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I think GW2 is the first real AAAA MMO Title! (That's QUADRUPLE A BROS!)

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I think a lot of us here like GW2. Some around here don't. That's fine. They're allowed to have a terrible opinion. But one thing I saw recently is some new player questioning whether GW2 is good enough to be a AAA MMO. I'm going to prove them wrong. I'm suggesting GW2 be the first AAAA MMO in the history of computers!


1) A dedicated dungeon team that works both raids and dungeons would be nice. Seriously. Re-tool some old dungeons to use modern mechanics and add one or two new dungeons to the PoF maps. Not asking for a lot here...

2) A PvP team dedicated to fixing PvP balance and making team-based play great again would be nice. And we need a Warsong Gulch/Capture the Flag PVP mode always available. Wintersday only isn't acceptable. And give us some real competitive PvP. PvP!

3) A small team that meets occasionally to Make Guilds Great Again! Guild halls aren't enough. We need better missions, incentives to play together, and more levels for the guild hall.

4) A reason to stay in PoF maps. Add some worthwhile meta events already! Right now I'm bored out of my mind.


That's why I think GW2 is a AAAA MMO. What makes GW2 a AAAA MMO to you?

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> @Chickenooble.5014 said:

> 1) A dedicated dungeon team that works both raids and dungeons would be nice. Seriously. Re-tool some old dungeons to use modern mechanics and add one or two new dungeons to the PoF maps. Not asking for a lot here...


*cough* REWARDS. Who wants to experience 'modern mechanics' if you still get old and outdated skins with useless stats and other junk stuff? Srsly.




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If an AAA title is around 70€, and I have spent over 150€ on it... It's a AAAAAA plus title for me.


I am very picky with the games I play and my five year old Steam library contains 5 games I purchased myself. That speaks volumes already that I stick to and enjoy GW2 so much.



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The next logical higher step from an AAA game would be basically an S Game, or if you want to keep it in the A realm, then basically an AAA+ Game

GW2 is far away from ever gettign to see such a rating.


By its current state, ive not even call it an AAA game, but just an AA to AA+ game


For me has to happen first these point,s until Id call GW2 worthy of beign an MMORPG with AAA to AAA+/S Rating


- Balance finally the 90% of the rest of the Combat System, that has been ignored for 5 years

- Rework the Underwater Gameplay and reintegrate it completely in a viable way with own masteries, rebalanced skills, own underwater traits and content, that makes actually usage of the underwater gamepay (3rd WvW borderline map based on underwater gameplay, underwater themed maps in PvE, an underwater pvp map, underwater stronghold map)

- Complete Rework of the Dungeon Content and actually continuing on adding also new Dungeons, like for example those old GW1 Dungeons reinvented for GW2, the GW1 dungeons actually felt alot more like dungeons, than the gw2 ones..realyl sad how the content design degenerated here from GW1 to GW2

- Improvement of the Fractals of the Mist Mode, by adding new content in form of alot of interestign new Fractal Mode Forms that make usage of the massive potential that FotM has in regard of content design freedom, like Heroic Fractals (Bonus Mission Pack Style), like Dungeon Crawlers (climbing a 100 stock tower fractal that is each tiem different when you enter it), Hunting Grounds that are more like Farm Territories Monster Hunter Style, for real bounties to hunt there, that are rewarding, Guild Crusades as new fractal based unique guild missions that are a mixture betwen Wvw gameplay, fotm and general PvE, content design for aroudn like 50-100 people of a guild to do in instanced maps in the mists, Battlegrounds fotm based invasion maps for huge battles of epic scale to take place on there and os on, FotM is this games raw gem, and anet makes so less usage of it, its realyl sad, that fractals is since its implementation just the same borign stuff, where you do always the same thigns in them, when there could be done so miuch more with this gameplay element.

- Implementation of helpful QoL things and long wanted features, like a Build Template System, Player housing,including a rework if the personal instance system to allow players there to build up their very own houses with the assets of the guild hall system beign shared for this for decorations ect. for where it makes sense

- Implementation of the missign content stuff, that should have been in the game already from day 1, like Polymock and alot of other Town activities, i.e. Minigames to keep peopel attracted to actualyl go visit every now and then all those towns.. AMnoon shows, that towns can have now their very own events, all other towns should have the same treatment now

- Implementation of more weapon types through Elite Specializations, the game just provides the generic weapon types every other compareable mmo out there typically provides as well. Id love to see more exotic weapons in GW2 beign useable, like Whips, like Chakrams, stuff, that makes GW2 truly shine out of the mass and more unique, givign this way more of a reason to rate this game AAA or even higher, if a developers even goes so far to add more exotic weapons into their game, which usually never find their way into games like these

- Adding at least the Tengu as new playable race and making throgh their their regions and the hometown as explorable. in a true AAA and higher mmo shoudl be everythign you can see and reach in the pve part of th game also explorable too. It has been enough time of isilation for the Tengus.. how much longer should they live like birds in their own made cage?? A true AAA mmrpg shows, that they can also add later through expansions new playable races and this in such a good what ,that after their implemention the race should feel, as if it would have been always from begin on already part of the game. A true AAA game can implement new playable races in such a way.


