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What's your favorite class to play and why?


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> @Asum.4960 said:

> Just a week ago I rerolled to Guardian (specifically Firebrand) after finally being fed up with ArenaNet's incompetence with Necromancer, having played Necro for 2 years since HoT (and a bit since launch), and Thief for 3 years since launch before that, and I have to say I'm absolutely amazed.


> After thinking for years that the grass always just seems greener on the other side, actually stepping on the other side and realising _"Wow, it actually is WAY greener over here"_ was quite incredible.


> It's an actual cohesive and well designed class, with real options be it in Traits or weapon choices. Proper DPS, while also casually being able to throw out literally twenty times the support a Necro or Thief offers if the situation demands it/you are willing to sacrifice some DPS to help out your team should they need it (and that's without changing traits, gear and to an extent weapons, completely gimping your damage).


> Just 3-6 hours into playing Guardian for the first time (after boosting it to 80 and throwing gear on it and build crafting/familiarizing with skills) I was able to comfortably clear T4 dailies in under 25 Minutes.

> Every hour playing the class something new "clicks" about it, some new mechanical interaction is discovered.

> Here I can reflect or block projectiles to help my team, there it is super useful to cleanse condis of the team like a mad man, this is a part where handing out stability like candy helps alot, every boss fight I can prebuff like half a minute of protection, I can clutch heal, I can anticipate devastating attacks and hand out aegis at the right time to in some cases single handedly avert a wipe, I can group up mobs, do massive single target and AoE damage...


> After years of playing classes without Aegis, Stability, Protection, Blocks, Invulnerability, Heals, practical and frequent projectile defense, let alone the ability to share almost all of that with my team, It's quite frankly mind blowing and nearly a new game in terms of possibilities.


> Now while Thief certainly has improved with Daredevil and Deadeye, a heartfelt message especially to all stubborn Necro players out there, clinging onto the Theme of the class, **give other professions a try**!

> Just experiment, maybe it's Ele for you, maybe Warrior or Mesmer and if those don't click for you like they did for me as well, give Guardian a real try.

> There is this bright fun world out there in GW2 for you to meaningfully mechanically interact with.

> No more _"Oh, my team is having trouble and we ware wiping? Well tough luck, nothing I can do about it..."_.

> No more _"Well, they nerfed or fixed this one thing about my class and now we are bottom tier again, because that was the only trait/weapon/bug that made us viable"_.

> No more _"Alright, let's check the class forum and see if everybody else is as upset as I am about how crappy this trait/entire traitline/weapon/specialisation is... Yep, they are"_, and instead reading the forum of your chosen main class and realising _"Oh right, there actually really isn't anything to complain about I guess."_


> I even started running some dungeons which I have not done in 5 years or never, having a blast even duoing them the first time around, just to dicover all the mechanical interactions with my class, blasting through them with clever use of mechanics, instead of just waving my scepter and hoping Deathshroud eats a burst for me while my teammate/s die while I do mediocre damage at best.




> **TL;DR**

> Guardian is pretty cool! If you are playing Necromancer, give other Profession a real shot, you may be surprised.


> Also Sorry for the wall of text, but I'm actually pretty excited about "discovering" Guardian, and this Thread seemed like a good opportunity to share that discovery.


well.. and here i am couldnt pass through POF quest after fewww attemmpts ( enough to made me go and buy new keyboard since i broke it) with guardian in dh / berserker set in core guardian cond set / core guardian tanky set.. and then in first attempt with necro done it in 5 minutes.. i think it varries on who you are and what u want from game and capable of..

im just laughing to mobs /bosses around / open world bosses and hero point challanges wth my tanky / condi base necro.. but as in party perspective yea. guardian IS MADE for party with other ppl..


**AND WHY EVERYONE keep saying revenant is NOT finished **not good not this not that.. rev has THE by far best playstyle and combat mec in this game as in fun and efectivenes ( yes there are few little poblems but check forums . EVERYONE crying about their class is NOT ok,,literaly everyone and EVERY CLASS players )


Plus HERALD has its own spot with min 90 point ( metabattle) rating as either HEALER / SUPP , TANKY/ SUPP or DPS / SUPP in raids in fractals.( yes not in qtfy's but theya re qtfy they ahve their own style own mechanic and it doesnt mean what they say is GOLDEN RULE ).. in www do you want to be bunker ?? / frontline / healer / backline / dps you name it .. class is good i still dont get it why you guys keep on saying that not good according to some TOP NOTCH uber super pro's endgame maniacs's comments. with their calculator's in ther hands and doing hyper space math's and analyzing classes.

