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What's your favorite class to play and why?


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Multitude of builds in one neat package. Each weapon set features vastly different visuals and playstyles with varying ranges, effects, number of targets affected, etc.


5 years playing it, still having fun. Meanwhile you have a class like warrior... so many weapon sets, all of them involve bashing someone's skull with a sharp weapon. Booooooring.

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For me warrior,

Its feasible in every game mode,

Has a valid form for defensive, smiting, condition, and raw power play.

Its easy to lear; the first 75% of the learning curve, while the remaining 25% still takes lot of insight and practice/experience.

Like every class it has its flaws, but usefulness, mobility, and adaptibility are rivalled by few

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When I play, I mostly rotate betwee Ranger, Guardian, Warrior/Revenant and Thief. I don't have a favorite profession itself as most of what makes it favorite is the race-gender combination I picked for them (that wasn't the original intention, mind you). For example, I like my Ranger for having a pet and being usually the first character I play through the story, but also because I really enjoy the female Sylvari voice acting. More so for Thief, I like the male Sylvari voice acting, but am actually quite bad at playing Thief .


My lady Guardian was actually my first permanent character, so she has a "special" place. Enjoyed both DH and FB with her, just wished PvE-Longbow would get a better treatment after the HoT-PvP nerfs it received.


Warrior/Revenant are played only occassionally; Warrior was quite fun in HoT with the pre-nerf adrenaline + adrenaline health as a Power Berserker, but Spellbreaker feels also quite durable. My Rev was boosted to 80 and put in some cheap, unruned Condi gear. So I use Warrior together with my Rev sometimes for "fun" in the PoF mini event where you protect the farm workers in the first zone to test who feels more comfortable (as I'm only an average-ish skilled player). That may sound stupid, but it's faster when I don't feel ike trudging through the whole PoF story again ;-).

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I only play WvW and Scourge-Reaper is the only class that I can use for all kind of gameplay, roaming, havoking, zerging, scouting. I can do anything with the same build successfully. I'm currently playing TB Scourge and I love it. I like a lot using Rev and Guardian too but they're only useful in zergs!

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When I was first introduced to GW2 i was shown some of the classes that I may enjoy, like Ranger or Warrior. The second I noticed Elementalist was an option my eyes lit up. Being always interested in anything magic base, especially relating to nature, I gravitated towards this class in particular. Although I don't play a hardcore damage build I do play it as a support healer. Having the ability to be there as back up for my allies is the best feeling for me.


Rangers are a -very- close second alongside Revenant.

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The somewhat even numbers across all classes is a testament to ANET. All the classes are fun basically.


I love my warrior, but also my necro, mesmer, engineer and ranger. I'm sure I would like the other classes too but really don't have time to play them all.

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> @"Doctor Hide.6345" said:

> Thief with primarily Deadeye as the main reason. I am glad Anet finally added a class that fits my play-style. In all the games I play, I gravitate towards the stealth long range fighters( Loki with Dex Syberis, Infiltrator in ME franchise, infiltrator PS2, and many more). All they have to do now is live up to their promise and have the damage be equal to that of DD with the rifle.


Try a six forma Lanka with a crit riven you can kill anything in one shot.


I really like the feel of flying everywhere with DD, but I settled down for the DE rifle and trying to find what skin that looks good with a scope while I slowly build for the legendary laser gun. I do stumble a lot as there are some play styles I just can't do with thief with it being a little squishy. s/d is fun with its boon stripping 3rd button.

my other two favorite is engi light saber spec and ranger (druid right now haven't unlocked soul beast yet).


Edit: added in an enter key to separate the two.

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I enjoy most all of them (Revenant the least, but I'm still willing to play it). But Reaper feels the most intuitive and solid, it's the one where I really understand what all the skills do and when it's best to use each one, and I can play it at a comfortable pace for my older reflexes. Plus it's pretty hard to die with my build :)

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Main one i prefer is Necromancer, Reaper to be specific. It just feels like a bulldozer at times, tho i do wish it had more damage output. A close second is holosmith because of the tötalmegahelldeath that forge mode can put out.

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Voted Ranger, but that answer is an overall opinion covering all RPG/MMORPG games I've played from table top D&D until today. Have always loved a character that had a familiar or other connection to nature, and their weapons usually include bows, which I'm also a fan of.

For Guild Wars 2 specifically though, I have to change this answer though. My "favorite" class really boils down to which one I currently have the most fun with in open world PvE. This has mostly to do with balance, which is constantly changing. Currently I really enjoy Weaver, but Mirage is becoming a favorite.

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Warrior all the way. Since launch I've put something like 3000 hours on my Warrior. Played Warrior in every game mode and ran almost every build. When I started playing I loved that the Warrior was just a wrecking ball in open world content. Heavy armor and high health pool meant I could play aggressively and (usually) not die. Since then I've come to love every style of game play in every game mode. Luckily, Warrior has been in a pretty good spot in the meta for the majority of it's existence. Still happily playing it and looking forward to playing it even more!

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My favorite class is warrior, closely followed by necro and then after a small distance, guardian. Here are the reasons:


In every game I play I go for the warrior archetype. Always. That doesn't mean that I don't try and enjoy other classes, but I'll always stick with the warrior archetype.

In my opinion it is an easy to learn, but not as easy to master class. Everybody can press 2 to win, but it takes some skill to be the last man standing in dungeons and fractals, finishing off the adversaries and then rezzing the whole team (happened more than once). All the while destroying those defiance bars on your own. Thus, I simply love Warrior for its versatility.

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