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Upcoming Balance Update

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> @"Omar Aschi Popp.7496" said:

> > @Burnfall.9573 said:

> > > @"Reaper Alim.4176" said:

> > > > @Chaotic.9742 said:

> > > > Glad there’s Destiny to play in the meantime...

> > >

> > > I'm glad there is Smite, Eve Online, and ESO to play in the meantime. Made some amazing progress on my ESO account.

> >

> > Warframe, Dota 2, B&S, SWTOR, LOL, Paragon-Epic Games......

> >

> > FFXIV is one of the main game many of us former gw2 players are playing: always welcome to join :)

> > Friendly and healthy community and environment: you will not be disappointed.

> >

> > alas,

> >

> > **Competitive games the way to go** ^*^

> >


> What's elder scrolls like from your opinion?


> This is the only mmo I ever played, 5 years now and I think I'm finally hitting my limit not just with the game but the company, the community and even these forums.


> I need an alternative but I do not like change.


Then don't play ESO.


You will be faced with multiple grinds. In terms of gear and champion point grinds.


ESO is not casual at all. Casual zerglings mass complain on the forums all day every days about a group of 2 or 4 players. Who are using proper terrain, gear, rotations, and consumables, across all classes being able to 2 or 4 v 20 them and kill all 20.


ESO have more spammable skills however because of it's resource system. If you mindlessly spam your skill you'll have no resources to do anything and then you die.


ESO is PvP balanced meaning PvEers most of the times suffer from those balance issues.(Nerfs)


In light of the situations between the two MMORPGs at this current date. Most of my time gets poured into ESO, and very very little of it into GW2 atm.


To end this statement. I would not recommend ESO to any GW2 players. The two MMOs are pretty much polar opposites in all areas at this point and time. Meaning if you enjoy the gameplay GW2 got going for it now. Then you would absolutely hate what ESO has to offer. You would more than likely buy the game, and then in less than 2 weeks time figure out you hate it. This goes for most if not all of the current GW2 players.


Oh yeah I forgot to add....


ESO Sub option makes the game very very convenient to monthly subscribers.


In ESO you can not buy or convert crowns to gold or buy ingame gear or weapons. You have to grind for them yourself.

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> @Zedek.8932 said:

> Let's be honest, and I am speaking out of experience: The whine on the forums will shift regarding the cahnges that will bee made.

> It's like a carrousel and it keeps spinning and spinning.


> Excelsior.


Not everyone here is complaining about whatever the changes that haven't even been made yet, may be. In fact very few are I'd say. The issue for many runs far deeper than this single point in time. I, and I'm sure many others, do get your point but "you cant please all the people all the time" is another way of putting it, but you also cant tar everyone with the same brush.


EDIT: och, maybe I'm just reading to much into what you said.

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> @Malafaia.8903 said:


> If the devs don't want to support pvp game modes, just shut it down, make a pure pve game, be honest with your audience.


implying PVE is balanced? lol, there is an entire class excluded from high end content, not now, not last year... It's been 5 fucking years of "no necros allowed"

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> @"Reaper Alim.4176" said:

> > @"Omar Aschi Popp.7496" said:

> > > @Burnfall.9573 said:

> > > > @"Reaper Alim.4176" said:

> > > > > @Chaotic.9742 said:

> > > > > Glad there’s Destiny to play in the meantime...

> > > >

> > > > I'm glad there is Smite, Eve Online, and ESO to play in the meantime. Made some amazing progress on my ESO account.

> > >

> > > Warframe, Dota 2, B&S, SWTOR, LOL, Paragon-Epic Games......

> > >

> > > FFXIV is one of the main game many of us former gw2 players are playing: always welcome to join :)

> > > Friendly and healthy community and environment: you will not be disappointed.

> > >

> > > alas,

> > >

> > > **Competitive games the way to go** ^*^

> > >

> >

> > What's elder scrolls like from your opinion?

> >

> > This is the only mmo I ever played, 5 years now and I think I'm finally hitting my limit not just with the game but the company, the community and even these forums.