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So, the way I play might be a bit weird to some.

I have characters each doing a particular thing, so the character I play the most is dependent on what area of the game I'm most interested in for extended lengths of time.


I used to get most use out of my power druid in wvw, but since this expansion added mounts I wanted her to be the one to do PoF first so she's currently going through the new story/zones. Which meant I was lacking a character for wvw. (The reason each character has a dedicated area of activity by the way is limited bag space).


My revenant had been the character relegated to seasonal festival activities this last year or so, but after a few runs of the labyrinth this year I thought I'd empty her bags and take her to wvw and see how she got on. And my god I'd forgotten how much fun being a revenant in wvw was!


So right now, my ranger is rediscovering her love of axes as she explores her new soulbeast powers, but my revenant is the character I'm having the most fun on.

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> @Rashagar.8349 said:

revenant had been the character relegated to seasonal festival activities this last year or so, but after a few runs of the labyrinth this year I thought I'd empty her bags and take her to wvw and see how she got on. And my god I'd forgotten how much fun being a revenant in wvw was!



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Necromancer- I started playing it for the minion army, stayed for Reaper, and am currently loving Scourge. I love how easily I can melt through mobs and throw condis around. I rarely do minion builds anymore since I've been running meta for raids, but it still makes me happy when I see minions on the build guides.

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I've always been obsessed with magic, for as long as I can remember. I love the idea of using the 4 elements in combat, so Elementalist really stood out to me. I also like thief a lot, stealth can be really fun. I mostly do guardian for PvP though, It has nice DPS and better survivability than Ele and thief in my opinion. I like a lot of other classes too, but Elementalist will most likely always be my favorite.

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Guardian is my favorite, because I like the theme of the class and how it mixes martial and magical elements (it feels like a hybrid of sorts). I also think Guardians in their current iteration are quite versatile, and bring a nice mix of support, defense, damage and utility.


Thief is close second. I've always been a fan of classes with a lot of agility/mobility that can zip around the battlefield, hitting targets where it hurts and then relocating before the favor can be returned. Daredevil in particular just made thief that much better for me, and I hardly gave Deadeye a second look because of it. The only reason it is in second place for me is because it isn't quite as versatile as the Guardian, but I might as well be splitting hairs here.

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Ranger. It's hard to explain why exactly (other than I like animals, and nature in general) but I enjoy it and it's the closest fit to what I play in pretty much all RPGs.


I like the nature theme, but also the skills: the mix of martial abilities and magic. I use shortbow and sword/torch or sword/dagger (been torch for years but lately I've been trying out dagger again) which means I'm always moving in combat and I like the idea of relying on active defenses - not being there when they try to hit you rather than absorbing the hit.

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Played as necro from start until just about a week ago when I created a Mesmer. I think I'll probably never going back now unless core necro and reaper gets overhauled into something amazing. Mesmer is just awesome. It has the damage, evasiveness, and potential for crazy plays. The only thing I hate about it is the pink colors. My current gripe with it is that I'm so used to necro, I sometimes forget to use my active defenses and face tank damage which is a nope for a mesmer. Other than that, I'm having fun. A close second would be warrior. Hacking and smashing stuff as a big, brutish norn never gets old.

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Mesmer since GW1. I know a lot of GW1 Mesmers were disappointed in how different GW2's Mesmer is, and that's completely fair, but GW2's version is just as unique a profession--just in a really different way.


I'm also extremely happy with the phantasm rework. It's made me love Mesmer more than ever. I've always been a shatter fan, though, so I'm just glad shatters are a core part of PvE DPS now.

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When I started the game, I saw that Rangers got to collect pets from all over the world, and that sounded like fun. And it WAS fun. When I started getting bored with longbow, I discovered the joy of double axes. And I play the Druid spec because another thing I enjoy is peeling fallen warriors off the floor while the enemy's projectiles are poinging off of my tanky hide and my loyal pet is chewing their tails. Played nothing but my main for about seven or eight months. Now I am doing map complete on some alts, and finding that most other professions are also fun, but my druid main is still my go-to for mostly everything.

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