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You can't possibly be serious?


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You should take a look at the NCsoft financial report and the revenues of Guild Wars 2 in the last quarter. Its not like they are making huge revenues with GW2, quite the opposite is true. They probably had the order to release Path of Fire off schedule and this messed up the patch release timings. At the current point, I am happy that we're getting a balance patch at all - given that the changes made actually improve the game experience. They could have also just delayed the start of the season by a couple of weeks - we've had longer breaks between seasons in the past. So if the choice is to have the season start right away or another couple of weeks of waiting I'd go with the first option to be able to work on my ascension.

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I actually don't have too big of problem with it. Anything glaringly bad they could conceivably hotfix. Otherwise you generally need several weeks to see get a good picture of the result of balance change and that means overlap with the pvp season. And yes of course they should have a test server to test things before they go live but we are five years in that ship has sailed. We are there testers.

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> @"Mr Godlike.6098" said:


> Even if it was today ZERO of our feedback would have any impact on anything cause next balance update would be still AFTER season 9. It was like this in past, it's now and it will be till death of gw 2.



As disappointing as it is, this is the truth.


Once they ship it, they ship it, even if its broken or too weak. The next one is in 6 months.

Grit your teeth, jump in a duel room, figure out what works and what doesnt, then go try the ladder climbing.


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> @crewthief.8649 said:

> > @Strages.2950 said:

> > Yes, its annoying that there was no time in between to adjust, but you all are acting like you've been slapped and then spit on. Jeez, take a chill pill.

> > I'd rather have a late patch than a kitten patch.

> I think it's easier just to be a drama queen.


The majority of players also think it is easier to cry for nerfs than it is to actually put in the work needed to adapt, so that checks out.



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> @"Azure The Heartless.3261" said:

> > @crewthief.8649 said:

> > > @Strages.2950 said:

> > > Yes, its annoying that there was no time in between to adjust, but you all are acting like you've been slapped and then spit on. Jeez, take a chill pill.

> > > I'd rather have a late patch than a kitten patch.

> > I think it's easier just to be a drama queen.


> The majority of players also think it is easier to cry for nerfs than it is to actually put in the work needed to adapt, so that checks out.




Can certainly seem that way. As we adapt the playstyle changes, one can adapt and do well but still not enjoy the new gameplay. This isn't work, it's a product and clearly there is little faith amongst many(?) that the company is trying or able to keep up their end of the bargain.

It's not really that deep gameplay either so there has to be a fun factor involved.

Of course that is entirely subjective, but to diminish others subjective experience, however misguided, is not helpful in the long run.

The less ppl play pvp the worse (probably) it will become. I've all ways believed that in mmo's buffing and nerfing was used deliberately to encourage ppl to spend more time in game.


If I had a magic wand, it's mm I'd point it at, then game mode diversity. All of the above and so much more though is squeezed into the word 'balance'.

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> @"Azure The Heartless.3261" said:

> > @crewthief.8649 said:

> > > @Strages.2950 said:

> > > Yes, its annoying that there was no time in between to adjust, but you all are acting like you've been slapped and then spit on. Jeez, take a chill pill.

> > > I'd rather have a late patch than a kitten patch.

> > I think it's easier just to be a drama queen.


> The majority of players also think it is easier to cry for nerfs than it is to actually put in the work needed to adapt, so that checks out.




The problem is that the easiest and most effective way to adapt is to do what me and many other players do and just re-roll spellbreaker when you want to win.

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> @ArthurDent.9538 said:

> > @"Azure The Heartless.3261" said:

> > > @crewthief.8649 said:

> > > > @Strages.2950 said:

> > > > Yes, its annoying that there was no time in between to adjust, but you all are acting like you've been slapped and then spit on. Jeez, take a chill pill.

> > > > I'd rather have a late patch than a kitten patch.

> > > I think it's easier just to be a drama queen.

> >

> > The majority of players also think it is easier to cry for nerfs than it is to actually put in the work needed to adapt, so that checks out.

> >

> >


> The problem is that the easiest and most effective way to adapt is to do what me and many other players do and just re-roll spellbreaker when you want to win.


So, to avoid having to adapt, you either call for nerfing the class you cannot beat or play the class you cannot beat?


what if both of those groups get what they want?

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> @"Azure The Heartless.3261" said:

> > @ArthurDent.9538 said:

> > > @"Azure The Heartless.3261" said:

> > > > @crewthief.8649 said:

> > > > > @Strages.2950 said:

> > > > > Yes, its annoying that there was no time in between to adjust, but you all are acting like you've been slapped and then spit on. Jeez, take a chill pill.

> > > > > I'd rather have a late patch than a kitten patch.

> > > > I think it's easier just to be a drama queen.

> > >

> > > The majority of players also think it is easier to cry for nerfs than it is to actually put in the work needed to adapt, so that checks out.

> > >

> > >

> >

> > The problem is that the easiest and most effective way to adapt is to do what me and many other players do and just re-roll spellbreaker when you want to win.


> So, to avoid having to adapt, you either call for nerfing the class you cannot beat or play the class you cannot beat?


> what if both of those groups get what they want?


