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What's the future of raids in GW2?


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Raids are the best thing that has ever happened in PvE of GW2. Finally we got challenging endgame PvE content.

But I'm wondering what's the future of this mode. I mean. Most players need big rewards for doing hard things. Right now we got e.g legendary armor which seems to be a good prize. But what's next?


In the most mmorpg's its easy, cause they regularly add eq with better and better stats. And players feel rewarded cause they gain unique items. But GW2 works differently - this game isnt able to do it this way. So what awaits us?


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Yea, WOW's gear rewards did give you something to shoot for as it was the best (sometimes only) way to upgrade your toon but the RNG could at times be complete hell. I do find that with GW2 the rewards are lacking a tad but as I have mentioned before raids in this game are in the diaper (nappy) stages really. They have a long way to go and I hope for only good things to come out it. Sure, some may suck, but you have to take the good and the bad. ;)

Really hope they do bump up some sort of reward though, or give 'em a reward track maybe?

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> @meeflak.9714 said:

> > @Sephylon.4938 said:

> > We'll see once the next raid wings are released. My guess is new leg armor skins and some new wepon skins or something along those lines.


> Unfortunately they said they have no intention on making new legendary armor sets


:/ Maybe non leg armors specific to raids then?

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> @meeflak.9714 said:

> > @Sephylon.4938 said:

> > We'll see once the next raid wings are released. My guess is new leg armor skins and some new wepon skins or something along those lines.


> Unfortunately they said they have no intention on making new legendary armor sets


No intention of making new leg armour doesn't mean no intention to improve current to make it more shinny and attractive right :p :p :)

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They could add a legendary back item in Raids.

There is one in Fractals, one in PvP and one in WvW so adding a back item to the next Raid would cause the least amount of complaints, plus give raiders a new shinny to work towards. Plus the usual boss-exclusive weapon skins like all other Raid bosses have.

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Probably more raid unique skins, just more fights which allow people to achieve higher LI per week and maybe (though I don't believe this to be the case) a legendary trinket.


I don't think we'll be seeing to much legendary loot locked behind raids. Arenanet already added ways to get legi armor via spvp and wvw. Which while more time consuming for wvw and more locked out time wise for spvp, is basically just a mindless, skillless farm leaving only the skins to be unique to raids.


The main issue as was mentioned is: GW2 does not increase its item level. While other games with raids devalue your work by making items obsolete, here we can't do that (yet). It's a boon and a curse at the same time which allows people to take breaks though.


I like the fact that even if you have all 3 legendary armors you can get cheap ascended armor for 25 LI (but let's be honest, by the time you have 3 legendary armors you are likely swimming in ascended anyway).


I think raids will remain mostly a challenge and less a gear or loot focus part of the game.


As far as gold rewards, current raids reward over 30-50g per week in gold loot alone (4g bug) and a ton of rares and exotic items. That's more then enough gold loot.

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> @Kheldorn.5123 said:

> Let's see... raids already switched from HC content into weekly farm. Sellers are standard occurance in LFG. Low manning becomes more popular.


> Sounds like dungeons.


Its not something new. This is how raids works in the most mmorpg's. At the begining its hard but as time goes on it gets easier and easier. What's good in GW2: raids are easier because of player's skill, not items with better stats :) That's why its important to develop regularly this kind of content. New wings, rewards etc etc. New challenges

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> @Xar.1387 said:

> Its not something new. This is how raids works in the most mmorpg's. At the begining its hard but as time goes on it gets easier and easier. What's good in GW2: raids are easier because of player's skill, not items with better stats :)

Balance team also has a major role in this. Bosses go from "alright" to afk faceroll to "alright" almost every patch.

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> @TheRandomGuy.7246 said:

> > @Xar.1387 said:

> > Its not something new. This is how raids works in the most mmorpg's. At the begining its hard but as time goes on it gets easier and easier. What's good in GW2: raids are easier because of player's skill, not items with better stats :)

> Balance team also has a major role in this. Bosses go from "alright" to afk faceroll to "alright" almost every patch.


Not really. Every type of content will get easier over time once people grow accustomed to it.


Even if they were to up the difficulty, people would still adapt. This is visible in every game and every type of content.


The powercreep with PoF obviously made content overall easier. That doesn't change the fact that there is now people who have been raiding for over 2 years having sufficient time to adapt allowing them to rush through content.

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> @Zenith.7301 said:

> They could start with improving the gold payouts. It's pathetic how little raids pay for the effort they take. Putting t6 materials and leather/cloth/metal/wood boxes for trade for magnetite shards would also be nice.

This, and I think they really need to make repeatedly killing bosses over a week at least pay for food costs. Give 1g per repeat kill at a minimum so people are able to help their friends out and not get in the red. I will send ANet a really big box of cupcakes if anyone seriously tries farming 1g repeat rewards over crazy money/mat-faucets like SW/F40.

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Well depends.


If raids keep good numbers, attract people, and get them to spend money in the store, then more will be made. I'd wager they may or may not gate anything behind the raids, I would wager mainly cosmetics in the future, with more glowing particle effects.


If raids are not pulling in the numbers, or if the metrics show they are not profitable, we might get some announcement that they are on hiatus like so many other things that got shelved because they were not deemed a viable RoI, like Dungeons, G2 Legendary weapons, and.. well fractals sat for years with almost not development at all.

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I'd guess a legendary trinket will be the new thing to go for. I got my legendary armor the day it was available and have raiding for the experience ever since without caring too much about the rewards so I won't go for the trinket most likely if it's stupidly expensive. Getting together with static group once a week is nice way to spend time.

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As far as the exclusive rewards go, with a ton of skins and a legendary armor Raids already have really good rewards. Possibly even too good. Still, i do agree that the monetary rewards could be better. Especially for repeats - if someone is willing to help others out after they are already done their weekly raid allotment, then the rewards should at the very least cover the food/utilities cost.

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