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Add WvW incentive to win : Server week victory => 1x Legendary Insight (Reward System)


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Anet could consider adding a weekly reward on the winning server of T1 of 2LI and 1LI for winning servers in every other tiers. Only people who had the diamond chest unlocked at the end of the week and on the winning server will be granted a LI. 1LI/week in T2/3/4 and 2LI/week in T1. This will not break the raid content as 1LI/account/week would take 3years to get the required LI to get a full legendary armor set on any T2/3/4 server and 1year 1/2 for a T1 server and would not remove any of the pre-requirements to unlock raid chest of envoy armor. Also it will give incentive to play and boost WvW activity and incentive for player to go to try for few raids also weekly. Your thoughts.

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The "winning" part of the match is very rarely related to the "being active" in WvW. You can be active many hours every day, killing enemies, capturing objectives, defending and being overall very useful but your server still loses the match. Why? Because after you go to sleep group of 5 enemies from other side of the world come to WvW and will take every objective in every map, and then these will upgrade automatically for hours and hours. Once you join WvW again next day, your server owns nothing and has lost the match by Sunday. Should EVERYONE in one server REALLY be awarded for having nightcrew and EVERY PLAYER in other server be punished (by NOT giving them as many rewards) for NOT having large nightcrew?


There are also large WvW Guilds that would like to raid and fight enemies but no enemy is to be found in any map, so they take few undefended keeps and log off. How exactly should these large raiding Guilds be active every day when pretty much only activity available is going afk at the spawn?


The server ahead in current match already gets more pips, which is unfair even now and should be removed.

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> @Offair.2563 said:

> Lets give server stackers another reason to overstack a server.


Exactly, what this guy said!


You can't make it even more rewarding for players to make it not fun for others. The reasons servers rather lose than win is simple. If the server wins then they get to face off against 2 times or more population and coverage then they can handle. **THAT'S JUST NOT FUN AT ALL** for these servers. It's probably fun for the servers players purposely stack on for free stomps.


Everything needed for ANet to balance the servers populations is there. It's just that ANet wants to monetize rapid server transfers, at any and all costs, that's all. There is nothing stopping ANet from balancing the populations out other than the need to squeeze more money out of players. Thus we get to look at the results of those labors, right here.




It's super obvious at this point that these guys are financially struggling something fierce. That they have to stoop to such unfair market tactics. http://massivelyop.com/2017/08/07/ncsoft-q2-2017-financials-blade-and-soul-console-guild-wars-2-drops-again/

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brb, transferring to BG.


But tbh, I don't think any extrinsic rewards for winning weekly will ever be a good idea. What we need is some intrinsic rewards (i.e. some kind of leaderboard somewhere, a platform to trash talk (I mean 'constructive post game discussion') opponents (important), or a badge or aura your server can wear for a week, or anything really). Once in a while we can get a competitive tournament for some extrinsic rewards.


But with this temp linking, no one will ever care for their server. :/

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> @Ayrilana.1396 said:

> WvW has its own version of legendary armor. There’s no need to include that of other game mode’s and devalue the effort that it takes to earn it in that game mode. Your suggestion would just reduce any incentive for players to do raids.


Exactly why EOTM should not get pips.

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