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Can anet give us the option to disable the "say" dialogues


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I enjoy all game modes of GW2, but if there is a game mode that is full of nasty players, it's the sPVP mode. When I play this mode, I mute everything because some people will become obnoxious whether you're winning or losing. And the worst part is, you can't even quit the game mode whereas other game modes you can just leave the party when people become obnoxious.


I really enjoy sPVP when I don't have to read nasty comments, but every once in a while, some obnoxious player will say something in say chat to me. And it's demotivating me from playing this game mode. I would like to continue to play this game mode without having to see those comments. So please give us the option to disable the say dialogue that pops up.

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If you hit your chat window to bring it into full display instead of minimal view, you can hit the arrow on your active chat tab to then enable or disable what text it will display. You could then disable all 'say' chat from displaying in that chat tab.


However, a better idea would be to make a new tab for when you are in PvP that has specific text disabled on it and label it as PvP. Simply switch your active tab to the new PvP tab when you enter PvP, and switch to another tab when you are in another game mode.


I prefer to have multiple tabs with different text active in them so I can better organize different text being displayed. (guild tab, PM tab, map chat and say chat tabs)

You may want to consider configuring different tabs with specific settings for each game mode you take part in to exclude text that you'd prefer to not see while in that game mode.

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> @"Nick Lentz.6982" said:

> Yeah my PvP chat tab only has guild and team. Even then you get team griefers. I do wish that you can't see what was said when you switch back to another tab.


I do wish there was a /clear command to clear the contents/history of the current active chat tab, and a /clearall to clear all tabs.

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> @StinVec.3621 said:

> > @"Nick Lentz.6982" said:

> > Yeah my PvP chat tab only has guild and team. Even then you get team griefers. I do wish that you can't see what was said when you switch back to another tab.


> I do wish there was a /clear command to clear the contents/history of the current active chat tab, and a /clearall to clear all tabs.


Oo that would be a good idea. I'm too lazy to log off and back in after every match xD

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> @StinVec.3621 said:

> If you hit your chat window to bring it into full display instead of minimal view, you can hit the arrow on your active chat tab to then enable or disable what text it will display. You could then disable all 'say' chat from displaying in that chat tab.


> However, a better idea would be to make a new tab for when you are in PvP that has specific text disabled on it and label it as PvP. Simply switch your active tab to the new PvP tab when you enter PvP, and switch to another tab when you are in another game mode.


> I prefer to have multiple tabs with different text active in them so I can better organize different text being displayed. (guild tab, PM tab, map chat and say chat tabs)

> You may want to consider configuring different tabs with specific settings for each game mode you take part in to exclude text that you'd prefer to not see while in that game mode.


I'm talking about the dialogue that pops up above the character's head in the speech bubble, not the ones in the chatbox, that one I already muted.

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Is that option to get rid of chat bubbles in the graphics options? There are so many settings that I just lose track. I also quite frequently play pvp in "show as offline" mode. They can try to whisper me, or talk to me in party or team....then again, I'm so focused on doing things and surviving in pvp that I just don't notice the messages at all if they are even popping up. I've played pvp for many years across many games and the "you suck" comments used to bug me a lot. So I just got used to turning off chat. Since I've grown thicker skin however, I just got so used to ignoring them...which makes them more upset. I am by no means a pvp goddess and some days I actually do do better than others. Especially if I use it as a tool to vent my frustrations (I call pvp my legal form of murder...as I'm only killing pixels and not actual people). I've also learned that it just isn't worth putting yourself through the trouble of responding to these "nay sayers". They tend to get an inflated sense of ego or they're just downright mean...whatever, but that isn't my problem, that is theirs. They'll get so obnoxious that people just naturally don't play with them. Oh sure you can report them, but that doesn't do anything either. They'll just find someway back to irritate other players. Is it frustrating? sure! Is it disheartening, yes it can be. But is their opinion really that critical to me to pay it any head? No. because chances are, they're the ones that have died more often than you did and their only claim to fame is that they just killed that one player your build could hardly stand against. BFD in my opinion. If you've done all you could and played hard enough to bring your team to a victory, let that stand for you instead of their mean rhetoric.