Just seeking clarification. If everyone stuck to whatever class they liked and adapted that may or may not be be fine. As that is not the case however and the 'meta' is influenced by perception, uncontrollable team comps and what others play the most, amongst other things then;


Can every single class be adapted to potentially get top spot, or even top ten, in every meta?


How much time would one need to invest and is the time needed beyond what many can invest?


Is it possible that one particular skill could be so overturned that no amount of adapting can counter it by every class in the meta at the time?


Does adapting included multi classing, duo queuing, etc?






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Like i said in another thread, i'd rather have that than deal with a set "meta" and the same 3 builds running rampant off the bat. At least we'll have some diversity, if only for a small amount of time, until everyone figures the new fotm, that's when the game is the most fun.


I mean, its not going to be balanced either way.

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> @troops.8276 said:


> Can every single class be adapted to potentially get top spot, or even top ten, in every meta?


Yes. Certain builds might not work but every class usually has a combat viable build.


> How much time would one need to invest and is the time needed beyond what many can invest?


This is not a question I can answer in any respect.


> Is it possible that one particular skill could be so overturned that no amount of adapting can counter it by every class in the meta at the time?


Yes. Note that whenever this happens though, the majority of complaints are to nerf the _entire class._ Often with detailed lists about what core traits should be gutted.


> Does adapting included multi classing, duo queuing, etc?


Yes. If you cannot fight a certain comp on one class, by all means explore using another. This is not mandatory and certainly should not be a last resort though. Duo queuing will help you until legendary rank.





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> @"Azure The Heartless.3261" said:

> > @ArthurDent.9538 said:

> > > @"Azure The Heartless.3261" said:

> > > > @crewthief.8649 said:

> > > > > @Strages.2950 said:

> > > > > Yes, its annoying that there was no time in between to adjust, but you all are acting like you've been slapped and then spit on. Jeez, take a chill pill.

> > > > > I'd rather have a late patch than a kitten patch.

> > > > I think it's easier just to be a drama queen.

> > >

> > > The majority of players also think it is easier to cry for nerfs than it is to actually put in the work needed to adapt, so that checks out.

> > >

> > > > >

> > The problem is that the easiest and most effective way to adapt is to do what me and many other players do and just re-roll spellbreaker when you want to win.


> So, to avoid having to adapt, you either call for nerfing the class you cannot beat or play the class you cannot beat?


> what if both of those groups get what they want? .


Playing the class I can not beat is not avoiding adapting, it is adapting, and it is simply the most efficient and effective way to adapt. If both groups get what they want then people like me who are only playing spellbreaker to remain competitive can likely go back to the class they enjoy playing while not being stuck with the handicap of not being a spellbreaker. People who want to play spellbreaker can also continue to do so but will need to actually play with some skill instead of bashing their face against the keyboard to win.


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> @ArthurDent.9538 said:


> Playing the class I can not beat is not avoiding adapting, it is adapting, and it is simply the most efficient and effective way to adapt. If both groups get what they want then people like me who are only playing spellbreaker to remain competitive can likely go back to the class they enjoy playing while not being stuck with the handicap of not being a spellbreaker. People who want to play spellbreaker can also continue to do so but will need to actually play with some skill instead of bashing their face against the keyboard to win.


Yes, exactly.

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Since PvP feedbacks don't seem to be taken into consideration, I guess we have to adapt, as last resort. It doesn't mean it should be the way to go.

If everybody was adapting, there would be no need for balance. Would it be great or sad ? I guess it depends.


To me, it would be sad. I think every profession should have a competitive spec. I'm a player first, I enjoy my profession. I'm not a competitor first, that would play the strongest build of the moment. If I'm forced to switch to something I don't like, to avoid being extremely frustrated because of giant gaps between professions, then I would play another game.


Unfortunately, GW2's PvP is a rare bird that doesn't require gear grinding, has interesting mechanics and fun specs. That's why I'm vocal about balance. This game has a lot of good points. It's just the awful balance and extreme power creep that are in the way for this game to be almost perfect.


By the way, if we talk about balance, "adaptation" posts should be removed for being off topic. :)

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Anet: to clarify we are aiming for November 7 for our balance update patch


Players: why not sooner?!?!?!?


I mean, these things do take time and the testing does reduce bugs that make it to live. An expansion came out, they were rushed getting it out on time. Clearly, we will benefit from waiting for them to make their own deadline.


In other words, keep calm and carry on.

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> @"Azure The Heartless.3261" said:

> > @troops.8276 said:


> > Can every single class be adapted to potentially get top spot, or even top ten, in every meta?


> Yes. Certain builds might not work but every class usually has a combat viable build.


> > How much time would one need to invest and is the time needed beyond what many can invest?


> This is not a question I can answer in any respect.


> > Is it possible that one particular skill could be so overturned that no amount of adapting can counter it by every class in the meta at the time?


> Yes. Note that whenever this happens though, the majority of complaints are to nerf the _entire class._ Often with detailed lists about what core traits should be gutted.


> > Does adapting included multi classing, duo queuing, etc?


> Yes. If you cannot fight a certain comp on one class, by all means explore using another. This is not mandatory and certainly should not be a last resort though. Duo queuing will help you until legendary rank.






Thanks man. I suppose the time one's a silly question, like asking how longs a piece of string.

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