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What's your favorite class to play and why?


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I don't understand the people saying thief because it's challenging. Outside of PvP, thief is one of the easiest classes to play. For fractals and dungeons you have more dodges than most classes allowing one to easier deal with one shot mechanics and invigorating precision heals everything else. You don't even need a healing utility. In open world PvE, it's the same thing. Marauder gear makes up for having a low health pool anyways.

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Always loved my ranger. Not too fond of the soulbeast spec, but I probably haven’t given it a fair shake either. Druid has been fun at times, but I prefer the straight damage as opposed to playing a support class. I also like playing most other classes (except warrior and thief) just for variety, but I always gravitate back to ranger for new content since I can generally hold my own unless I’m overwhelmed by sheer numbers.

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Voted my Main Class Profession Thief naturally.

I play thief, because I need to have a fast acting class in a game like GW2.

classes that act, move or agitate to slowlya for me in combat aren't fun, which is why I took the thief, because of its initiative System that I found very interesting and intriguing to play with, as it was exactly what I wanted, - to play a class, that acts on demand and doeas what I want whenever I wan,t without having to care always way too much on genre and game typical skill recharge times to slow me down in combat and limitate my options to react in combat on the situations.


Plus I very much liked the stealth gameplay back then, when Thieves were much more unique to that gameplay mechanic, until ANet watered Stealth down way too much with the Scrapper, Trap Stealth access to Rangers/DH and all the stealth hate that came after it with adding tons of reveal to the game, just only of peopel being too incompetent to handle fighting a stealth class without getting spoon fed with lots of reveal mechanics has hard counters.

Instead of giving everyone and their mom hard counters to stealth, Anet should have better balanced the core combsat mechanic systems instead of the game, while making also sure, that somethign like perma stealth never sees the light of the day in this game as well.


Then again back in the 2012ers I also very much liked the image of playing my class as "Ninja Nurse" and I still like to heal and revive unseen whenever I can other people :D

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> @Kichwas.7152 said:

> The honest answer is: Whatever I logged in to last.


> But right now I'm pushing to do the PoF story with my Elementalist using the new Weaver spec. Kinda stuck with it just because I seem to be the only Weaver in my guild, and I've only ever seen two other Weavers out there in the game (both of them randomly in the same dungeon run I joined... never seen one since or after).


> So I feel like I've found this great, powerful, amazingly fun spec... that nobody but me knows about...


> People keep telling me "I don't get weaver" or "too much going on, not fun enough" all while I'm perfectly in tune with what to hit when and finding all the 'going on' to be a blast (figuratively and literally). I often just "mash buttons" on many classes in this game, but with Weaver I actually have a pattern down based on what's going on, and know that "if that happens, do this" more than I feel with other classes.


> Plus my weaver has an awesome 'fro. She's my best looking character by far. :)



I will always main my Core ranger, but I am finding Weaver to be an absolute blast, I created an ele just to try it. My old Ele chars had their slots recycled years ago. Just goofing off in WvW I've found I can absolutely wreck a camp with DD and Fire/earth attune in a very short time even aggroing everyone and their Dolyaks too. Pve is just a path of destruction. And I have a cute curly Elona fro as well :) This girl is nearly as rawr as my GW Dervish. Takes a bit to figure out the F key sequence for the attune combo you want, but easy after you figure it out.

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I rolled thief first but then started to hate it. I ended up liking warrior more. Then one day something in me clicked. I gave thief another chance and now suddenly I'm doing way better than my warrior. I can kill things. I can survive tough battles. It feels so rewarding playing as a thief! I go back between Daredevil and Deadeye. Now I wonder what the next spec will be!

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I have always played classes that wear heavy armor, swing big weapons, and use magic for heals as well as damage. I enjoy the playstyle of the guardian, along with the dragon Hunter and firebrand. I've been playing a hammer power support build, with the way mantras work, I can constantly be applying protection while using support abilities without interruption.

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My ranger has become my go-to character for everything in PvE. I only use longbow, solo 99% of the time, and as an admitted player who most would call out L2P in most things, I just have fun with the simplicity of the pew pew and the way fights go. I have both druid and soulbeast fully trained, but core ranger is what's funnest for me out of all 9 professions.

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Reaper/MM allows me to solo explore most areas at my leisure. Dragonhunter and Ranger are a close second in terms of fun. I'm learning to play my Mesmer and Thief/Daredevil/Deadeye, but don't seem to have a knack for them. The Renegade interests me so I'm currently working on him.

The rest I have Lvl 80 characters, but seem to only use them as mules.

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My favorite classes are Engineer and Necromancer.

I like to burn things and am a glutton for punishment.


Necro and Mesmer were my favorites in the first game, and while Mesmer was my first character in GW2 it was not my first or final love.

I tend toward psionist wizards and dark-grey magic clerics that tinker with golemancy or necromancy in pen and paper role play, and have been looking for something that scratches that itch in video games since. Mesmer and Necro and especially NeMe <3 came closest to scratching that itch. Still searching...



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Right now, it is the Revenant. The Herald build, albeit low DPS, provides reliable team buffs. It is low maintenance, and also has a lot of self sustain. The renegade build is good for AoE damage and might. The healing build is... meh, but it makes a good team great. Overall it has great CC and enough support skills to carry a team.

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