> >

> > I need an alternative but I do not like change.


> Then don't play ESO.


> You will be faced with multiple grinds. In terms of gear and champion point grinds.


> ESO is not casual at all. Casual zerglings mass complain on the forums all day every days about a group of 2 or 4 players. Who are using proper terrain, gear, rotations, and consumables, across all classes being able to 2 or 4 v 20 them and kill all 20.


> ESO have more spammable skills however because of it's resource system. If you mindlessly spam your skill you'll have no resources to do anything and then you die.


> ESO is PvP balanced meaning PvEers most of the times suffer from those balance issues.(Nerfs)


> In light of the situations between the two MMORPGs at this current date. Most of my time gets poured into ESO, and very very little of it into GW2 atm.


> To end this statement. I would not recommend ESO to any GW2 players. The two MMOs are pretty much polar opposites in all areas at this point and time. Meaning if you enjoy the gameplay GW2 got going for it now. Then you would absolutely hate what ESO has to offer. You would more than likely buy the game, and then in less than 2 weeks time figure out you hate it. This goes for most if not all of the current GW2 players.


Yeah but can I pick berries and kill bandits and not have to deal with massive mechanic/game /visual alterations?


Are there safe spots? I need something in the fantasy realm but more like hobbit shit and less anime.


Also than you for honest reply.

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> @Ayakaru.6583 said:

> Everyone who is upset with the wait..

> Do you want a half-baked pie, or a properly baked pie?


lol whaaaaat?

A better analogy would be; we get a 1/8 baked pie, every 3 months until the next expansion where upon finally reaching done, Anet over bakes it and starts a new flavored pie.

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> @"Omar Aschi Popp.7496" said:

> Yeah but can I pick berries and kill bandits and not have to deal with massive mechanic/game /visual alterations?


> Are there safe spots? I need something in the fantasy realm but more like hobbit kitten and less anime.


> Also than you for honest reply.


Sure. I'm a super casual ESO player. Over three years in the game and I have yet to max out one horse, quest in every zone, max all crafting disciplines, or hit the Champion Point cap. GW2 claims the lion's share of my MMO time. The aesthetic is very different from GW2 -- grittier, more photorealistic in some ways, harder to spot things in your surroundings. There are huge cities and towns that are plenty safe to hang out in, as well as places out in the world that you do have time to stop and take screenshots in. The lore immersion is much higher, the world more coherent and alive feeling. But the grind, omg. There's a reason I only have one main who's hit level cap. And jump physics are fail. Armor has a lot of sameness to it, too, with useless pointy pauldrons and floating hip pads and tubular skirts.


OT: Balance changes seldom bother/excite me much, since I almost never really build a character to exacting specifications. But it does sound like the timing on this one is off if it'll throw the PvPers that far off their game. Hopefully they can adapt on the fly.

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Sounds like it's time to hand out job apps Gaile. Seems like we have a lot of people here that can run a company better than your peeps... They do this in my restaurant too lol. Seriously, thanks for the announcement. I trust this company and will continue to spend money on your product. I don't need you to run all of your changes by me :)

Once the balance update roles on the 7th I'll be happy to post my feedback if I feel the need.


P.S. I love that you use the word "shenanigans." It is sooo under-utilized.

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> @Loosifah.4738 said:

> > @OriOri.8724 said:

> > This is disappointing. I can't believe that Anet is willing to wait so long between balance patches, especially considering the patches, when we do get them, are tiny except for a once a year patch that is decent sized (and that's it, its just decent. We haven't received a major balance patch in years). This is not acceptable ANet, not at all.


> It's been 5 weeks and the last week has been full on Halloween festival. Have some patience

> Granted they are generally pretty slow about implementing balance changes; it's a brand new expansion and they've been doing a lot of break fixes lately regarding the expansion.


> I would personally rather them actually look into all of the classes and get a good handle on the changes needed before they push out the balance patch. That way we don't end up with one class getting hit with major nerfs while everyone else get's buffed.




