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A single Weaver in your team is like playing in 4 from start


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> @Chaith.8256 said:

> I think you mean 'Revenant'. Probably some positive tweaks to Weaver on Tuesday I'd pose as an educated guess :)


And by Revenant you mean Core Revenant and Renegade. Power Herald is still preeeetty decent.


But yeah, Weaver is good and viable, and after those Spellbreaker and Scourge nerfs (and hopefully some Mirage shaves) is going to be even better.

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Power Rev (Herald) is only decent in really good hands, vs teams that are collectively "ok" as opposed to "good." I'm a terrible rev, and I played it for 2-3 matches yesterday for a change, and was killing scourges 1v1 easily, barely taking any pressure. That shouldn't be happening. Yet on my scourge later on, I downed the same rev 3 times 1v2 against him and a druid (I'm not amazing at scourge either, I enjoy and am thus far better at core necro). As a general rule, Rev and even Druid are bad to have on your team, and I would take a capable cele weaver over them anytime.


Most of thief's damage comes from auto attack. Thief does not have unlimited initiative; auto attacks, mobility and "waiting out stuff" are an important in managing it. So, unless you're constantly faced with or against terrible thieves (which is completely plausible), I don't see how anyone could arrive at the opinion that thief's auto attacks are lacking.

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> @Sunshine.5014 said:


> You know what's funny? Druid right now is 3x better than Ele at being a bunker and disengage. Try chasing a druid with all their movement skills. They have more of that than RTL, with lower cooldown. And their healing is top of the game. Druid healer is meta in Raid, not D/D Ele. Combined, they fit your "OP" description perfectly.


> So, when will ANet nerf that?


> Enjoy the video that made D/D Ele (in)famous. The result is

> * RTL nerfed (reduced range, double cooldown, can't be casted mid air).

> * Lightning Flash nerfed (reduce range and no more stun break).

> * Mistform nerfed (can't cast heal during it anymore).

> * Cleansing fire nerfed (no more stun break)

> * Basically all the utilities that were used in the video.


> The post that popularized D/D Ele.

> https://forum-en.guildwars2.com/forum/professions/elementalist/Guide-Mastering-the-D-D-ele-7-15-13


> Some people really need a history lesson.


Compared to the balance standards and power level of professions for the first year after release all specs now (even core specs) are ridiculously OP.

Average time to kill was much longer ("like Ether Renewal was the go-to healing skill" - long), so eles had the time to play out all the combos and really benefit from having the additional weapon skills. There was less CC and less stun break / stab. There were less conds and cond remove. There were less boons and boon remove. There was less mobility. Hybrid damage was a thing.

Back then Ele was very strong. Although D/D wasn't a superior damage dealer, it's sustain + might stacking usually prevailed in the long run. By past standards, ele's boon application, healing and condition removal was top notch.

In sPvP, at it's prime, D/D ele basically filled any role - it could successfully push and hold points, decap, +1, 1v1, team fight and support. There also was no viable counter afair. To say it was nerfed just because of video is a bit short sighted.


Were some things over-nerfed? Possibly.

Do core skills fare badly vs expansion skills? Many do on many professions.

Has the shift in meta and the overall power creep favored D/D ele's playstyle? No, sadly not.

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> @Arheundel.6451 said:


> 1. The animations are stupidly slow, like you have time to fly from New York to Sidney before a weaver finishes his auto-attack or use a dual skill

> 2. The damage is abysmal , your dual skills do as much dmg as a thief AA..but you use same zerker amulet...how this makes any sense is beyond me


PFFFF HAHAHAHAHA he thinks thats bad looooooool


did you ever tried to PvP with a GS as a reaper ? even more slow... even less dmg.... and necros dont even have the utility to make up for it...


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> @Zoltreez.6435 said:

> > @Arheundel.6451 said:

> >

> > 1. The animations are stupidly slow, like you have time to fly from New York to Sidney before a weaver finishes his auto-attack or use a dual skill

> > 2. The damage is abysmal , your dual skills do as much dmg as a thief AA..but you use same zerker amulet...how this makes any sense is beyond me


> PFFFF HAHAHAHAHA he thinks thats bad looooooool


> did you ever tried to PvP with a GS as a reaper ? even more slow... even less dmg.... and necros dont even have the utility to make up for it...



Weaver has utility? color me surprised

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> @Razor.6392 said:

> > @Zoltreez.6435 said:

> > > @Arheundel.6451 said:

> > >

> > > 1. The animations are stupidly slow, like you have time to fly from New York to Sidney before a weaver finishes his auto-attack or use a dual skill

> > > 2. The damage is abysmal , your dual skills do as much dmg as a thief AA..but you use same zerker amulet...how this makes any sense is beyond me

> >

> > PFFFF HAHAHAHAHA he thinks thats bad looooooool

> >

> > did you ever tried to PvP with a GS as a reaper ? even more slow... even less dmg.... and necros dont even have the utility to make up for it...

> >


> Weaver has utility? color me surprised


We can make water sprout from ennemies. And die.

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