythign combat system relevant, that is souldbound, or a Build Template System won't work!! Plus the addition of that would give anet finally a reason as well to introduce Jeweler 500 as craftign job resposnible for it to turn exotic upgrades into ascended upgrades, so that this craftign job finally becomes again USEFUL and NEEDED....for something. Ascended Upgrades could be this necessary something, so that players have with it an option to unlock the upgrade effects for their account's build template system, when you want to add somehow all those effects to the BTS, pluss givign the game this way another simle gold/material sink as well by turning exotic upgrades into ascended acounntbound ones, so that you can use them for the BTS, so that the BTS can successfulyl change on button click also all your upgrades for you based on your saved build, so that you dont have to do all this manually self anymore, while losing each time your upgrades

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its and upgrade "mostly", until class will receive another damage output upgrade, it works a bit of a vertical trait design to have "horizontal armor progressions"... placebos to pretend its inovations, and its and upgrade since it needs to make players buy the new expantion if ur not interested in pve111 gameplay.


Look at firebrand for a momment, instead of fixing core, create a spec that is a core guard on steriods spamming stuff with something that was remove from game some time ago )

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Opinions incoming.

I consider Mirage an upgrade due to me considering Mesmer one of the worst core classes I've played.

I consider Deadeye an upgrade as well as I'm a ranged thief. Really enjoy Deadeye more than I do thief now. I never tried Daredevil so I can't judge it, but I don't like how staff plays on Daredevil so there's that.

I also consider Dragonhunter an upgrade to Guardian as I really liked Guardian at 1st and consider it's new skills on Dragonhunter and the ability to use a Longbow a godsend.

Only other classes I got are Necro and Ranger. Ranger I've only tried Druid so far and it feels like a sidegrade situation. It has some decent things, but I'm not into the whole support types of gameplay. Necro is only good for me as a core class as Reaper adds nothing for me and I loathe Scourge.

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when somebody thinks what colin says in the video confirms the players "wishes" that elites were not plain upgrades...

it is absolutely not what he is saying. he says "you can spec for ranger and then druid for a while as you wish and go back to ranger anytime".


but i had a big time laughing during that video: "we can not say anything yet" - reminds me of the state of the forums :D

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The short answer Elites surely are an upgrade, not horizontal option.


The long answer, it is complicated. HoT elites at release were an absolute upgrade. Though closer to the end of HoT more and more none elite builds became viable, especially in PvP were things do not necessarily revolve purely around damage.


PoF elites are not an upgrade over HoT.

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When a whatever core class got a weakness and an elite spec filled that hole and make the class more complete, everyone will think that it is an upgrade for sure.


Especially HoT spec at launch that doesn’t take away something important from the core class. PoF elite spec at least got more or less some trade off, looks less of an upgrade compare to Hot elite to me.


Of couse pof require some balance for sure, they are not as crazy as hot elite at launch imo.

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