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Balance patch should be next Tuesday.


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> @vicious.5683 said:

> > @"Drarnor Kunoram.5180" said:

> > > @Ryouzanpaku.1273 said:

> > > Staff autoattack increased by 200%

> > > Dps issue fixed - ty gg bb cya in 2 years with new elite spec.

> >

> > Actually, that would be pretty strong. A 2.0 power coefficient on a 1200 range piercing attack is pretty good, even without damage modifiers.


> doble of kitten damage, is still kitten damage.


A 200% increase to staff auto will take it from a .66 Power coefficient to a 2.0. That's 2/3rds of a Gravedigger (which people like to forget that it does actually hit hard) piercing with a shorter cast time and 1200 range. That also gives life force and never has a cooldown.


Again, that's actually pretty strong.

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> @Arzurag.7506 said:

> > @Zoltreez.6435 said:

> > They gonna introduce ALL the changes people posted in this topic so they can say that they indeed Listen to our feedbacks..............


> Yet I bet they will still find something to complain about.^^


you do know that the 1st page of this topic is full of sarcasting broken Nerfs right ?

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> @"Agrippa Oculus.3726" said:

> Grrr, we're going to be so on top of every list out there (DPS, Healing, CC, Support, etc.) if they would take 'time' as a factor in the balancing equation!!! "Now it's the Necro's time to shine for the upcoming years ..."


we shined for a week instantly got pounded by the devs into the dirt with their "bug fix"....






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> @Markus.9162 said:

> Some people say that this patch will mostly focusing on pvp. If that's true, necros will not see anymore pve changes this year.



That's pure hearsay. The devs have made no such comment. Besides they already rolled out pvp specific quick fixes on the 10/17 patch. The 11/7 patch will probably be a major balance pass.

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> @Methuselah.4376 said:

> They should split Demonic Lore and have a PvE version where it has no internal cooldown. It would also be great if our torment's duration is increased.


Given how Anet buffed Deathly Chill after butchering Jagged Horrors, I wouldn't be surprised if they did do this. Feast of Corruption, Harrowing Wave and Desert Shroud would be crazy good if so.

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> @Methuselah.4376 said:

> They should split Demonic Lore and have a PvE version where it has no internal cooldown. It would also be great if our torment's duration is increased.


Can they please not do that.


It would be nice if they would stop putting 90% of our dps in our elite specs, and instead fix our core class like they fixed everyone else's.


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> @Crinn.7864 said:

> > @Methuselah.4376 said:

> > They should split Demonic Lore and have a PvE version where it has no internal cooldown. It would also be great if our torment's duration is increased.


> Can they please not do that.


> It would be nice if they would stop putting 90% of our dps in our elite specs, and instead fix our core class like they fixed everyone else's.



Why not do that AND fix the core necro issues? Maybe that way we will reach previous dps levels without having to rely solely on Scourge traits.


And to be fair, a lot of Scourge's damage comes from Dhuumfire.

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