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> @Samnang.1879 said:

> > @StinVec.3621 said:

> > If you hit your chat window to bring it into full display instead of minimal view, you can hit the arrow on your active chat tab to then enable or disable what text it will display. You could then disable all 'say' chat from displaying in that chat tab.

> >

> > However, a better idea would be to make a new tab for when you are in PvP that has specific text disabled on it and label it as PvP. Simply switch your active tab to the new PvP tab when you enter PvP, and switch to another tab when you are in another game mode.

> >

> > I prefer to have multiple tabs with different text active in them so I can better organize different text being displayed. (guild tab, PM tab, map chat and say chat tabs)

> > You may want to consider configuring different tabs with specific settings for each game mode you take part in to exclude text that you'd prefer to not see while in that game mode.


> I'm talking about the dialogue that pops up above the character's head in the speech bubble, not the ones in the chatbox, that one I already muted.


Oh. I believe there was an option for that in the gear icon in the top left of the chat panel. It has been a long time since I entered those options so it may not be located there, but I think that is where I remember it being.

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> @StinVec.3621 said:

> > @Samnang.1879 said:

> > > @StinVec.3621 said:

> > > If you hit your chat window to bring it into full display instead of minimal view, you can hit the arrow on your active chat tab to then enable or disable what text it will display. You could then disable all 'say' chat from displaying in that chat tab.

> > >

> > > However, a better idea would be to make a new tab for when you are in PvP that has specific text disabled on it and label it as PvP. Simply switch your active tab to the new PvP tab when you enter PvP, and switch to another tab when you are in another game mode.

> > >

> > > I prefer to have multiple tabs with different text active in them so I can better organize different text being displayed. (guild tab, PM tab, map chat and say chat tabs)

> > > You may want to consider configuring different tabs with specific settings for each game mode you take part in to exclude text that you'd prefer to not see while in that game mode.

> >

> > I'm talking about the dialogue that pops up above the character's head in the speech bubble, not the ones in the chatbox, that one I already muted.


> Oh. I believe there was an option for that in the gear icon in the top left of the chat panel. It has been a long time since I entered those options so it may not be located there, but I think that is where I remember it being.


Yep! The option is called in-game speech bubbles (or something similar to that). It's been around since release iirc :)

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> > I'm talking about the dialogue that pops up above the character's head in the speech bubble, not the ones in the chatbox, that one I already muted.


> Oh. I believe there was an option for that in the gear icon in the top left of the chat panel. It has been a long time since I entered those options so it may not be located there, but I think that is where I remember it being.


Thanks, this helped! Now I can pvp in peace!

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> @"Miss Lana.5276" said:

> > @StinVec.3621 said:

> > > @Samnang.1879 said:

> > > > @StinVec.3621 said:

> > > > If you hit your chat window to bring it into full display instead of minimal view, you can hit the arrow on your active chat tab to then enable or disable what text it will display. You could then disable all 'say' chat from displaying in that chat tab.

> > > >

> > > > However, a better idea would be to make a new tab for when you are in PvP that has specific text disabled on it and label it as PvP. Simply switch your active tab to the new PvP tab when you enter PvP, and switch to another tab when you are in another game mode.

> > > >

> > > > I prefer to have multiple tabs with different text active in them so I can better organize different text being displayed. (guild tab, PM tab, map chat and say chat tabs)

> > > > You may want to consider configuring different tabs with specific settings for each game mode you take part in to exclude text that you'd prefer to not see while in that game mode.

> > >

> > > I'm talking about the dialogue that pops up above the character's head in the speech bubble, not the ones in the chatbox, that one I already muted.

> >

> > Oh. I believe there was an option for that in the gear icon in the top left of the chat panel. It has been a long time since I entered those options so it may not be located there, but I think that is where I remember it being.


> Yep! The option is called in-game speech bubbles (or something similar to that). It's been around since release iirc :)


Thank you to you too as well :D This really helped.

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