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Unable to Edit Posts

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For some reason, I'm not being able to interact with the textbox after I try to edit a post. This lead me to be unable to correct somenthing I posted and needing to double post if I forgot to add somenthing.


Is someone else experiencing this aswell? I even tried using other browser but I get the same problem on Chrome, Mozilla and Edge

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I just remembered some additional comments I wanted to add to a post immediately after I submitted it, but upon trying to edit the post I can't highlight my text or place my cursor anywhere to continue typing or anything like that. I tried to edit my post in multiple browsers (Chrome and Firefox) and neither was successful.

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Having the same issue. It seems to only be comments. If you started the discussion, you can still interact with the text.


I posted this in the Forum Feedback Thread:

> @AegisRunestone.8672 said:

> > @AegisRunestone.8672 said:

> > For some odd reason, I can't edit my comments in discussions. What happens is, I click the gear icon, click edit, and it opens up the comment. Except when I click within, I can't seem to select the text within. I cleared my cache/cookies earlier today due to another site's technical difficulties... could that be it?

> >

> > Also, these posts are older. One I tried to edit was from October 9th.


> So, I couldn't edit the above post as well. Cleared cache. Disabled uOrigin, updated Chrome, no dice. Trying Firefox... nope. Firefox doesn't work either.


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> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> I'm not having trouble editing using firefox. I checked some old posts. Are others still having the issue? I wonder if there's something else going on, like moderators locking a thread or ...


I just tried editing my earlier post in this thread, and it still wouldn't let me. I'm unable to properly click inside the text field to allow myself to type, and the Cancel and Submit buttons are also not working while the editing text field is open. Interestingly, if I open the editing text field and then click on the "Quote" button of someone else's post, it adds that text to my edited post, but I'm still unable to type into it or cancel it with the Cancel button.

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Still cant edit anythign >.>


I can stil lat least edit things, while writign normalyl a posting, but once I send off somethgn and what to edit the postign after sending it, i can forget it due to this weird forum bug, as I can still not interact after clickign edit, with the text box of the postign, to change anything at all sigh...


is this some kind of mad halloween joke from Mad King to torture us this way ? lol

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For now this just means basically for everyone, whos affected by this bug, to write very carefully and to send off your posts first then, when you are 100% sure, that you don't want to change on the postign anythign anymore after sending it off..


Really annoying, but we aren#t able to change this.

If at writing the post is currently the only way, where you can still edit normally, then you have to be just more cautious, that you don't send posts, where you don't are 100% sure, that they were ready to be sent off ^^

So better make any kind of corrections ect. before you send stuff, use drafts to save texts, before you want to send them off, and reuse the drafts then, when you are sure, that you don't want to change anythign on your posts anymore from that point on, until Anet has found out, what the reason for this weird forum bug is and fixed it.

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I believe I've found the cause. I noticed I did not have any issue activating the body field to edit text while using my theme, so I disabled it and found I could no longer click in to edit my post.


This is due to my moving signatures and reactions to the right of the posts. Without the theme, the signature box is overlaying the post body, which does not allow for clicking through it.


* div.Signature.UserSignature.HideImages



![](https://i.imgur.com/ScrriNT.png "")


Since it is overlaying the entire post and positioning its content underneath the post, the transparent, unused area of the box is overlaying the entire post and preventing mouse events and interaction with anything underneath it - like clicking in and editing your post.


They need to either correct this element's dimensions to no longer be the size of the entire post with its contents underneath the post to where its size fits its contents and is positioned underneath the post, or fix mouse event handling to permit clicking through its element.


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> @"Just a flesh wound.3589" said:

> I wonder if it has to do with forum ranking. I noticed it started right after I got a forum rank up notice. I checked on another account and that account can post and edit the new post.


Related to my previous post, your other account is likely able to edit due to not having a signature added to it (if this is the case). As it is not displaying a signature under its post that is overlaying the entire post that prevents clicking in to edit, you are able to edit just fine with it.



In the meantime, anyone with this issue, simply remove your signature for the time being and it should allow you to edit your posts due to no longer displaying on your posts and preventing editing.

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> @StinVec.3621 said:

> > @"Just a flesh wound.3589" said:

> > I wonder if it has to do with forum ranking. I noticed it started right after I got a forum rank up notice. I checked on another account and that account can post and edit the new post.


> Related to my previous post, your other account is likely able to edit due to not having a signature added to it (if this is the case). As it is not displaying a signature under its post that is overlaying the entire post that prevents clicking in to edit, you are able to edit just fine with it.



> In the meantime, anyone with this issue, simply remove your signature for the time being and it should allow you to edit your posts due to no longer displaying on your posts and preventing editing.


This actually works... You can also activate the "Always hide signatures" on your settings if you don't want to simply delete yours.


Such a shame we cannot use the signature feature because of this bug tho.

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