The problem is that we are waiting 6 weeks for a balance patch that ultimately, based on their past behavior, won't really change all that much in teh game, and then we are going to have to wait another 3 or 4 months before we get another patch. I am willing to wait fro a balance patch, and I was hoping that after PoF dropped they would take the time to implement quicker balance patches, which meant a significantly smaller patch, but one that went out pretty damn quickly after release. However this 6 week mark lines up pretty closely with Anet's 3-4 month balance schedule, so that dream went out the window with this announcement.

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> @"Super Hayes.6890" said:

> Sounds like it's time to hand out job apps Gaile. Seems like we have a lot of people here that can run a company better than your peeps... They do this in my restaurant too lol. Seriously, thanks for the announcement. I trust this company and will continue to spend money on your product. I don't need you to run all of your changes by me :)

> Once the balance update roles on the 7th I'll be happy to post my feedback if I feel the need.


> P.S. I love that you use the word "shenanigans." It is sooo under-utilized.


Nice ad hominous.


Nobody here ever even remotely implied they could do better or close. What people are complaining about is that they ARE professionals who CAN do better than us, but somehow delivering unprofession results and choosing to do so.


If someone at your restaurant says "hey my steak is overcooked" that didnt mean they know HOW to cook a steak and think they can do better. But because they eat steak on the regular and can tell your cook half-assed it.

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> @psizone.8437 said:

> That's disappointing considering PoF and the new elites came out over a month ago and there's a good deal of bugs and broken skills in game.


I know right. it is almost as if those forms of changes are time-consuming and as if fixing values and code for bugged skills is complicated and stuff. If I were you, I would get serious about this and send Anet a message. Maybe a boycott. That's it, a boycott, yes, boycott the forums.


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> @coglin.1496 said:

> > @psizone.8437 said:

> > That's disappointing considering PoF and the new elites came out over a month ago and there's a good deal of bugs and broken skills in game.


> I know right. it is almost as if those forms of changes are time-consuming and as if fixing values and code for bugged skills is complicated and stuff. If I were you, I would get serious about this and send Anet a message. Maybe a boycott. That's it, a boycott, yes, boycott the forums.



Don't be a shill.


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It awesome how Anet hotfixes pve builds within days, a la firebrand (thanks for letting me waste gold) but takes weeks to acknowledge pvp issues. It's also lovely that they don't just split skills instead of needing across the board. Lastly, I love the acknowledging a soul is bugged then "fixing" it by completelY changing the functionality instead of fixing the bug. Top notch.

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~~I would gladly trade a well polished patch that is delayed rather than a mess of bugs and ill-thought out changes for these 'community' outcries about poor balancing from backseat pseudo-game developers (aka forum troglodytes). ~~

Blah, nevermind, you all will complain regardless. Looking forward to reading all the teary-eyed posts about how bad the balance team is next week, boys!

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> @coglin.1496 said:

> > @psizone.8437 said:

> > That's disappointing considering PoF and the new elites came out over a month ago and there's a good deal of bugs and broken skills in game.


> I know right. it is almost as if those forms of changes are time-consuming and as if fixing values and code for bugged skills is complicated and stuff. If I were you, I would get serious about this and send Anet a message. Maybe a boycott. That's it, a boycott, yes, boycott the forums.



This seems a bit too dramatic of a response to my comment. Have fun with that.

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> @Darknicrofia.2604 said:

> What an absolute joke.


> Balance batch once per quarter, no balance patch with expansion, new balance patch same day as new pvp season.


> Are the balance team seriously patting themselves on the back for "5 sec cooldown reduction" "balances" every 4 months? Job well done, let's go grab a drink for the next 16 weeks?


Why is this so accurate? xD

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My "unfounded expectations" are that it will actually be an intelligent, substantive, and effective balance pass that employs bold yet common sense solutions to firmly solve problems and raise the viability of clunky, underpowered, and unwanted professions/skills/traits/builds in all content areas, in particular by intelligently splitting PvE and WvW/PvP into seperate balance zones.


As someone with twelve years of experience with Anet's balancing, let me tell you: expectations don't get much more wildly unfounded than that.

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