Just to name some of the more important thigns that come up my mind, when brainstormign over this topic, surely could come up with more point,s but the ones i listed up here are already good enough to show, how much the game is away for me personally to be called an AAA game, unless these thigns are done, fixed and added

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> @Nereikia.3507 said:

> Am i the only person here who got the joke? :D

> > @SkyShroud.2865 said:

> > Ehh....

> >

> > So you list out problems and then you rated it AAAA, how does that works?


> Well, every problem on the list begins with 'A'.


Don't worry, I got what the OP was doing too. Not sure many read past the title

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> @battledrone.8315 said:

> the casual open world is the best in the business IMO

> 430 mio hearts in 5 years supports that

> sadly, they have spent too many resources on niche content and dead ends

> and every new elite only makes the problem bigger

> they made the best burgers in town..until they decided, to stop..

430m hearts is very little when divided by the amount of accounts. Not sure what you are talking about. I thought the stats were catastrophic if you take 5min to do the math and see how much it is per player.

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> @Orpheal.8263 said:

> The next logical higher step from an AAA game would be basically an S Game, or if you want to keep it in the A realm, then basically an AAA+ Game

> GW2 is far away from ever gettign to see such a rating.


> By its current state, ive not even call it an AAA game, but just an AA to AA+ game


> For me has to happen first these point,s until Id call GW2 worthy of beign an MMORPG with AAA to AAA+/S Rating


> - Balance finally the 90% of the rest of the Combat System, that has been ignored for 5 years

> - Rework the Underwater Gameplay and reintegrate it completely in a viable way with own masteries, rebalanced skills, own underwater traits and content, that makes actually usage of the underwater gamepay (3rd WvW borderline map based on underwater gameplay, underwater themed maps in PvE, an underwater pvp map, underwater stronghold map)

> - Complete Rework of the Dungeon Content and actually continuing on adding also new Dungeons, like for example those old GW1 Dungeons reinvented for GW2, the GW1 dungeons actually felt alot more like dungeons, than the gw2 ones..realyl sad how the content design degenerated here from GW1 to GW2

> - Improvement of the Fractals of the Mist Mode, by adding new content in form of alot of interestign new Fractal Mode Forms that make usage of the massive potential that FotM has in regard of content design freedom, like Heroic Fractals (Bonus Mission Pack Style), like Dungeon Crawlers (climbing a 100 stock tower fractal that is each tiem different when you enter it), Hunting Grounds that are more like Farm Territories Monster Hunter Style, for real bounties to hunt there, that are rewarding, Guild Crusades as new fractal based unique guild missions that are a mixture betwen Wvw gameplay, fotm and general PvE, content design for aroudn like 50-100 people of a guild to do in instanced maps in the mists, Battlegrounds fotm based invasion maps for huge battles of epic scale to take place on there and os on, FotM is this games raw gem, and anet makes so less usage of it, its realyl sad, that fractals is since its implementation just the same borign stuff, where you do always the same thigns in them, when there could be done so miuch more with this gameplay element.

> - Implementation of helpful QoL things and long wanted features, like a Build Template System, Player housing,including a rework if the personal instance system to allow players there to build up their very own houses with the assets of the guild hall system beign shared for this for decorations ect. for where it makes sense

> - Implementation of the missign content stuff, that should have been in the game already from day 1, like Polymock and alot of other Town activities, i.e. Minigames to keep peopel attracted to actualyl go visit every now and then all those towns.. AMnoon shows, that towns can have now their very own events, all other towns should have the same treatment now

> - Implementation of more weapon types through Elite Specializations, the game just provides the generic weapon types every other compareable mmo out there typically provides as well. Id love to see more exotic weapons in GW2 beign useable, like Whips, like Chakrams, stuff, that makes GW2 truly shine out of the mass and more unique, givign this way more of a reason to rate this game AAA or even higher, if a developers even goes so far to add more exotic weapons into their game, which usually never find their way into games like these

> - Adding at least the Tengu as new playable race and making throgh their their regions and the hometown as explorable. in a true AAA and higher mmo shoudl be everythign you can see and reach in the pve part of th game also explorable too. It has been enough time of isilation for the Tengus.. how much longer should they live like birds in their own made cage?? A true AAA mmrpg shows, that they can also add later through expansions new playable races and this in such a good what ,that after their implemention the race should feel, as if it would have been always from begin on already part of the game. A true AAA game can implement new playable races in such a way.


> Just to name some of the more important thigns that come up my mind, when brainstormign over this topic, surely could come up with more point,s but the ones i listed up here are already good enough to show, how much the game is away for me personally to be called an AAA game, unless these thigns are done, fixed and added


Hello poster.


I'm the OP. While I appreciate your points I disagree with your assessment. GW2 is already a AAAA game and just because you *think* it's some other, lesser, designation doesn't make it so. This game is definitely one of the best in the market, perhaps the world, and even China and South Korea can't replicate the greateness of the game. A lot of what you listed is fluff and unnecessary. Really, not even a AAA because there's no Tengu? If they added Tengu then it'd be a AAAAA game.

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> @Malediktus.9250 said:

> The thing is the ratings are not based in comparison to other games.

> Say you are in school and get 20 out of 100 points in a test, but everyone else in your class gets even less points. You would still get an F- instead of an A+.

Nah, an A+ is a 100. GW2 is an AAAA, which is effectively something like a 388-400 grade. If it was perfect it'd be an A+A+A+A+ or (A+^4)



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